Chapter 570 Two Choices
Xinxia was pushed forward by Li Wei, and the survivors followed closely behind Li Wei, but at the moment they were all very scared.

Even if Li Wei is a mage, he is only alone. If he encounters a group of demons, they will be very dangerous, and even Li Wei may abandon them and run away.

Before walking up the corridor, a troll mouse appeared in front of everyone.

Before Li Wei made a move, the group of survivors behind Li Wei had already started screaming and wanted to run back, and only Xinxia trusted Li Wei very much, even if she was pushed ahead by Li Wei , she didn't have any fear.


Li Wei let out a low cry, without even moving his hand, the troll mouse that had just emerged was instantly ignited, and was burned to ashes before it even had time to scream.

"Brother Li Wei is so powerful." Xinxia has seen Li Wei's methods before, but this time he is so straightforward and neat, which still makes Xinxia admire him very much.

"It's dead, that monster was killed by the mage." A survivor exclaimed, and after finding out that Li Wei had killed the troll mouse without any effort, he immediately chased after him excitedly.

With the protection of such a powerful mage, why should they worry?Thinking of this, the group of survivors naturally chased after him very excitedly, fearing that if they ran a step slower, Li Wei would just disappear in front of them, leaving them no chance to follow Li Wei to escape to the safety barrier.

The IQ of the troll mouse is not high. The moment they saw Li Wei and others, they rushed up without hesitation, as if they were going to eat Li Wei and others.

It's a pity that none of these troll rats can get close to Li Wei and others. As long as there is a move to rush up, Li Wei's eyes flash red, and all the troll rats will be burned to ashes.

In this case, countless troll rats died in Li Wei's hands. These troll rats all followed Li Wei. After Li Wei destroyed the tunnel under the girls' high school, they chased them all desperately. As a result, they all died under Li Wei's strange fire.

Everyone walked out of the underground supermarket and saw that many places in the city were destroyed by monsters, which made them feel a lot of sadness. The most important thing now is to go to the safety barrier as soon as possible, so as to ensure safety.

"Xinxia, ​​how does that wolf look? Shall I capture it as a pet for you." Li Wei suddenly pointed to the Blue Winged Wolf far away.

The position of the Blue Winged Wolf and everyone is still very far away, but because of its huge size, and because it is standing on the tallest building in Bo City.

As a leader-level monster, the Blazblue Wolf has the ability to command a race. The monsters raging in Bo City are basically brought here by the BlazBlue Wolf.

"Brother Li Wei, stop joking, let's hurry to the safety barrier." Xinxia said to Li Wei.

Commander-level monsters, in the entire Bo City, only the army leader Zhan Kong has the strength to fight him a few times, but it is very difficult to defeat him. Xinxia's demon class is very good, so she is very familiar with Commander-level monsters It's terrifying, and the Blue Wing Wolf is obviously not those small commanders, but the level of a big commander who commands a big monster clan.

"I'm retreating this time, and I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Although I have prepared jade charms for you, the safety measures are still a bit poor. This wolf here is not bad. I will catch you as a pet for a while." Li Wei shook his head, then smiled at Xinxia.

Li Wei let go of the hand pushing the wheelchair and walked forward, the aura on his body was released. This was the third year that Li Wei came to this world, and he released his strength for the first time.

boom! ! ! !

The whole city of Bo trembled under Li Wei's spiritual pressure, whether it was a human or a monster, whether it was wandering or fleeing or fighting, whether it was a human hiding in the safety barrier, or destroying in the dark. The Black Vatican felt the powerful oppressive ability of Reiatsu at this moment.

The Blue Winged Wolf was standing on the tallest building in Bo City very domineeringly just now, but the next second it was crushed to the ground by the spiritual pressure locked by Li Wei, and the tallest building in Bo City was also crushed at this moment. collapsed.

"All the monsters in Bo City, you are limited to leave Bo City within 1 minute, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!!"

Li Wei's voice spread throughout Bo City, both demons and human beings heard Li Wei's voice, and the demons trembled, and rushed away after hearing Li Wei's voice. He became irritable due to the potion mixed in the rain, but at this moment he was frightened by Li Wei's spiritual pressure.

The spiritual pressure goes straight to the soul. In this case, they feel as if they are facing a god. The oppression of that level is no longer comparable to that of a small commander.

"The monsters are running away, damn it, who the hell is that? With such a strong strength, why don't you kill all these monsters." Seeing this, Zhan Kong was furious.

As the leader of the military mages of Bo City, he felt very guilty for not being able to prevent the monsters from invading Bo City, and his hatred for monsters was also very strong. With the appearance of such a powerful person, Zhan Kong saw hope, but Li Wei Actually driving away the monster instead of killing it made Zhan Kong even more angry.

"Do you want to go? Am I letting you go? Come here!!" Li Wei stretched out his hand and grabbed the void. At this moment, the huge blue-winged wolf seemed to be caught by an invisible hand and dragged abruptly. Pulled over.

How can the Blue Winged Wolf still have that irritable mood at the moment, even if the Black Vatican killed its child, and at the same time, the potion in the rain detonated the mood, plus its own hatred for human beings, all of these can't be compared Little life is important.

Under Li Wei's powerful spiritual pressure, the fear in the BlazBlue Wolf's soul was magnified infinitely. In front of such a divine mansion, it was just a weak puppy.

The Blue Winged Wolf was abruptly dragged to a certain place, basically all the mages in Bo City who were fighting or fleeing saw it, even the members of the hidden Black Vatican also saw it.

"What the hell is that? How could there be such a powerful method? Could it be that there is a super mage in Bo City?" Mu Yuang stood on a building with a member of the Black Vatican, watching the scene where the Blazblue Wolf was being dragged away, His legs were shaking with fright.

The Blue Winged Wolf's struggle had no effect at all, and was pulled abruptly in front of Li Wei by Li Wei. Looking at Li Wei, its whole body was trembling, trembling with fear.

"I'll give you two choices now, to become Xinxia's pet, or I'll skin your cramps." Li Wei said to the Blue Winged Wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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