Chapter 722 The Great War Begins

"Can't beat it? How could it be impossible to beat it? Not to mention your Poisonous Dragon Sect's Poisonous Dragon Formation Formation, but my Giant God Sect's Giant God Formation Formation can destroy his fleet." The Kui Sect Master of the Giant God Sect said with a downcast face.

"Old Kui, you will kill us sooner or later. If you think your Giant God Sect is arrogant, your Giant God Sect will be able to take down this fleet. What are you calling us to come over?" Sect Master Qiu of the Demon Sword Sect said.

"Hmph, if you don't want to participate, then forget it, even if my Jushenzong side participates, we will take action." Sect Master Kui said with a cold face.

Regardless of whether other people participate or not, he has already made a decision. It can be said that the development of Giant God Sect has reached a bottleneck, and it is very difficult to improve.

Sovereign Kui is not a brain person at all, his brain is full of muscles, except that he is more loyal, other things are just a little bit sloppy.

Regardless of whether it is the lord of the poisonous dragon, the lord of the demon sword, or the lords of the other two sects who did not speak, they are all speechless to the lord of the giant god, Lao Kui, because he is always the one who causes trouble. Fortunately, he is not stupid enough to cause trouble. There are basically no people who are better than them, at most they are evenly matched.

"Okay, since you have made up your mind, then I, Tianxue Sect, will join in. I don't think you idiot, old Kui, are stupid enough to take action against a Mahayana cultivator." said the Tianxue Sect Master, Lao Xue.

All the monks in the tribulation stage were present, although apart from their suzerains, the monks in the sect in the tribulation stage were only one or two senior elders, and the rest were elders in the Taoism stage and the void return stage And core disciples, but with such strength, it can already be regarded as an upper-middle sect. If there are monks in the Mahayana period, then they can enter the ranks of the upper sect. It is a real top sect.

The giant god sect and other five major alliance sects have always been advancing and retreating together. They have always taken action together when it comes to foreign enemies or gaining benefits. This is also the reason why they can survive forever. Of course, they also have their own strengths.

Now the giant god suzerain Lao Kui wants to get these warships, in fact, he also wants to break through the bottleneck and make the sect stronger. At least these warships can see that the opponent's refining methods are really awesome, so they want to snatch it and study it carefully Research, so that their refining methods can be improved, even if they are going through the catastrophe, they will be more confident.

After the suzerains made their decision, they naturally stopped hesitating and started making preparations to see where it was suitable to ambush the fleet.

The fleet of the Green Willow Villa is not small, so if you want to ambush, you need to choose a good place, otherwise it will cause huge losses in the territory of Wu State, then Wu State will definitely not let them go.

"According to the information we have now, they will pass by Dayang Valley in two days, the probability is more than 90%, let's ambush them here." Demon Sword Sect Lao Qiu said.

"Okay, here it is." The other 4 people also agreed to the proposal of the Demon Sword Sect Master.

Now that the plan has been discussed, it is natural to follow the method on the plan, so the five major sects will implement it immediately, and the arrangement will be made in Dayang Valley in less than a day.

It is very common for the five major sects to join forces to fight against the enemy. Even if they are not from the same sect, they are very familiar with each other and greet each other.

Such an alliance can be said to be very difficult to see. After all, even brothers may not be able to cooperate like this. If these five major sects can cooperate in this way in Wu, they are naturally sects that can last for an unknown number of years.

Li Wei was having a drink with the Second Elder in the battleship at the moment, even Xia Zhuokang and others took advantage of Li Wei's face to taste the delicacies made by the Second Elder here, and it was a joy to eat.

"Second Elder, when we get to Tian Xiao Country, let's get some sea beasts and have a sea beast banquet." Li Wei said.

"Okay, the taste of sea beasts is really good. I'm used to eating monsters in the mountains. I tasted some sea beast meat that day. It was really delicious, and it was made by the owner himself, so the taste is absolutely amazing." The second elder said with great interest.

People from Green Willow Villa have high culinary skills on the one hand, and foodies on the other hand, no matter whether they go up to the owner of the villa or down to the little chef, they can't help but taste it in front of delicious food of.

The second elder's words made Li Wei smile, and said: "Then wait for Tianxiao Country, let's let the monks in Tianxiao Country know how powerful our chefs are at Green Willow Villa."

Didi! ! ! !

At this time, the fleet suddenly sounded a rapid siren, and Li Wei and others were stunned, and then Li Wei immediately reacted and stood up and shouted: "Enemy attack!! Everyone is ready to fight!!"

Li Wei's shout directly activated the communication program of the entire battleship. With the assistance of the artificial intelligence spirit of the battleship, all the disciples of the Green Willow Villa reacted and got ready to fight.

The input of various spiritual stones, and even the input of its own spiritual energy, allowed the entire fleet to enter a combat state from a normal sailing state.

Although the combat status of the battleship is already known to everyone, even Li Wei has said it, but they don't know, but what they know is that everyone must maintain the input of aura in their posts, so that the battleship maintains In the state of aura attack.

Dangdang! ! !
The muzzles on each battleship are extended, and the large and small muzzles allow the originally elegant battleships to be armed to the teeth in an instant.

"They found us?" Sect Master Kui looked at the change of the battleship, and it felt like a well-behaved kitten turned into a ferocious tiger.

"This is not within the range of our strongest attack. How did they find us?" Sect Master Xue also couldn't believe it. Although he can launch an attack now, because of the distance, the attack is not the strongest.

"It's out of control, let's make a move, I feel like they've already locked us in." Kui Sect Master of Giant God Sect shouted, and made a move at the same time.

At this point, Suzerain Kui is still very combat-minded, because Li Wei and others have really fully discovered them, and they are already about to attack.

There is no sect in Dayang Valley at all, and at the same time there are so many monks who have arranged formations here, no matter how you look at it, they are here for them, if this is the case, then we should act first.

"Fire!!" Li Wei shouted loudly.

All of a sudden, the guns of the battleship blasted out one after another spiritual energy shells and pillars of spiritual energy. The Giant God Sect's giant god array had just started, and the giant god's magic form had just appeared, and before the roar was halfway out, it was hit by countless artillery fire.

(End of this chapter)

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