Chapter 791 ran away again

"How is it possible? How could the celestial being escape so fast?" Tun Mo was also a little frightened after seeing Li Wei flipping in front of him with a somersault cloud.

With the flying speed of Devouring Demon, it can be said that it is not too powerful in the same level, but it is not too weak. Ordinary angels can't keep up with his speed.

But Li Wei's somersaulting cloud turned over in front of him all of a sudden, which shocked Tunmo, and this speed let Tunmo know that his black light escape was really not enough to look at in front of Li Wei's somersaulting cloud .

"Damn it, swallow it for me!!"

Tun Mo was angry, and he didn't get any benefits from fighting, and he might even be killed. In the end, he couldn't escape even if he escaped. How could Tun Mo not be annoyed?
At this moment, Tunmo was angry and angry, but his reason was still there. Li Wei flew in front of him at once, which let Tunmo know that his speed could not run faster than Li Wei.

Since he couldn't beat Li Wei in terms of speed, it would be very difficult to escape. Thinking of this, Devourer opened his mouth without hesitation, trying to swallow Li Wei in one gulp.

Li Wei just came to the front of Tunmo, and before he had time to do anything, he swallowed him with a big mouth. Facing Tunmo's big mouth like a black hole, Li Wei naturally did not dare to neglect, directly Then the Nine Heavens Profound Fire exploded.

With the same move, Tun Mo suffered a big loss in front of Li Wei. Naturally, it is impossible for Tun Mo to eat the second time. After swallowing the Nine Heavens Profound Fire this time, Tun Mo immediately sprayed it out in other directions. The speed was so fast that Li Wei didn't even have time to blow up the Nine Heavens Profound Fire.


Li Wei saw that the Nine Heavens Profound Fire failed to affect Tunmo, and immediately killed the 7 fairy swords. When the 7 fairy swords appeared, they immediately pierced the Nine Heavens Profound Fire. After all, Tunmo just swallowed Nine Heavens Profound Fire with all his strength After spraying it out, it was too late to use his magical powers, and as a result, 7 holes were pierced into his body by 7 fairy swords.

"Ah! Bastard, I won't let you go!!" Tunmo roared angrily, and at the same time his whole body collapsed, turning into countless black lights and fleeing in all directions.

Li Wei quickly controlled the attack of the Immortal Sword and the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, but he still couldn't completely kill all the fleeing black lights, and just watched helplessly as several black lights escaped without a trace.

"Damn it, this made him escape." Chen Yuhuang and others flew over, their faces full of regret.

Blocking with a large formation, and Li Wei's powerful fight, all of these made the opponent escape. This situation really made Chen Yuhuang and five people feel uncomfortable.

Although the opponent is very strong, Li Wei was still able to severely injure the opponent, which shows that Li Wei really tried his best. Although the result was not good, there was really no other way.

"It seems that next time we have to strengthen the blockade of the formation." Li Wei said to Chen Yuhuang and others.

The preparations this time can be said to be quite sufficient, but it still let Devour Demon escape. Compared with Cracking Demon, Devouring Demon is probably more difficult to deal with. Think about it, if you use the same way to deal with Devouring Demon to deal with Cracking Demon this time, it is estimated that Is the cracking demon already dead?

"Okay, since the other party has already escaped, it is useless for us to say more. What we can do now is to find the other party as soon as possible, and at the same time go to the other sealed areas as soon as possible. Optimistic." Shen Wuya said.

In the Boundless Sea, severe signs have appeared in the sealed place. It can be said that a lot of seawater has been swallowed up. The sealed place is like a bottomless pit, and the seawater in the Boundless Sea has signs of dropping a little bit.

This kind of omen can be said to be a bad omen, and at the same time, many masters of the Loose Cultivation Alliance in the Boundless Sea have investigated it. If this continues, it may not last long, and the seal in the Boundless Sea will be opened.

Not to mention Wuyahai at this moment, there have been many changes in the seals in Qianqiu Hall and Jade Emperor Mountain, and the most drastic changes are in Wuyahai.

"Let's go to Wuyahaiba next stop." Li Wei said after thinking for a while.

According to the news passed by the top management of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, the biggest change in Wuyahai is at this moment. If preparations are not made in Wuyahai as soon as possible, it is estimated that the devil in Wuyahai will break out.

When Li Wei's six people left with the masters of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, it didn't take long for Cracking Demon to come out of the shadows, watching Li Wei's leaving back full of hatred.

Li Wei severely wounded him, destroying the demon body, and finally survived through Duoshe, and finally released the swallowing demon, but the guy was so weak that he hadn't walked through Li Wei's hands a few times. The move was crippled, and with the current situation of Devouring Demons, it is not bad if there are only 2 layers of strength left.

Swallowing the Demon can't be counted on, now the cracking demon can only count on a few other demon heads, taking advantage of Li Wei and others running to Wu Yahai to deal with the demon, cracking the demon will immediately fly towards the seal of Qianqiu Palace and Yuhuang Mountain go.

When the operation of destroying the demons in Wuyahai is in progress, there is not much time left for the cracking demons. If the remaining two demons cannot be released as soon as possible, then if they are beaten one by one by Li Wei and others, they will be killed in the end. There is really no way to take revenge.

Li Wei and others didn't know about the action of breaking the demon. Although the Loose Cultivation Alliance is monitoring Qianqiu Palace and Yuhuang Mountain to a certain extent at this moment, the focus is still on the boundless sea.

At this moment, a vortex with a radius of 3000 meters appeared in the sea on a part of the boundless sea. In the vortex, it could be seen that there was a black hole under the seabed, and this black hole was where the seal was located.

"It seems that it is not easy to set up formations here. Li Daoyou, your formation skills are higher than ours. Do you think it is suitable for formations here?" Wang Yan asked.

"The sea water is flowing. If I want to arrange the formation, I have to go under the sea. I find it very difficult. The senior who arranged this sealing formation must have many times higher cultivation than me." Li Wei shook his head and said.

Li Wei's attainments in formations depend entirely on the Red Queen. If the Red Queen is not easy to handle, then Li Wei will be even more difficult to handle, so naturally he stares blankly.

Although the Red Queen has learned some knowledge about Yan Luotian and the sealing formation in the Forest of No Return, it does not mean that the Red Queen has fully grasped it. Many of the knowledge of the formation is very mysterious, and even the Red Queen cannot completely understand it. When used, it is naturally impossible to arrange a better formation in the case of unfavorable terrain.

The terrain here is unfavorable. If the formation is arranged forcibly, it is probably not as good as the formation arranged in the Forest of No Return. In such a situation, it is better not to arrange it, because it is useless at all.

"If that's the case, then we can only watch the devil inside come out." Shen Wuya shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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