Chapter 743 Delicious Hot Pot

It can be said that as long as the bottom material of the pot is prepared, the rest is not too difficult to make hot pot. In this regard, Xia Zhuoyun is obviously more skilled.

Although Li Wei has no background in this area, Li Wei has seen Xia Zhuoyun make too many soups, so naturally it is not too bad. Even if it is not comparable to Xia Zhuoyun, it is already very good. degree.

To make hot pot base ingredients, you need a lot of elixir, and they are those elixir that can taste good. Li Wei began to search for the materials in his inventory, and found out all the materials that could be used in a short time.

Many of these inventory materials are low-level elixir, some are nothing in the eyes of alchemists, they are just used for seasoning, and some are used to enhance aura.

A large number of elixir, although they are all low-level elixir, but after they are mixed together, even the alchemists don't know what kind of effect they will produce.

In this case, it can be said that the alchemists all want to explore the situation, but they can't find out. According to the situation of alchemy, so many elixir are mixed, unless they find the contract point, otherwise, they are considered low-level. If the elixir is not perfectly integrated, it will explode.

Li Wei is obviously very good at this aspect. At least he didn't use up these elixir at all. The completely chopped elixir didn't show any reaction after being processed by Li Wei.

Then Li Wei took out the cauldron and started making the soup base directly.

Looking at Li Wei's busy situation, many alchemists failed to find out how to add elixir to cooking skills. Although there is a situation similar to alchemy, it is actually completely different.

Li Wei's hot pot soup is mediocre and has no fragrance, but there is nothing bad about it. At least the soup is not as fragrant, but the color still has the idea of ​​whetting people's appetite.

"Boss Li, what are you doing?" Wang Xiaopang asked Li Wei.

With so many things added to this soup, it is obviously not a simple soup. Even if the elixir is really low-level, it still attracts the appetite of Wang Xiaopang and others.

Anyone who has eaten the dishes made by Li Wei, who doesn't know that the food made by Li Wei is delicious?Some people want to learn it secretly, but they don't know where to learn it well. Anyway, they first write down the steps and then try it.

"This is the hot pot base, you will know later." Li Wei said to Wang Xiaopang.

After the hot pot base is completed, the next step is to process the ingredients. Although salamander meat is the staple food, it is definitely not just salamander meat, and some elixir is also added to it.

Those elixirs that are specially cultivated into vegetables are the ingredients that Li Wei specially raised. These ingredients are not easy to raise, because even monks can't use them.

However, Li Wei still collected a lot, and even made seeds and other preservations. After all, Li Wei didn't know when he might suddenly use them.

Li Wei's knife skills made the alchemists present dazzled, the light of the knife flickered, all kinds of ingredients were cut and processed by Li Wei, even the salamander meat was processed very thin by Li Wei, like pieces of transparent The thin ice is mediocre.

Li Wei processed and prepared all these ingredients, and then asked Little Flame Fairy King """ to spray a small fireball at the bottom of the pot. The small fireballs gathered and did not disperse. The bottom will not be directly burned through.

When all the soup in the pot came out, Li Wei started to take out small pots one by one, and then released a small fireball under each small pot.

Although Li Wei's little fireball is not comparable to Little Flame Fairy's, the effect is still good.

After dividing all the soup in the big pot into the small pot, Li Wei divided all the ingredients into equal portions and sent them all in front of them, saying: "Shuh, let's eat what we want. "

Wang Xiaopang and the others were a little confused, what kind of food is this?They had never seen such a situation before, and seeing Li Wei start to cook hot pot by himself, Wang Xiaopang and others also started to follow suit.

"Well, it's delicious. The meat is cut so thin, and it tastes so good when it's put in the soup. It's also delicious with this dipping sauce and pepper." Wang Xiao said with a satisfied face Said.

After tasting a mouthful of salamander meat slices, Wang Xiao was really attracted by this dish, and he could eat whatever he wanted. Seeing that salamander meat and some elixir can be eaten so directly, then other Can you eat the same?
Thinking of this, Wang Xiao was also moved. Do you want to try it yourself?Otherwise, I have to go to Li Wei's store to eat.

It's nothing to go to Li Wei's restaurant to eat, after all, Li Wei's dishes are really delicious, but Wang Xiao knows that as Li Wei's reputation grows, it will not be so easy to eat in Li Wei's restaurant Once you go in, there will definitely be crowds of people.

"Boss Li, your craftsmanship is still as good as ever." Wang Xiaopang gave Li Wei a thumbs up while eating.

In Wang Xiaopang's eyes, the dishes made by Li Wei are the best, no matter what the dish is, Li Wei can make him eat it so much that he can swallow it with his tongue.

It is delicious on the one hand, on the other hand, the fire aura in the fire lizard is being absorbed quickly, and the effect is not bad, especially the meat of the fire lizard. Definitely a great supplement.

Li Wei took a look at Wang Xiaopang, and shook his head as he watched him devouring the hot pot. Although this fat man lost weight, if he continued to eat like this, he would probably gain weight again in the future.

Thinking about this guy's name, Li Wei now feels that his father must have a foresight, probably because he knows that this kid can eat, and he will definitely gain weight in the future.

The last time he was fat because of too many impurities in the elixir, now it seems that if he is allowed to eat like this, he will absorb too much spiritual energy and become fat.

Although the other alchemists were eating, their speed was much slower than Wang Xiaopang's, but they all ate very satisfied, at least they were overwhelmed by the taste.

"Everyone eats well, if you don't have enough, ask me to get it." Li Wei said to everyone.

Li Wei has prepared a lot of ingredients. Although he said that he has put out equal portions, there are still a lot left, but these ingredients have not been processed.

And when they heard Li Wei's words, these alchemists were naturally overjoyed, and they were all enjoying the hot pot at the moment.

"Is there someone?" Li Wei just ate a piece of salamander meat, and suddenly found a place not far away, a mental wave suddenly appeared, covering Li Wei's consciousness in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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