Chapter 780
It has been many days since Li Wei returned to Tianyan City. Apart from the fact that Tianyan City cannot leave due to the martial law, and supplies are all provided by the Loan Cultivation Alliance, everything else is still normal.

However, because they couldn't leave, the resources in the hands of many casual cultivators were getting less and less, and the resources provided by the casual cultivator alliance were simply not enough.

As for Li Wei, the food is not too expensive, but the quantity is large, at least allowing Li Wei's restaurant to operate normally, and no fees are charged for the deal with the top management of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

For a while, this situation made Li Wei's restaurant overcrowded. Although Li Wei said that he would not charge any fees, Li Wei's income was paid by the Loan Repair Alliance in advance, but he didn't gain much, but Li Wei didn't care anymore, it was a special period after all.

"Where did the cracking demon go?" Li Wei was thinking about this question at the moment.

Although it has been a few years since I went to the world of Journey to the West, there is actually no such thing as the past few days here, but Li Wei is not sure where the cracking demon went.

It stands to reason that the place where Lie Mo broke the seal is the closest to Tianyan City, so if Lie Mo wants to kill, he should come to Tianyan City.

But the cracking demon did not appear for a long time, not only Li Wei was puzzled, but also the monks in Tianyan City, and the high-level officials in Tianyan City were also puzzled.

After receiving the news from the major forces in Tianyan City who suffered heavy losses, the cracking demon has already started to hunt and kill monsters near the sealed place, but they don't know what he is going to do.

But thinking about the power of this demon, many monks who searched for information died. According to his likes to kill, he would basically kill him in Tianyan City.

But it was too late, and putting Tianyan City under martial law had no effect at all, and the consumption of resources was huge. Naturally, the senior management of Tianyan City didn't know what to do.

If the martial law is abandoned at this time, once the cracking demon appears, it will definitely be a catastrophe, so none of the high-level officials in Tianyan City dare to let go of the martial law.

Half a month after Li Wei came back, he was cooking dishes in the kitchen at the moment. There were many monks sitting in the store waiting for Li Wei’s dishes. With this martial law, although the ingredients provided by the Loose Cultivation Alliance are not very high-end, but It's free, even if the aura blessing you get is not very high, but it is very delicious.

When Li Wei just came out with a plate of dishes, suddenly the entire Tianyan City suddenly made a very harsh sound, and at the same time the entire Tianyan City's large array opened.

"Enemy attack, cracking demon attack!!!"

A loud shout spread throughout Tianyan City, and countless monks all flew towards the city wall.

At this moment, all the monks have entered the state of combat, and the Lao Li Restaurant, which was overcrowded, ran away at once, leaving Li Wei to carry the dishes by himself before walking out of the kitchen a few steps.

"It seems that they are all old fritters." Li Wei put away the dish in his hand, and then rushed out.

Compared with the monks who have lived in Tianyan City all year round, they all know very clearly what is going on when Tianyan City enters an emergency combat state, and they have to quickly enter the battle for their own lives.

Once the casual cultivators unite and fight desperately, the power that erupts is very terrifying. At this moment, Li Wei has just arrived at the city wall of Tianyan City, and many monks have already entered the formation and injected spiritual energy into the formation.

Li Wei did not join in because of his hidden figure. With Li Wei's strength at the level of a fairy, he rashly added immortal energy to these formations, which would probably explode these formations.

And Li Wei also saw the cracking demon that was not at high altitude.

Lie Mo exuded black devilish energy, looked at Tianyan City with a half-smile, as if looking at a group of amusing ants, Lie Mo really didn't care at all about the Tianyan Great Formation triggered by the monks in Tianyan City Up.

"It's really interesting. Those human monks before are not as interesting as you." Cracking Demon said with a half-smile.

"Attack!!" Tian Yancheng looked at Lie Mo with a solemn expression, but still triggered the power of the formation to blast over.

A flame impact composed of Tianyan blasted in front of Lie Mo in an instant, but the shield formed by the magic energy in front of Lie Mo's body did not affect Lie Mo at all.

"It's too powerful. It even resisted the impact of Tianyan." The city master of Tianyan clenched his fists.

Tianyan impact is the most basic attack method of Tianyan formation, but this method is the simplest and most effective, even monks in the Mahayana period dare not take it easily.

But Lie Modong didn't move, relying on his own devil energy to block such a Tianyan impact, this strength is obviously not possessed by ordinary monks.

"Second attack, kill!!"

City Lord Tianyan did not give up, and immediately gathered the auras of many monks to launch an attack.

A giant sword condensed by Tianyan appeared, and it shrank rapidly as soon as it appeared. Under the control of Tianyan City Lord, the giant sword shrank into a very small flame blade.

The shrunken flame blade did not weaken its attack because it became smaller. On the contrary, because of the reduced height, its strength was condensed together, and its momentum became stronger.

Li Wei could see that the power emanating from the shrinking and shrinking flame blade even shook the space a little. In this case, anyone can see that this attack is more powerful than the Tianyan impact just now.

"It's interesting." Cracking Demon tilted his head slightly as he looked at the flaming sword.


City Lord Tianyan's expression was serious, but he still pointed his sword at the past. The blade of Tianyan appeared in front of Lie Mo instantly as if piercing through the space.

And Liemo's performance shocked everyone even more. A space crack suddenly appeared in front of Liemo, and the Tianyan sword rushed into this space crack in an instant and disappeared, causing no trouble to Liemo at all.

"It seems that the cracking demon has reached the level of the heavenly demon, and it is on par with me." Seeing this, Li Wei estimated the strength of the cracking demon.

If it is at the demon level, then it can be regarded as a comparable level of cultivation with myself as a heavenly immortal, but demon cultivators are often stronger than orthodox monks in terms of combat effectiveness.

But with the Immortal Sword, the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, the Seven Treasures Tree, and just a cracking demon in his hand, Li Wei is not worried. If Tianyan City really can't stop him, Li Wei will naturally take action to kill him.

It’s okay for me to be an immortal invincible in the mortal world, but it’s wrong for you to come out with a demon to compete with me, so with myself as an immortal, the demon doesn’t need to exist.

At this moment, after the second attack failed, City Lord Tianyan no longer knew what to do. Facing this kind of space-tearing defense, how could Mortal's monk be an opponent?This situation undoubtedly made everyone in Tianyan City despair.

(End of this chapter)

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