Chapter 758 Poisonous Spider Lair

The current situation is not as easy to talk about as before. Before, everyone had a common enemy, but now everyone's enemy has become one of their own. This is a bit intriguing.

"Could it be fake?" Li Wei asked.

The cultivator who left the inheritance should be an evil cultivator without a doubt. Would a guy like this evil cultivator kindly leave the inheritance to you?That possibility is really not much.

The monks present were shocked by the information brought by this voice just now, and they became a little wary of everyone around them, but now that Li Wei spoke, some people felt that what Li Wei said was also very possible.

But the previous situation is also very possible. After all, not every monk can live to break through the realm of ascension, so the possibility of leaving inheritance is also very high.

These two situations really make everyone do not know how to make a choice. At this moment, it is said that in order to compete for the opportunity here, everyone will come here. Some people think that there may be a real great inheritance, but think about this arrangement The evil cultivator who entered the ancient city formation, can he really believe what he said?
"No matter what, let's find the essence of the five poisons first, and then look at the situation." Senior Zhang said to everyone.

When the essence of the five poisons is not found, if you say that the inheritance is fake, no one will believe it, but if you find the essence of the five poisons, then if someone really gets the inheritance by then, then the situation will be easy to say. If you can get it, it can only be considered that the chance is not deep enough.

As for Senior Zhang's words, many people are even more wary. If it is really an inheritance, you have to leave. Aren't the others going to die?This evil cultivator made it clear that the inheritance can only be obtained by one person, and the others do not have it. If there is no inheritance, the result is a dead end.

Li Wei looked at the changes in the expressions of the people around him, and knew that at this time, it would be impossible for everyone to be united. In this case, everyone entered the ancient forest separately, and did not continue to form a team. .

Li Wei walked alone in the ancient forest. Looking at the extremely lush forests around him, he knew that the situation here was much worse than he imagined.

And this feeling reminded Li Wei of the situation on that giant tree. Under the phoenix egg on that giant sycamore tree, there were many Zerg races.

"The five poisons, logically speaking, should be toads, centipedes, spiders, poisonous snakes and scorpions." Li Wei thought to himself.

These five poisons are well-known no matter in the world of comprehension or in the world of mortals, and Li Wei also has some ideas to find the five poisons here.

After practicing the Way of Poison Martial Arts, Li Wei also has a very deep understanding of poison. Although Li Wei mainly focuses on fire poison, other poisons basically have nothing to do with it, but to find these poisons, Li Wei still There is a way.

"The environment here should be suitable for the emergence of poisonous spiders." Li Wei thought to himself, and then began to search a little bit.

Poisonous spiders are good at ambushing enemies with their spider silk. For poisonous spiders in the mortal world, their spider silk is at best used to ambush those insects with insufficient IQ, or at most some powerful ones ambushed some birds.

But in the world of comprehension, if it is really a poisonous spider with a strong cultivation base, even if it is a wild beast without transformation, then their strength can also ambush human monks.

And such poisonous spiders are basically able to hide the spider silk, and some of them are so powerful that they can even conceal their spiritual sense. In the case of human monks who have not touched it, they can't detect the spider silk at all. exist.

It is impossible for the evil cultivators who left inheritance or deception here to put an ordinary poisonous spider here, and it is also an extremely difficult poisonous spider.

Li Wei walked slowly in the ancient forest without worrying at all. It had been several days since Li Wei had separated from the monks. These monks left by flying or jumping, and they had been separated for a long time. distance.

Li Wei knows a little about the five poisons, and knows that it is best not to use aura here, which will make it difficult for the five poisons to find you, just like a human being standing there, who would notice an ant walking by under his feet?If you don't pay special attention, you won't find it, and once you use the aura, it will be like flying around in front of the other party, even if it is as small as a mosquito, you will be found.

"Huh? I finally found the trace." Li Wei walked for at least 6 days, following some clues to speculate, and finally found a very obvious trace.

Such traces are really nothing in the ancient forest. If it is not very familiar with some characteristics of poisonous spiders, it is estimated that they will not notice it after passing by.

The discovery of this trace does not mean that the spider web of the poisonous spider is nearby, but it can already be said that the poisonous spider has appeared in this area, and the frequency of appearance is not small.

It can make poisonous spiders appear frequently in this area, even if the spider webs of the poisonous spider's old nest are not here, the difference will not be too far.

Li Wei began to be cautious, observing the surrounding traces little by little, while guarding against poisonous spiders that might appear suddenly.

But not far away, Li Wei found some mucus, which reminded Li Wei that the poisonous spider probably killed people.

"I don't know which unlucky guy it is." Li Wei thought to himself, and then began to walk slowly along some hidden places. According to Li Wei's thinking, the poisonous spider may be nearby, and the biggest possibility is in the On the top of his head, even now he has not found any traces of poisonous spiders at all.

After walking slowly for a long time, Li Wei was very careful, and soon finally let Li Wei discover the hidden spider web above his head.

The spider web is very large and densely covered. It is not just a spider web, but densely distributed in many layers, completely sealing off the surrounding space.

The spider web is very dense, but there is a certain amount of space. After all, it is impossible for a spider web to have no holes at all. Compared with a huge spider, the holes are naturally bigger for the human system.

Li Wei followed these loopholes little by little. If he hadn't practiced the way of poisonous martial arts and had a very systematic understanding of various poisons through the above, he might have encountered them without knowing it. The spider silk, after being stuck, forcibly broke free through aura, and at the same time attracted the attention of the poisonous spider.

And a little bit of lurking, those spider threads that can't be seen by naked eyes and spiritual consciousness like infrared rays, were completely exposed by Li Wei through special means, and it didn't take long to penetrate into the inner layer, and then saw some hanging on the The human monk above.

(End of this chapter)

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