Chapter 718
"here is?"

Li Wei was horrified, his consciousness was forcibly pulled into a consciousness space, and the power of this consciousness space frightened Li Wei.

"Could this be the consciousness space of the owner of the Immortal Mansion?" Li Wei thought a little belatedly at the moment.

If it was really the consciousness space of the Immortal Mansion, then it must have recorded her memories or something.

It didn't take long for Li Wei to wait, a force so powerful that Li Wei suffocated suddenly erupted in the whole space, and a huge passage appeared in the sky immediately.

With the appearance of the passage, a large number of immortals flew out of it, and countless immortal artifacts flew up. Li Wei was dumbfounded by the bright picture and the tyrannical aura.

"The fairy world invades the mortal world? No, even if those immortals are full and have nothing to do, they can't come to the mortal world, right?" Li Wei thought to himself.

Not long after that, Li Wei knew that he was wrong. The arrival of these immortals was naturally not for the monks of the mortal world. It is naturally impossible for the monks and resources of the mortal world to attract the immortals of the fairy world.

And the purpose of these immortals coming here is for the demon cultivators of the demon world.

After cultivating to a certain level, demon cultivators will naturally ascend like ordinary monks, but the place where they ascend is the demon world instead of the fairy world, but they are also the deadly enemies of the fairy world.

Compared with the feud between ordinary monks and demon monks in the mortal world, the relationship between the fairy world and the demon world is more intense, and Li Wei can feel the expressions on those people's faces when they mention each other.

However, the demon fairy in the demon world lost in a battle, which greatly reduced the strength of the demon world, and it was no longer able to compete with the fairy world. As a result, they came up with a bad idea.

This method is the idea of ​​attacking the mortal world, and I don’t know who came up with this idea. After destroying the monks in the mortal world, there will be no fresh blood in the fairy world. Absorb fresh blood to enrich yourself.

And once such a method is used, although it cannot produce immediate results, it will also cause the fairy world to gradually perish without being aware of it.

But to implement such a plan, the cost must be very high. At least whether it is the fairy world or the demon world, it is definitely very difficult to run from the upper realm to the lower realm. It is difficult to open the reverse channel alone.

Difficulty does not mean impossible. After this defeat, the Demon Realm has been firmly suppressed by the Immortal Realm. If the Demon Realm is not the base camp of the Demon Immortals, it would be difficult for righteous monks from the Immortal Realm to come in. I am afraid they have been completely wiped out up.

But no matter what, the Demon Realm will not sit still. Since the situation is not good for them, and there is no possibility of turning around, then they will do it alone.

The demon immortals of the demon world paid a huge price and opened many passages leading to the lower world. With the strength of the demon immortals, it is absolutely extremely easy to destroy the mortal world.

And one after another, the orthodox monks were eliminated, and the rest were cultivated into demon monks, and they came up with a routine of encircling the city with the countryside. This situation also made Li Wei dumbfounded.

This immortal is not bad at all when he plays routines. Let Li Wei know that these immortals must have come to the mortal world to snipe these demon immortals.

The demons are playing tricks, and the immortals in the fairy world are not fools. After the demons destroyed several mortal worlds and cultivated them into the exclusive lower realm of the demon world, the immortals in the fairy world discovered.

Now that the purpose of the Demon Realm has been discovered, it is impossible for the Immortal Realm to sit idly by, so they paid a considerable price to open the reverse channel, preparing to snipe the Demon Fairy in the Demon Realm.

"So that's it. It seems that this fairy mansion was left by the immortals of the fairy world, and the Red Queen guessed it right." Li Wei looked at all this and really admired the analysis ability of the Red Queen.

After seeing these immortals in the fairy world, Li Wei also got a general understanding of the levels of some immortals.

Immortals who have just ascended are only at the level of Earth Immortals, and then they are promoted to the level of Heavenly Immortals, and then they are at the level of Golden Immortals, and above the level of Golden Immortals is the level of Daluo Golden Immortals.

The number of teams sent by the fairy world this time is definitely not small, and the leader of the team is a fairy of the Da Luo Jinxian level.

There are countless fairy swords around this fairy, giving Li Wei the feeling that there are a lot of fairy swords in this fairy mansion, among them, as long as he looks carefully, Li Wei actually found the fairy sword he subdued.

"I beat you, didn't you? You are the bottom one?" Li Wei vomited blood after discovering that the fairy sword he subdued was the bottom one.

Li Wei was able to subdue this fairy sword only after exhausting his whole body's aura, and he succeeded by luck with the help of the Fire Spirit Orb, but it turned out to be the bottom one.

And with so many fairy swords, this Daluo Jinxian is naturally extremely powerful. After all, Li Wei has never seen so many fairy swords from other immortals.

"Jian Luo Shangxian, the opponent is coming."

Suddenly an Earth Immortal reported the situation, letting Li Wei know that the name of this Daluo Jinxian was originally Jianluo Shangxian, and Jianluo Shangxian just nodded. Not long after, a spatial fluctuation came, Then a passage opened.

In the channel of the demon world, a large number of demon immortals flew out of it, but before they could react, Jian Luo Shangxian immediately made a move, and countless immortal swords slew towards these demon immortals.

These vanguard troops in the demon world are naturally only some of the strength of the earth immortal level. How can they resist the attack of the big Luo Jinxian?It was completely wiped out without even reacting.

"Set up the formation!!" Jian Luo Shangxian said.

Under Jianluo Shangxian's order, many immortals arranged a powerful formation with Jianluo Shangxian as the core. At this moment, the space seemed to be blocked.

The demon immortals in the demon world are not fools, how can the mortals have the power to deal with immortals?Even a lowest-level immortal can dominate the entire mortal existence when he reaches the mortal world. As a result, a small team was wiped out in an instant when he went down, which naturally reminded them that the fairy sword had discovered their purpose.

"Damn fairy world."

At this moment, many demon immortals in the demon world dare not act rashly, because they don't know what level of master the fairy world sent, so they can only report to the superiors, and let the superiors send masters to lead ordinary immortals to take action.

Li Wei saw the battle between the fairy world and the demon world. The demon world suffered a lot. Without much preparation, countless demon immortals fell, and finally died together with Jian Luoshangxian, without breaking the mortal world. A good result, and the fall of many immortal-level masters also made Li Wei understand why the resources in this world are so rich.

(End of this chapter)

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