Chapter 575 The Time-honored Hunter Club
At this moment, several disciples of the Dongfang family had fallen into the curse trap set up by the wanted criminals. Under the attack of the curse trap, they were all lost in one fell swoop.

The attacks of the curse system are not very flexible, and there is only the evil spider's trap in the middle-level magic, but once you fall into the evil spider's trap, it is very difficult to get out.

At this moment, none of the disciples of these eastern families could even cast magic. They were trapped by the evil spider and continuously absorbed their souls, causing them to suffer great pain and at the same time they were powerless to resist.

"Quick, Li Wei, kill him." Tangyue said to Li Wei.

Although Tangyue is also ashamed of these family disciples who are not optimistic about the behavior of oppressing ordinary hunter mages, but in this case, as a judge in the trial meeting, Tangyue is still obliged to save these people who have fallen into the trap of evil spiders. Disciple of the Eastern family.

Tangyue herself has no ability, but she believes that Li Wei has this ability. Up to now, Tangyue has not figured out what the bottom line of Li Wei's strength is, but at least it is not a mid-level mage who can compete, but an ordinary high-level mage Also, the BlazBlue Wolf is a good proof.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I want to wait until these arrogant guys are dead, but since Miss Tang has spoken, then forget it." Li Wei pouted slightly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the murderer was surrounded by A flame appeared and enveloped him.

what! ! ! !

The screams rang throughout the forest, and within a second, the screams disappeared, and the murderer was also burned to ashes.

"What kind of flame is this?" Tangyue couldn't have imagined that Li Wei didn't even move, and a flame appeared around the murderer and wrapped him around him. Moreover, as a fire mage, Tangyue could clearly feel the unhappiness of that flame. generally.

"The Flame of the Void." Li Wei said nonchalantly, and then walked out.

Tangyue followed quickly. Seeing that the disciples of the Dongfang family were still under the attack of the evil spider trap, she knew that it would be very difficult to save them. Even Tangyue herself had no choice but to look at Levi.

"You don't want that spiritual seed anymore?" Li Wei said, looking at the rosy tinder.

"They... Forget it, you can save it if you want." Tangyue didn't even think about it.

Li Wei is not a member of their Judgment Council, and his strength is still so powerful. With all kinds of extraordinary flames, Tangyue can't order Li Wei to do anything. diaphragm.

Tangyue walked towards the position of the fire-type spirit-seed. Looking at this fire-type spirit-seed, Tangyue began to refine it. This fire-type spirit-seed was of great help to her, at least it could make her fire-type magic Improve at least twice the power.

Li Wei looked at these people from the Eastern family and gave up without even thinking about it. Does the Eastern family have anything to do with him?It is estimated that when he wants to establish a summoning family, the Eastern family will probably put pressure on him because he is jealous of his summoning jade token.

"At that time, I'd like to see which family takes the lead." Li Wei smiled slightly.

Li Wei is not a good person, a cultivator goes against the sky, if someone dares to attack a cultivator, and his strength is too weak, then no matter how powerful he is, he will be uprooted by a cultivator. Uprooting, how many people's eyes were shocked by Li Wei's thought?
Tangyue absorbed the fire-type spirit-seed, and only then looked this way. Li Wei leaned against a tree and dozed boredly, while those disciples of the Eastern family had already died under the magic of the curse-type.

Tangyue sighed in her heart, she didn't have anything to say about Li Wei's behavior, she greeted Li Wei and left here, and Tangyue also separated from Li Wei at the station and went back to the court to report.

Li Wei flew back to the magic city alone, and at this moment Li Wei no longer retreated to practice, but was going to see if there were any hunter tasks in the magic city for him to do.

The hunter guild in Shanghai is many times larger than that in Bo city. Here Li Wei saw a large number of hunters looking for tasks, and more of them were some huge hunter teams.

Hunters have always been in groups, and a single hunter is basically the best among hunters. Under normal circumstances, if a hunter wants to perform various dangerous tasks, he must have a lot of helpers, and naturally there will be a lot of helpers. An uneven team of hunters.

"Sir, your hunter level is not very high, and you can't accept many tasks, so my suggestion to you is to find a hunter team to join, so that you can better receive the tasks you want. For example, the missions you chose to hunt down commander-level monsters." The female receptionist in the Hunter's Guild said to Li Wei calmly, but the surprise in her eyes still betrayed her calmness.

Commander-level monsters, are they hunted and killed if they want to?Not to mention the strength of the commander-level monsters, there are definitely many warrior-level and servant-level monsters around the commander-level monsters. As long as the commander-level monsters call, they will definitely rush over like a tide.

This situation is absolutely hopeless, even a high-level mage cannot hunt and kill a commander-level monster in this situation, unless a super-level mage comes.

But not every super mage is so powerful, only those super mages who are proficient in using super magic have such a possibility.

And these ultra-level mages are all high-ranking, and they basically don't come to do such hunting tasks. These hunting tasks are basically only done by those large hunter teams, and a single hunter cannot accept them at all.

"Is that so? Then is there any good introduction to the hunter team?" Li Wei didn't care about joining the hunter team anymore. Didn't Li Wei join the urban monster hunting team when he was in Bo City?

At the beginning, it was about greed. After all, it was a waste of time to run in the wild, but now my strength has recovered a lot. With the speed of my own escape, I don’t care about the wild and the city anymore. It’s just that if there is no hunter team, then if you want to do the task, you can do it. It's not easy, many tasks are not accepted, and Li Wei is not interested in those trivial tasks.

"The Qingtian clubhouse is recruiting hunters. You can go and have a look. The Qingtian clubhouse is an old hunter clubhouse in Shanghai. If you can join, then you have a chance to accept the tasks you just saw." The female receptionist flipped through Said after some information.

"Okay, give me the address." Li Wei left after getting the address.

The veteran hunter team naturally has a very strong background, and Li Wei needs such a background, so that there will be no restrictions on taking any missions.

(End of this chapter)

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