Chapter 567 The Crushing Victory

Countless people stood up in shock, especially Zhan Kong, who was lying on the edge of the duel field to watch what happened on the duel field. The appearance of Qinglian Domain shocked Zhan Kong quite a bit.

"How is this possible? How could he know the domain? This cannot be the domain." Mu Zhuoyun yelled.

Although there is no evidence to prove it, no matter how you look at it, it can be seen that what Mo Fan used may really be the fire domain, and it is still very powerful.

The ice that Mu Yuang released from the ice tendrils left on the field was all evaporated for a while, and Mu Yuang couldn't even release any magic.

Mo Fan was surrounded by a huge green lotus, and the field of green lotus covered the duel field. Countless ground fires erupted, and the ground was extremely hot. No matter how fast Mu Yuang was, he couldn't run away, let alone the suppression of the fire in the center of the earth. Already has the space attribute, even if he wants to run out of the duel field, he can't run out.

Domains are only attached to soul-seeds, and not all soul-seeds have domains, only soul-seeds bred by heaven and earth can have domains, and the strength of domains is uncertain.

Now a novice sorcerer actually possesses a domain, and this blue flame, so that everyone can see that it is not comparable to ordinary fire.

"What kind of flame is this?" Xu Dahuang asked Li Wei.

Xu Dahuang was so envious that his eyes were red. How could Mo Fan have such a powerful soul fire? Xu Dahuang was also very clear about Mo Fan's situation. Having such a soul fire was definitely given to him by Li Wei.

"This is Qinglian's heart fire." Li Wei said without concealing it.

"Qinglian's heart fire? What a Qinglian's heart fire, looking at the blooming green lotus around Mo Fan, it's probably not just good-looking, it's estimated that any attack will help him offset it. Such an attribute is really good." Zhan Kong continued after hearing Li Wei's words.

Since Zhan Kong wanted to win over Mo Fan, how could he not know about the situation in Mo Fan's family, and Li Wei had gained such a great name among hunter mages, Zhan Kong also knew something about it.

In Zhan Kong's eyes, Li Wei is definitely not such a simple middle-level mage. He may be at the same level as himself, or even stronger. Zhan Kong is sure of this, but Li Wei gave Mo Fan such a powerful fire-type soul. Kind of, this is something that Zhan Kong couldn't even think of.

"Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire is the concentrated fire in the Earth's core. It takes ten years to become a spirit, a hundred years to form, and a thousand years to achieve great success. The fire that Mo Fan absorbed has been conceived for at least ten thousand years." Li Wei glanced at the ugly face. Mu Zhuoyun said.

And Li Wei's unabashed words naturally reached Mu Zhuoyun's ears, and Mu Zhuoyun couldn't believe it. Is such a soul-seed still a soul-seed?Even the Mu family might not be able to find the soul-seed that has been bred for thousands of years.

"Ten Thousand Years Soul Seed?" Zhan Kong's face changed. Such a thing might drive the fire mages all over the world crazy.

"That's amazing. Then Mu Yuang wanted to release ice magic, but he couldn't release any of it. It seems that this field rejects other magic." Xu Dahuang saw something.

"Well, it seems to be like this. I didn't expect to have such an attribute. It seems that the repulsive force is so strong that Mu Yuang can't even release a single star." Zhan Kong looked at and said.

"Brother Fan is really good, haha, Mu Yuang is going to be in trouble now." Zhang Xiaohou started to shriek in front of Mu Bai and others.

Mu Bai also looked like a beeping dog, who would have thought that Mo Fan would have such a great opportunity, and the anger of Qinglian made them jealous and envious.

"Haha, you can't release magic. Now let you know that your magic armor, which can defend against fire magic, is useless." Mo Fan said in a whisper, and under the control of his mind, the armor on Mu Yuang's body Immediately, blue burning flames appeared on the magic equipment, and the magic armor equipment and the magic equipment on the feet began to burn.

In embarrassment, Mu Yuang pulled off the magic equipment on his body, and when it landed, it turned into a blue flame and burned to ashes. This situation made Mu Yuang's face pale.

"The magic armor that defended the fire system was turned into ashes by the fire, and this Qinglian's heart fire is too powerful." Xu Dahuang sat next to Li Wei and became jealous again.

"Mu Dasha. Do you still want to fight? If you don't fight, admit defeat, or I will burn your underwear!" Mo Fan shouted at Mu Yuang with a look of embarrassment.

"Haha, this kid is very appetizing to me. I have to find a way to bring him into the military mage. It's best to bring this mysterious Li Wei here too." Zhankong laughed, and he had already begun to think of this thing.

Where did Mu Yuang dare to make a move? Facing such crushing strength, he already knew that he was defeated. He was completely defeated and had no chance of turning around. As long as Mo Fan wanted to, he could burn him to death in minutes. ash.

But Mu Yuang knew that he couldn't be defeated because he had a reason why he couldn't. Thinking of this, Mu Yuang turned his eyes and said to Mo Fan: "Put this flame away quickly, I can't hold on anymore, you Want to kill me?"

Mu Yuang began to pretend to be pitiful, and he still pretended to be decent. Everyone fell down, looking very painful. This situation shook the inexperienced Mo Fan, and Qinglian's inner fire formed The green lotus domain slowly shrunk, and finally the green lotuses that bloomed on Mo Fan's body also closed together, and finally disappeared into Mo Fan's body.

"Give me death!!"

When Mo Fan's Qinglian heart fire was put away, Mu Yuang jumped up all of a sudden, and the ice tendril level 3 was sent out instantly, directly blasting towards Mo Fan.

"Stupid, don't you know that the freezing speed of ice magic is slow, and it will give the opponent a chance to counterattack?"

Mo Fan was also taken aback, but his reaction was very fast. Qinglian's heart fire field erupted again, and the rapidly frozen ice tendril was captured by the formation in an instant. Mo Fan also punched out angrily, knocking Mu Yuang was sent flying, and although he didn't kill him, it also made him unconscious.

Moreover, Mo Fan's punch was filled with Qinglian's inner fire, and it hit Mu Yuang's face, leaving a scorched mark directly, which disfigured his handsome face.

"This is the number one master of the Mu family? It's okay to ignore such a number one master." Zhan Kong stared at Mu Zhuoyun and said, then turned and left.

Mu Zhuoyun was so enraged that all the tricks and schemes failed so badly. If it wasn't for the fact that there were so many celebrities present, he probably couldn't bear it anymore.

A duel made Mo Fan famous. At the same time, because of this duel, Principal Zhu of the Magic High School won Mo Fan the opportunity to enter the Holy Spring to practice, which made Mu Zhuoyun even more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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