Chapter 765 Aoki Viper
After obtaining the essence of the poisonous scorpion, Li Wei already has two essences in his hands.

As for the other three essences of the five poisons, Li Wei guessed that other people must have succeeded, but they did not know whose hands they fell into.

Not many cultivators entered here, but there were only five targets, and Li Wei was able to get two. Others got it, and they didn't know where it would be.

After recovering from his injuries, Li Wei immediately entered the ancient forest to continue searching for the traces left by the five poisons, and this time, Li Wei found a snake path.

"Snake way, is it left by the snake among the five poisons?" Li Wei looked at the snake way and thought.

This snake path is very spacious. If Li Wei didn't know the five poisons very well, he probably wouldn't be able to confirm that it was a snake path.

"Since the snake road is here, let's go along the snake road to see what kind of poisonous snake this is." Li Wei thought to himself.

Looking at this snake road, Li Wei can see how huge this poisonous snake is. This snake road can almost allow two heavy trucks to pass through. This shows that this poisonous snake is very large. As for how big it is? To what extent, it is hard to guess.

Li Wei walked slowly along the snake path. In order not to startle the snake, Li Wei didn't even use his aura, but Li Wei didn't notice that a huge cyan snake was slowly moving on the branch of the old tree above his head. Not a sound came from the branches.

In this case, even Li Wei failed to find out that this huge green snake was exactly what Li Wei was looking for, the Green Wood Viper.

The Green Wood Viper possesses powerful wood attribute power. Although its attack is not as good as the Frost Venom Spider and the Flame Venom Scorpion, it is hidden in the ancient forest and it is completely difficult for people to find it.

And the biggest advantage of the Green Wood Viper is in the sneak attack, approaching the opponent silently, and then giving a fatal blow, making the opponent directly become its ration.

At this moment, the Green Wood Viper had already killed many monks, all of which used the snake way to deceive the other party's attention, and then moved slowly and silently on the branches above the head. The blue snake eyes on the snake's head had already stared at Li Wei.

Li Wei didn't notice anything strange at all, facing the approach of the green wood snake, Li Wei was still observing the surrounding situation little by little, paying attention to the appearance of the poisonous snake.

Li Wei naturally knows that poisonous snakes are definitely more powerful than flame poisonous scorpions and frost poisonous spiders in terms of sneak attacks, especially the power of poisonous snakes that must hit in one hit, so that Li Wei dare not underestimate it. If it really succeeds, it will definitely be a hit. One hit will kill.

Li Wei walked slowly on the snake road. After walking for a long time, he suddenly found that the light above his head was shaking.

In the ancient forest, the branches and leaves of the ancient forest are luxuriant, and the sunlight that can penetrate in is actually not much, and the monks do not rely on sunlight to observe things through their eyes, but perceive things through a wide range of spiritual consciousness.

Li Wei didn't pay attention to the sunlight at the beginning. After all, the wind blowing the leaves can also make the sunlight tremble slightly, and then the light of the sunlight will change.

But Li Wei's spiritual consciousness is much more sensitive than others, knowing that the situation under the sun is a little different, so Li Wei suddenly looked up.

The leaves above are densely packed, but Li Wei still feels a sense of disobedience, as if there is something XZ in it, but neither his consciousness nor his eyes can find out what is hidden.

"Sense of violation? Since my eyes can feel it, it means that the other party is really hiding here, but they can't find it.

"Is it only through the eyes?" Li Wei searched a little bit, looking for the enemy hidden in the leaves through the eyes.

At this time, the Aoki Viper was also very depressed. It was discovered by others. Depressed.

The high IQ of the Green Wood Viper prevented it from being exposed to Li Wei at all, and hovered motionless on the branches. Even though it was huge, it did not affect the ancient tree.

Li Wei searched carefully, not letting go of any place. After being targeted, Li Wei was thinking about which guy who didn't open his eyes was staring at him.

After all, I have two five-poison essences in my hand, so the result of being targeted like this must be playing with my own essence, so Li Wei naturally dare not be careless in the slightest.

"I didn't find it." Li Wei frowned slightly.

Li Wei looked carefully at the places within sight, but couldn't see anything. This situation made Li Wei wonder if he had made a mistake.

But Li Wei believes that the sense of disobedience he found is not a wrong feeling, because he can still feel it. In such a situation, Li Wei continued to explore the surroundings.

"This is?" Li Wei's gaze had just passed by a place, and he found something that caught his attention quietly.

But Li Wei didn't startle the snake, but continued to carefully observe the surroundings, and then used his peripheral vision to observe what he found.

It was the eyes of a snake, and the raised eyes let Li Wei know that he had really discovered something extraordinary.

"It's a poisonous snake!!" Li Wei felt a shock in his heart and immediately knew what he had found.

The poisonous snake was actually hidden on the branch, not moving on the snake path. This situation let Li Wei know that the poisonous snake had found him as soon as he entered the snake path.

What Li Wei couldn't understand was that this poisonous snake was so big, why it could hide itself on the branches, which is simply a very unscientific situation.

"Could it be that it has the power of the wood attribute?" Li Wei quickly thought of the situation.

The poisonous snake with the wood attribute not only allows it to fuse with the tree, but also allows it to climb weightlessly on the tree and hide.

What Li Wei saw was the snake eyes of the Green Wood Viper. Although it was just a piece of green erected eyes, which could be completely hidden among the leaves, Li Wei still saw it.

"It seems that we have to find an opportunity to sneak attack it, and it seems that it has already seen that it is aware of the situation." Li Wei thought to himself.

After pretending to observe the surroundings, after a moment of silence, Li Wei walked towards the direction of the Aoki Viper with a vigilant expression.

With Li Wei's appearance, he could go to get the statuette, and he walked over without noticing it, making Aoki Viper wonder if Li Wei had already seen it.

The Aoki Viper has a high IQ, but it is a savage beast after all. After confirming that Li Wei came over unintentionally and carefully observing the surrounding situation, the Aoki Viper has already made an attacking gesture, preparing to attack Li Wei who came over. One hit will kill, even if Li Wei is now on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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