Chapter 756 Formation Eyes
After Li Wei killed the two skeletons, Senior Zhang and others also killed those skeletons.

This time, with the support of the battle formation, everyone was not injured at all, but because of the operation of the battle formation, everyone's physical strength was consumed a lot, but this situation was acceptable to everyone.

After eating some Levi's special biltong, everyone's physical strength recovered a little, and then they continued to walk towards the eye of the formation.

The more you go to the position of the eye of the formation, the more the number of skeletons, but the more monks and demon cultivators you meet, after all, not every monk and demon cultivator will sit still, since you can persist in practicing How could he be willing to die at such a level?So of course there is resistance.

With the increase in the number of the team, Li Wei became more relaxed. In every battle, Li Wei silently made some dry food in the rear, so that everyone could replenish their physical strength and recover from injuries after defeating the skeletons.

The closer the distance is to the eye of the array, the ingredients on Li Wei's body are also consumed very quickly. Originally, he planned to take it back to replenish the consumption in the store, but he did not expect to consume so much here.

However, Li Wei didn't say much, but followed the team all the way to the formation's eye. After spending a day and killing an unknown number of skeletons, he finally arrived at the formation's eye.

The eye of the array is a high altar, surrounded by four golden skeletons with a height of 4 meters.

The body of the golden skull exudes an aura of death, which makes people feel very depressed. As long as you get a little closer, you can immediately feel the oppressive aura oppressing everyone.

"These four guys are not easy to mess with."

Several cultivators gathered around to discuss, seeing the appearance of the formation eye, and wanting to destroy the formation eye, these 4 golden skeletons must be dealt with.

How to deal with it is another matter, no one wants to be cannon fodder, right?So if you want to deal with the golden skull, you have to think of a plan.

"Use formations to trap them, and let a few people destroy the formation." Senior Zhang said.

"Sleepy? I'm afraid we can't be trapped. If their attention can attract us, we can drag them around, but if they are determined to run back to the center of the formation, can we stop them?" Senior Liu said.

"Try it, pull it if you can, and remind you if you can't pull it, so that those who destroy the eye of the formation will come back quickly." Senior Zhou said.

The discussion of several monks during the tribulation period is naturally known to others. Although it is said that the cultivation base of the Daoist period is not as good as that of the tribulation period, everyone's cultivation base here is restricted, and the difference is not very big, so even if It needs everyone's support, so the plan must also have a certain degree of feasibility.

"Okay, then select someone who understands the formation to destroy the eye of the formation." Senior Zhang said.

After discussing with all the monks and demon cultivators, five people who knew the formation were selected to destroy the eye of the formation, and they were going to attract the attention of those golden skeletons and lead them out of the altar of the formation.

Li Wei is one of the 5 people. He can constantly change the battle formation and let more and more people join in. Compared with the other 4 formation masters, he does not know how many times stronger.

And Li Wei is the most indispensable existence in the team. Without Li Wei, there will be no logistical supplies. Everyone hopes that Li Wei can succeed in one fell swoop. Otherwise, if Li Wei dies, the chance of casualties during the battle is very high It's big.

Li Wei didn't have any idea about this plan. Although the red queen was too far away, and there were four golden skeletons blocking it, it was impossible to detect the situation on the altar, but Li Wei believed that as long as he went up, he would have a chance to destroy the altar.

After Senior Zhang and the monks during the tribulation period had arranged the battle formation, they naturally began to attack these golden skeletons.

As soon as the golden skull roared, it rushed towards the battle formation in an instant. At this moment, not only the monks in the battle formation, but also Li Wei and the five people felt the horror of the golden skull.

"Quick, get out of the way!!"

Senior Zhang roared loudly, but the speed of the golden skull was beyond the reach of the demon cultivator in front of the battle formation. At this moment, he didn't have time to react, and was torn into pieces by the golden skull in an instant.

And the 4 golden skeletons shot at the same time, and the 4 monks were killed instantly. The killing was unreasonable, and there was no resistance at all.

"It's amazing!!" Li Wei was also stunned by the power of the golden skull.

The speed is too fast, even if the battle formation has the situation of exerting the power of everyone, it is still far from enough to react, and it is easily killed by the golden skeleton.

Senior Zhang and others immediately activated the battle formation, making it impossible for the golden skull to lock onto a cultivator. Even a demon cultivator couldn't hold it back. How could a human cultivator hold it?If this is locked, the end can be imagined.

The Golden Skull moved its body, as if it had been guarding the altar to prevent it from moving for a long time. Seeing that the human monks and demon cultivators in the formation were constantly changing positions, the soul flames in the Golden Skull's eyes were released. A contemptuous divine light came.

With a whoosh, the 4 golden skulls shot again, and this time the 4 golden skulls locked on the same monk. The monk suddenly felt dangerous, but he was locked by the 4 golden skulls at the same time. run.

"The four golden skeletons seem to have the ability to share perception." Li Wei shouted.

At this time, the targeted human cultivator was killed instantly. Senior Zhang and the others felt their scalps go numb. After hearing Li Wei's reminder, they immediately changed the battle formation again.

Li Wei took 4 array mages and divided them into 3 groups to spare. The altar of the formation eye is very important. Now Li Wei knows that if the formation eye is not destroyed, then they will all be left here.

And the alchemists in the alchemy tower, such as Wang Xiao, don't know whether they are alive and hiding in a corner or dead, and Li Wei can't even care about them.

Going to the altar went smoothly, nothing appeared during the period, and the Golden Skull didn't notice that Li Wei and five people had boarded the altar, and they were still killing the monks who formed the battle formation.

Under this kind of massacre, even the monks will collapse. If the battle formation can have the effect of restraining the enemy, it is fine, but it can't achieve any effect, so that no matter how they change formation, they will be tortured and killed by the golden skull , This makes the entire battle array collapse at any time.

The five of Li Wei went up to the top of the altar, and just wanted to see what the eye of the formation was, only to find that the top was empty, just a faintly glowing formation on the ground. Constantly diffuse.

"Break it for me!!" Li Wei didn't think much, rushed up to the center of the formation, and blasted towards the junction of the two stripes in the center.

(End of this chapter)

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