Chapter 581
The emperor has hunting missions, and it is such a hunting mission with unknown information. Li Wei looked at it and was a little interested. The most important thing is that Mo Fan is going to the imperial capital as an exchange student. Such a coincidence happened. Li Wei also stopped by the imperial capital to have a look.

Li Wei naturally felt the prosperity of the Demon City. After being a hunter inside and outside the Demon City for a period of time, Li Wei had already made it very clear. Although not every alley was very clear, at least those The bustling places are very clear.

Mo Fan was also very happy to hear that Li Wei was going to take Xinxia outside the imperial capital to practice and do hunter hunting missions, because he could also participate, but he had to wait until the exchange students had finished.

With Li Wei leading the team out of the city, Mo Fan is not worried at all. Others may also worry about the danger. After all, if one accidentally steps into the demon tribe, even a high-level mage will have to rest, and a super-level mage leads If it is a team, it is also very dangerous. Once it encounters a monster of the monarch level, it will also be wiped out.

And those who are very confident in Li Wei's strength, Mo Fan is very aware of his own strength even if he has Qinglian's Heart Fire, let alone Li Wei does not only have Qinglian's Heart Fire.

Mo Fan told his two leading teachers that Li Wei and Xinxia's family members were going to the imperial capital for hunter hunting missions, and that Li Wei had the strength of a super mage.

Not everyone knows about Li Wei's stay in Bo City. At least Mo Fan doesn't think that Li Wei has the strength of a super-level mage, and he must be above the super-level. Be convinced.

"Mo Fan, are you serious? Your eldest brother is a super-level mage?" Zhao Manyan asked Mo Fan.

Even Mù Nujiao, who heard Mo Fan's words, looked over. Although there are super-level mages in the family, it is unexpected that ordinary disciples like Mo Fan also have super-level mages. No wonder Mo Fan's strength is so strong.

"My brother's strength is amazing, Old Zhao, didn't you see me using Qinglian's heart fire to hang Xinsheng? That Qinglian's heart fire was given to me by my brother." Mo Fan startled.

Sure enough, it’s still a slut’s taunting, which makes other people very speechless towards Mo Fan. This guy likes to twitch, but his Qinglian’s heart fire is indeed very violent. Mo Fan, who took the route of a violent mage, went quite successfully. , and Qinglian's heart fire gave Mo Fan a great boost.

"Really? He's going out of the city to do a hunter mission? What about your experience? Do you want to go with them?" the team leader asked Mo Fan.

"Is this a problem? I think my brother is here, even if he only makes a shot at a critical moment, it is enough to protect our safety. His fire magic is definitely very strong." Mo Fan said.

"Let's think about it first." The two leading teachers said, and at the same time asked Mo Fan to invite Li Wei to get acquainted.

Although it is said that the college does not arrange teachers to follow, which will bring great hidden dangers to the safety of the students, but if family members have to do hunter tasks, then it is still possible to accompany them, and you can also explain the situation so that the hunter will not be too serious. Participate more in the training of the students.

Every time the college experiences externally, death is not a strange thing. Outside the safe world, even super-level mages are not sure what will happen. Therefore, it is common sense for this group of students who only have the strength of mid-level mages to be in danger. So it depends on their abilities.

The next day, Li Wei came with Xinxia and Lingling. They were invited. In addition to watching the competition between the two universities of the Imperial Capital and Mingzhu, they also had to lead the team to practice.

In this situation, Li Wei was very skeptical about how Mo Fan persuaded the two academies to agree to let him lead the team. However, leading the team is one thing, and experience is another thing. In the case of experience, Li Wei can only watch but not make a move, unless the student is in fatal danger.

Li Wei can still agree to this, his strength naturally does not need any experience, the main training is Xinxia, ​​the other students don't care, and Li Wei agrees to lead the team, naturally let Xinxia join the training team Here, and the little girl Lingling also joined in. She said that she came here for experience, not as a nanny.

Li Wei agreed to this situation very indifferently, and today he did not go to practice, but came to the academy to watch and learn from each other.

Students from the two schools of Pearl Academy and Imperial Capital Academy began to compete.

Li Wei looked meaningless, even Lingling was the same. Sitting next to Li Wei, he didn't even watch these exchanges. Without Mo Fan playing, there was no fight at all, and the fights were not good at all.

The first game came down after the defeat of the Pearl Academy, and Li Wei saw that Mo Fan played, not only Mo Fan played, but also Mu Ningxue, a student of the Imperial Capital, also played.

"Hey, I wonder if Mo Fan will be forced to use Qinglian's heart fire domain for this guy who loves and kills each other." Li Wei smiled when he saw this.

"It's Sister Xue." Xinxia also saw Mu Ningxue, and seemed to be very happy.

"Fall in love and kill each other?" Lingling looked over gossipingly when she heard this.

At this moment when the two sides are on the stage, Mu Ningxue took the lead, probably knowing the strength of Mo Fan. In the field of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Mo Fan can almost crush all middle-level mages.

"Big Wife, do you want to use all your firepower as soon as you enter the stage?" Mo Fan looked at Mu Ningxue's ice magic and smiled wryly.

The entire field was frozen in an instant, and Mo Fan's teammates were caught in the trick. Even the strong Mù Nujiao could only protect herself. The other two were eliminated in an instant, and they were all Freeze on.

"It's amazing, Goddess Mu is doing her best." The students of the Imperial Capital Academy all exclaimed, even the teachers admire Mu Ningxue's ice magic. Such ice magic control is enough to disdain most of the students in the Imperial Capital. Yes, even a top existence.

"It's amazing ice magic, but Mo Fan can handle it?" Lingling didn't know that Mo Fan had Qinglian's heart fire from Li Wei. Although he knew the relationship between Mo Fan and Li Wei, but Because I have been researching seeds with Li Wei recently, I don't pay much attention to Mo Fan.

"Brother Mo Fan looks like he's about to lose." Xinxia looked at the venue and said.

Mo Fan's fire magic is struggling to resist the ice chain's attack. In this case, Mu Ningxue's teammates are basically not needed to help. It can be seen that Mu Ningxue crushed everything by himself.

"It seems that we can't do without Qinglian's inner fire." Mo Fan didn't expect Mu Ningxue to be so powerful. Except for Mù Nujiao relying on the defense of the plant system, the other two were beaten down, and Mù Nujiao also It has become unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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