Chapter 589

"Big brother."

Lu Zhenghe hastily shouted at Lu Nian while winking at him constantly.

Lu Zhenghe has always regarded his eldest brother as an idol, not only because Lu Nian is a high-ranking mage, but also a military mage and commander.

Lu Nian's strength is not comparable to that of the students in the academy. It is cultivated in the fight with monsters. Such strength is at least the best among high-level mages, let alone a group of mages under him. Loyal military mage.

"Who is Mo Fan?" Lu Nian said after glancing at Lu Zhenghe with a slight frown.

Lu Nian's goal, of course, was Mo Fan. Mo Fan's innate dual-element talent was exactly the best experimental subject Lu Nian needed now, so he showed his purpose without any hesitation at all.

"Mo Fan? You left a mark for him?" Li Wei glanced at Lu Nian, then at Lu Zhenghe.

Lu Zhenghe trembled slightly. He knew that something bad was going to happen. The school arranged a super mage in the team, but Lu Nian came here to find fault, and it was Mo Fan's fault. Isn't this uncomfortable?
Thinking of this, Lu Zhenghe immediately pulled Lu Nian and said: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, brother, let's go now and go back immediately."

Lu Zhenghe didn't know that Lu Nian was no longer a military mage, and he was putting all his eggs in one basket for Mo Fan, so why would he leave at this time, but Lu Nian has been fighting monsters all year round, and he is also very eye-catching, so he naturally saw Lu Zhenghe's fear.

"Are you a super mage?" Lu Nian unexpectedly met a super mage here.

And Li Wei's appearance is really too young, so young that even Lu Nian ignores it. How can such a young appearance be a super mage?
"It seems that your purpose is not simple. Tell me, what are you looking for Mo Fan for? Make it clear, I can leave you a whole body." Li Wei stepped forward and said.

Mo Fan and the others saw something strange and took two steps back, while Xinxia and Lingling's pets stood in front of them, ready to fight at any time.

"Super-level mages are not necessarily invincible. Sometimes, super-level mages are also very fragile." Lu Nian waved his hand, and the military mages behind him started to attack.

Formation, this is Lu Nian's trump card against Li Wei, and Lu Nian has been fighting monsters outside all year round, and naturally he has encountered monarch-level monsters, even if he can't kill them, it is still possible to restrain them a little bit, and then escape .

Lu Nian's target was Mo Fan, and nothing else was important. Even if Lu Nian couldn't kill Li Wei at this moment, it was enough to restrain him, not necessarily kill him.

hum! ! !
As expected, the military mages under Lu Nian were all elites. As soon as they made a move, they formed a formation in an instant, sending out magic spells to lock Li Wei up.

Such a magic circle can lock ordinary kings, but it is useless to powerful kings. Looking at Li Wei's appearance, Lu Nian obviously didn't think that Li Wei was the kind of person who could quickly release super-level magic, it was just Just a guy who was lucky enough to become a super-level mage. Even if Li Wei wanted to release super-level magic, he had to go through careful preparations.

"court death!!"

Li Wei let out a low cry, and the spirit pressure erupted instantly, and with a bang, the formation formed only by the middle-level mages was smashed into pieces, and at the same time strangled them together.

A flash of fear flashed in Lu Nian's eyes. He had no idea that Li Wei's strength was so strong, but he had already made a move, so there was no need to hold back.


Li Wei shouted violently, and a pure and substantial murderous aura erupted from Li Wei's mouth. In Li Wei's years of training, he has killed countless creatures, and even more powerful than Lu Nian. Murderous aura The accumulation and use of words are naturally very proficient, and a bloody crescent burst out with one word and rushed to the past.

The bodies of Lu Nian and the others were all intact, but their faces instantly turned extremely pale. Mo Fan and the others in the rear noticed this situation, and within a second, Lu Nian, Lu Zhenghe and the group of military mages all fell down. on the ground.

"Let's go." For such a group of jumping clowns, Li Wei really didn't pay attention to them. They were just a group of annoying flies. Do they need to pay attention?
Bringing Mo Fan and others back to the Imperial Capital Academy, this time the training is over. Although there are two people missing, and none of them died at the hands of monsters, the dean of the Imperial Capital is naturally a little angry and wants to do something to Li Wei. punishment.

"You want to punish me?" Li Wei looked at the dean of Imperial College and said.

Where is Li Wei, whoever wants to be punished can be punished?Even if one or two disobedient students were slaughtered, Li Wei didn't fully take it to heart.

"Lu Nian, forget about people like Lu Zhenghe, what about Liao Mingxuan? Although he provoked you, you can definitely teach him a lesson, so why kill him?" the headmaster of the Imperial Capital said to Li Wei.

The dean of the Imperial Capital is a super-level mage, so naturally he is not afraid of Li Wei. Even if he knows that Li Wei is very powerful, he represents the Imperial Capital Academy, and even the power behind Liao Mingxuan is not something a super-level mage can bear.

"Old man, think carefully when you say this. I am not your subordinate. If he dares to provoke me, so what if I kill him? Isn't he just a Liao Mingxuan? His Liao family is amazing? Or is it your Imperial College?" Great? Believe it or not, I killed you?" Li Wei said in a deep voice to the old dean.

"Old man, don't make trouble, the boss has a bad temper, then Liao Mingxuan will die as soon as he dies, you don't want the whole Imperial College to be turned into ruins, do you?" Mo Fan stepped forward to persuade him.

"Mo Fan, you should tell this old man that Li Wei is not a super-level mage, but a forbidden curse mage. If Li Wei really does it, the entire Imperial College will become history, and I believe that Li Wei really dared to do it. People." Lingling also added fuel to the side.

"Presumptuous!!!" When had the dean of the Imperial Capital ever been provoked like this, his aura had erupted faintly, and he couldn't help it if he didn't teach these guys a lesson.

Those teachers didn't dare to stop them, even the leading teachers of Pearl Academy didn't dare to speak. Li Wei is not from their academy, but just acquainted with Mo Fan. They don't know what angle to look at Persuasion, and Li Wei's strength makes them not qualified to persuade.

boom! ! !
Li Wei's spiritual pressure was released, and a huge spiritual pressure covered the entire imperial capital. Whether it was a super mage or a curse mage, they were all suppressed at this moment, even the court mages were all suppressed forcefully.

"If you want to die, then I don't mind adding an extra life to my hand." Li Wei said coldly looking at the old man in the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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