Chapter 778
"Master, what do you want to do?" Li Wei said as he looked at Patriarch Bodhi and blinked his eyes.

Now that he has confessed to Lao Di with Patriarch Bodhi, it is tantamount to getting on Patriarch Bodhi's warship, and Patriarch Bodhi is now employing people, and with Li Wei's help, he thinks he can reverse time and space.

And Li Wei actually didn't know that even if he really appeared in Fengshen or Honghuang in the future, it would still not be the same time and space, but Li Wei still responded first, after all, he had learned the skills of the Bodhi ancestor first. .

"If you can go back to the period of conferring gods, give this to me at that time, and you don't have to worry about the rest." Patriarch Bodhi said as he injected the Qibao Miaoshu into Li Wei's body.

The corners of Li Wei's mouth twitched, Patriarch Bodhi, the old rascal, agreed to leave it to you at that time, what did you do to break into my body like this?
Although Li Wei can feel that he can mobilize the ability of the Qibao Miaoshu, and can use up all the magic weapons in the Three Realms, but there is still no way to deal with the saint.

And the most important point, as soon as I use the Qibao Miaoshu, the immortal energy that has just been condensed in my body will be drained. If I want to use it, I guess I have to wait for a long time.

"Master, this is your signature magic weapon. You gave it to me, what should you do?" Li Wei looked at Patriarch Bodhi and said.

"I don't need it now as a teacher, and aren't you my disciple? Wouldn't it be good to give it to you?" Patriarch Bodhi said with a smile.

Li Wei could even see the helplessness on Patriarch Bodhi's face. Facing other saints, Patriarch Bodhi was no match for him, just like when Master Tongtian faced 4 saints alone, didn't he lose in the end?

The current Patriarch Bodhi is the Master of the Tongtian Church back then. Facing the siege of the saints, he is also no match, and he is even worse than the Master of the Tongtian Church.

Back then, Master Tongtian relied on the Zhuxian Sword Formation to fight four people with one person, but he was defeated in the end. He didn't have the four swords of Zhuxian Sword of Master Tongtian, and only relying on the Qibao Miaoshu, it is not bad to be able to fight one person. How can he fight two?Moreover, he was defeated in the hands of Tathagata, so Patriarch Bodhi knew that it was the same whether he had the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hands or not.

But Li Wei is different, Li Wei may face more dangers in the future, and the Qibao Miaoshu may save his life at a critical moment.

Li Wei nodded, as if he had accepted the Qibao Miaoshu, and then Li Wei began to talk about the exercises he wanted to practice.

Bajiu Xuangong can be said to be very powerful in the practice of cultivation methods. Yang Jian and Brother Hou can become powerful existences among immortals and Buddhas. It is not without reason that the powerful guys other than the above few big brothers are not without reason.

"You want to learn Bajiu Xuangong, but it's actually not the best. Bajiu Xuangong is suitable for the aptitude of fighting spirit. Yang Jian and Wukong are so talented, but you are different. If you want to learn, I think You can learn the ancient Vulcan Art, after all, you have a lot of flames in your body, although these flames are not very good." Said the ancestor Bodhi.

Li Wei's eyes were widened by what Bodhi Patriarch said. The strange fire in his body was collected by himself after a lot of hard work, and it gave Li Wei a lot of help on the way of Li Wei's journey.

"The flames in your body are too complicated. After practicing the ancient Vulcan Art, you can condense a divine fire. In addition, I will help you to condense a samadhi real fire that can be compared with morality. Although your cultivation is not as good as You are moral, but below the sage, even the God of Fire, Zhu Rong, will be afraid of you." Said Patriarch Bodhi.

"Master, hurry up and teach me." Li Wei immediately lost his integrity and hugged Patriarch Bodhi's thigh.

Hearing the words of Patriarch Bodhi, what strange fire does Li Wei need, no matter how many different fires, can he be as powerful as the divine fire?What is Samadhi True Fire?That is one of the top ten divine fires. What is the divine fire that can be compared with Samadhi True Fire?Li Wei only guessed that there is Nanming Lihuo of the Phoenix family, and the real fire of the sun of the three-legged Golden Crow, but what kind of divine fire can he condense?

Patriarch Bodhi kicked away Li Wei who was hugging his legs with a black face, and finally passed it on to Li Wei. In the end, Patriarch Bodhi also took over Wukong's situation, leaving Li Wei alone.

Li Wei concentrated on practicing the Ancient God Fire Jue, and ignored other things, and the days passed day by day. Brother Hou was driven back to Huaguo Mountain by the Bodhi ancestor, and Li Wei was still practicing in the three-star cave on the oblique moon. .

With the personal guidance and help of the Bodhi ancestor, all the strange fires in Li Wei's body became the nourishment of the divine fire after the dregs were eliminated, and finally a divine fire condensed in Li Wei's body.

When Shenhuo was first condensed, it was still very weak, but it was very violent. Before Yihuo hit Li Wei, all the different fires were stronger than I don't know how many times.

"That's right, a Nine Heavens Profound Fire has been condensed." Patriarch Bodhi nodded.

Nine Heavens Profound Fire is one of the top ten divine fires, so it cannot be underestimated. Although Li Wei's cultivation is really not very good, he is just a little fairy who has just become a fairy, but as long as Li Weiqin practices more, then A chance to grow into the next great guy in the Saints.

"Thanks to the master's teaching." Li Wei is still very respectful to Patriarch Bodhi. Patriarch Bodhi seems to regard Li Wei as half of his teachings from his own disciples. It can be said that everything suitable for Li Wei has been handed over to Li Wei.

Although he didn't learn the eighty-nine profound arts, he did learn the 72 changes and somersaulting clouds.

Among them, the change method of 72 changes made Li Wei feel that it was really an eye-opener. In the cultivation world where he was, no one could make such a change.

And after practicing for a period of time, when Li Wei estimated that Brother Monkey was about to start making troubles in the heavenly court, Patriarch Bodhi came to Li Wei, looked at Li Wei's cultivation results and nodded, "Li Wei, your practice is very good. , it's time to return to your world."

Patriarch Bodhi spoke in person, and although Li Wei didn't know what the situation was, he also guessed that it was not a good situation, and asked Patriarch Bodhi with some doubts: "Master, it's not like the Tathagata is going to call, right? "

"Well, this place is no longer suitable for teaching disciples. I am ready to let the other disciples leave. If you say it, it depends on whether we will meet in the future in the period of conferring gods or in the period of prehistoric times." Patriarch Bodhi faced Li Wei Said.

"Then master, is there anything else you want to tell me to do?" Li Wei looked at Patriarch Bodhi and finally nodded.

Faced with the matter between saints, Li Wei knew that he had no possibility of doing anything, and the ancestor Bodhi never counted Li Wei in it. Go online, and then give the information you left to yourself at that time.

Li Wei finally bowed to Patriarch Bodhi, and he disappeared in the world of Journey to the West.

(End of this chapter)

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