Chapter 585 Reconnaissance Information
Li Wei looked at all this, but did not make any votes. The boys who were frightened by the commander-level monsters didn't need to say anything at all. Could it be that they wanted to comfort them like a nanny?Li Wei didn't have this idea.

"Okay, since you guys want to quit, let's divide up." Mo Fan said to these people.

In short, it is impossible for Mo Fan to quit. With Li Wei and Blazewolf around, how can a small leader scare you like this?What else do you practice?
In fact, even without Li Wei and Blue Winged Wolf, Mo Fan can be sure that he will not be afraid, and it is not the moment of death, so what is the commander-level monster who is afraid of even a bird and everyone is afraid of it?Survey if you can survey, give up if you can't survey, give up before taking action, isn't this too timid?What kind of mage is this?Otherwise, you can't come out if you hide in the city.

Mo Fan's direct contempt made the members who proposed to leave feel a little ashamed and angry, and almost half of the people on Mo Fan's side did not want to leave. Coupled with the protection of Li Wei and Blue Wing Wolf, they all Felt a bit embarrassing indeed.

"Have you made a decision? Once you've made a decision, hurry up and do your tasks." Li Wei said to everyone.

The consciousness covered the city. Li Wei had already seen everything in the entire deserted city. A commander-level demon led a small group. Although there were a lot of them, they were already scattered in various places. If there were no commander-level monsters The meat-winged giant lizard summoned, and those giant lizards would not easily gather together.

Lingling looked at these people with contempt, but she didn't say anything. Lingling's seed ability can detect the situation within a radius of a kilometer, and she knows that the vicinity is quite safe. From this point, one can know that in the huge deserted city, the monster The number is not very large, they should be scattered in various regions, not dense branches, so why worry about it?As long as they don't provoke that commander-level demon, then they will have nothing to do.

In the end, everyone found a place to stay and stopped. After Lingling's survey and confirmed that there was no danger, they began to prepare for the mission.

"Boss, aren't you going on a mission with us?" Mo Fan asked Li Wei.

Li Wei came to protect them. If they were not in danger, Li Wei would not act, but if they did not follow them and they were in danger, how would Li Wei protect them?

"Go ahead. If you don't put some pressure on you, what kind of experience is that? And even if I'm here, I can still protect you." Li Wei shook his head and said.

"Hmph, pretending." Liao Mingxuan expressed his disdain for Li Wei.

Even though Li Wei is very strong, but Li Wei is Mo Fan's elder brother, this makes Liao Mingxuan not take Li Wei seriously, this kind of mage who grew up in a greenhouse has never seen a cruel market.

"It seems that you are very dissatisfied with me?" Li Wei looked at Liao Mingxuan and said.

"Isn't it? Who do you think you are? Even a Forbidden Curse Mage wouldn't dare to say that we can protect us who are thousands of meters away here." Liao Mingxuan cursed directly.

Lu Zhenghe opened his mouth to say something. After all, Li Wei is the super mage that the dean said. Even though Li Wei doesn't have any big family behind him, Lu Zhenghe never thought of treating a super mage like this. A mage has the dignity of a super mage.

"Then when you get there, I'll send you to hell." Li Wei closed his eyes and meditated directly, not caring what this guy said at all.

"Boss, don't compete with such idiots. These idiots who have never seen the world know how powerful you are. Let alone thousands of meters, you can protect us even tens of thousands of meters." Mo Fan said to Li Wei .

"Go, go, do your tasks quickly." Li Wei was speechless to Mo Fan's words. He didn't know if he was helping himself or taking the opportunity to mock Liao Mingxuan and the guys who wanted to retreat before, anyway. Li Wei felt that this guy chattered endlessly with his mouth, no different from Tang Seng.

Liao Mingxuan was very angry. Not only was he threatened by Li Wei, but even Mo Fan was mocking him. How could a genius like him not be angry?
"Stupid, don't you know that when Li Wei caught the Blue Winged Wolf, the Blue Winged Wolf was thousands of meters away from him, and those who couldn't escape or resist were caught by Li Wei? Commander-level monsters like Winged Wolf are not inferior to the flesh-winged monitor lizard we saw before. The distance of several kilometers is also within the attack range of Li Wei, and there is no commander-level monster, let alone the monster we are facing. It's just some slave-level or warrior-level." Lingling said.

Lingling has of course searched for Li Wei's situation. After all, Li Wei was able to produce such a magical thing as a seed, which naturally made Lingling wonder who Li Wei is.

However, according to the information found by Lingling, the only place where Li Wei appeared was Bo City, and nothing else could be found, as if there was no information at all before Li Wei appeared in Bo City.

This makes Lingling feel very discouraged, as if her intelligence gathering ability has no advantage at all, but Lingling still finds out the information that Li Wei captured the blue wing wolf and gave it to Xinxia.

Several thousand meters away, Li Wei managed to capture the Blue Wing Wolf just like that, without giving the Blue Wing Wolf any chance to resist. This is enough to show how fierce Li Wei is.

And Li Wei can catch the blue-winged wolf thousands of meters away, so what about protecting them thousands of meters away?Moreover, Li Wei was not by their side, but it gave them a sense of danger, otherwise when Li Wei was by his side, everyone would be laughing and laughing without any atmosphere of experience.

Hearing Lingling's words, those who didn't know about Li Wei's situation were all stunned, their eyes were full of disbelief, and they all felt that Lingling was lying. Is this something a super mage can do?They absolutely do not believe it.

"Hmph, you have to have a certain degree of deception. Do you think we will believe such an exaggerated situation?" Luo Song was the first to disbelieve Lingling's words.

However, they all knew that Li Wei was very powerful, so there was no need to provoke Li Wei excessively. Under the leadership of Lu Zhenghe, they left towards the survey point, leaving Li Wei alone.

No one in the team was injured, and naturally there was no need to stay for a rest. Except for Li Wei who was meditating alone, there was not a single monster here, and it quickly fell into silence.

Mo Fan and the others explored carefully all the way, not very fast, after all, they did not dare to attract the attention of too many monsters, otherwise they would be too busy to walk around.

"We're here." Song Xia said to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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