Chapter 602 Establishment of the Summoning Family

Li Wei wants to set up a summoning family?
As soon as the news came out, countless people were shocked. How is the strength of the armored monster?It can be said that there is definitely a sweeping ability within the same level. Whether it is defense, attack, or speed, the first-class armored monster is the first choice to become a summoned beast.

Many mages are tempted. As long as they can join the summoning clan, they will have a chance to get summoned beasts. How can mages without the summoning system not be tempted?
And the summoning mages all feel that the end of the summoning system has arrived?The summoning jade card invented by Li Wei has given countless mages the ability of the summoning system. This situation has virtually reduced the role of the summoning system. Fortunately, not every summoning system mage majors in the summoning system. But also feel very aggrieved.

Ultra-level mages are also tempted. In a beetle empire, not to mention the emperor-level scarab, but those monarch-level platinum beetles make countless super-level mages jealous, even in a demon empire. There are too many, and these monarch-level platinum monsters are probably only eligible to be owned by super-level mages, which makes many super-level mages have the idea of ​​​​joining the summoning family.

The establishment of an aristocratic family can only be achieved after countless years of trials and accumulation, but Li Wei has created an aristocratic family with his own strength, and it has made countless mages feel excited. How to prevent the great families that have been passed down for countless years from feeling the crisis.

But even so, no matter whether it is the top family in China or countless powerful forces abroad, they dare not say a word that is unfavorable to the summoning family, because Li Wei is too strong. In the face of Li Wei's powerful strength, Li Wei can have no scruples It can be seen from the information collected by the major families on Li Wei that Li Wei does not care about the so-called power. If he dared to kill a family disciple who provoked him in one experience, it can be seen that in the face of strong power, power It's useless, once the establishment of the Summoning Clan is really blocked, Li Wei really dares to do something to slaughter the clan, but in the face of Li Wei's strength, none of these clans dare to say that they can stop Li Wei's attack.

Lingling looked at the hot spot that was once again detonated. The establishment of the summoning family can be said to have moved the hearts of countless mages all over the world. With a big backer like Li Wei and the ability to gain an additional summoning system, who would not want this situation? To join the Summoning Clan, even some unscrupulous people have ideas.

"The last message can be posted." Lingling tapped on the keyboard with both hands, and sent out the screen recording of Li Wei's arrangement of the city formation and experiments.

When the power of the city formation appeared in front of the world, the entire human race was shaken. Countless ordinary people and mages couldn't believe it. The demon empire, which makes human beings helpless, can only stare blankly in front of such an urban formation, how powerful it is.

And the city formation actually has the ability to attack, which makes these people even more terrified. The silver lord of the monarch level and hundreds of white magic eagles were all stunned by the commander. How powerful is the attack ability? do it?
The monster tide sea attack of the Beetle Beetle Empire was also helpless. In the end, the full force of the emperor-level scarab was unable to shake the city formation, which was enough to make countless people feel excited. Is it absolutely safe?At least there is no need to worry about monsters being able to attack the city.

The destruction of Weihe City is already very old news, and Lingling naturally released the history of Weihe City. Weihe City was destroyed by Weihe River, and was slaughtered by countless monsters in Weihe River brought by a flood.

But now who is worried about Weihe?With a large city formation that can resist emperor-level monsters, and the protection of a beetle empire, a Weihe River is no longer enough to threaten Weihe City.

Ordinary people and mages are moved, as are those clans, countries, and countless forces. The strength of the city formation is already unmatched by any city in the world. No city dares to say that it can stop the monsters. Attack, even the capital of every country, once encountered a large-scale invasion of the demon empire, even the capital would be in great danger.

The appearance of the city formation in Weihe City made them think of learning this formation to protect the safety of countless cities.

The number of humans that can live in Weihe City is limited, and it is impossible for all humans to survive. The importance of the natural city formation can be imagined. Even the speakers of foreign countries have begun to discuss how to obtain the city formation from Li Wei. way of establishment.

There is no doubt about Li Wei's strength. No one dares to say that they want to snatch the establishment of the city formation from Li Wei's hands. Then it is enough to cause irreparable damage in any country.

And condemn Levi?That's even more impossible. Li Wei doesn't care about you. If you dare to attack him, he dares to kill you. No one can block this. As long as Li Wei opens his mouth, even if the attacked country scolds you Many, other countries do not dare to chime in.

"It's difficult, first send people to contact and see if there is any opportunity for cooperation. The summoning family has just been established, and the city is still blank. Apart from a demon empire, there are many summoning beasts and powerful city formations. Presumably they need a lot of resources to build the city to summon the clan, so we can start with it." A national congressman said.

It’s not just this country’s parliamentarian who thinks, but other countries’ parliamentarians can also think that they can cooperate with Levi only if they provide a lot of resources, or resources that are unique to their own land, otherwise they can’t come up with it at all. Something that impresses Levi.

If it is said to use the righteousness of mankind to force Li Wei to hand over the layout method of the city formation, it may cause Li Wei's backlash, so even if someone thinks of this, no one dares to stand up, because the gun hits the head, and Li Wei But with the power to destroy the family and even the country, if Li Wei really has no scruples, then if you dare to stand out, he will really dare to destroy you.

Mr. Shao is also very excited about the city formation at the moment. There are many cities in Huaxia. If we want to arrange them all, it will definitely consume a lot of resources, and these are secondary, and we need to be prepared for contact with Li Wei. Otherwise, Li Wei would not care about you being a member of parliament and hand over the layout of the city array. The aristocratic clan sometimes has an advantage over itself, but it can't be protected with all its strength.

(End of this chapter)

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