Chapter 794
"Well, we can't just let the fairy break us one by one, we have to work together." Limo naturally nodded with a serious expression.

Lie Mo, who originally looked down on Li Wei, was deflated one after another in Li Wei's hands, Lie Mo knew that Li Wei was not a simple fairy.

How can a simple fairy be so tough as Li Wei? Even if their five demons have been sealed for countless years and their cultivation has been reduced to a very low level, it doesn't mean that even a fairy can't deal with it.

But what about Levi?Not only do they have flying swords that can kill them, but also a very terrifying divine fire, and finally the wonderful tree of seven treasures.

Lie Mo's Demon Soul Orbs were all forcibly brushed away by Li Wei. This point has never been forgotten by Lie Mo. Because of the fearfulness of the Seven Treasure Tree, Lie Mo is afraid of Li Wei.

But now that the Devouring Demon has been severely injured, the Balrog has been killed, and the remaining two unreleased Huamo and Jinmo really have no other helpers. If they are all wiped out one by one, then it will be true. It's sad.

Cracking Demon and Devouring Demon started to attack after inspecting the monks in the sealed place of Qianqiu Palace. Although Cracking Demon's cultivation base was severely damaged, there was still Devouring Demon. Although Devouring Demon was severely injured, his cultivation base can It is not something ordinary monks can stop.If it weren't for the fear that the movement was too loud and attracted Li Wei's attention, it is estimated that the two of them would start killing.

Under such killings, Lie Mo's cultivation has recovered very well, at least from the Conjoined Dao Stage to the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. As long as Lie Mo is given a chance to kill, then Lie Mo can restore his cultivation.

When the two big demons were slaughtering wantonly in Qianqiu Palace, the seal of Yuhuang Mountain was finally broken at this moment, and the golden demon rushed out from it, and plunged into the large formation arranged by Li Wei.

The Golden Demon probably didn't expect that there was such a large formation outside the seal, and this large formation immediately trapped the Golden Demon, causing the Golden Demon to roar angrily.

The big formation vibrated violently, and the Golden Demon was trying its best to break through the formation, but he didn't want to be trapped in such a formation. After all, he had been trapped by the sealed formation for so many years, why would the Golden Demon want to continue to be trapped?
The action of the Golden Demon naturally caused Li Wei to attack him directly. After finally arranging such a formation to trap the Golden Demon, if he was allowed to escape, wouldn't the formation be for nothing?

The Nine Heavens Profound Fire appeared beside Jin Mo out of nowhere and burned towards him, as if to burn him to ashes.

Li Wei was unreserved in his actions. After all, letting one go was a huge threat, so naturally he couldn't be let go.

The golden light flashed on the Golden Demon, but the Nine Heavens Profound Fire still covered his body and quickly burned his defensive golden light. The Golden Demon's defensive ability is very strong, but the strength is limited, and it may not be possible for ordinary monks. Break through the defense, but in front of the Nine Heavens Xuanhuo, this golden light is being burned quickly.

"What kind of flame is this? It's actually stronger than that old guy's flame?" The Golden Demon was naturally shocked by the power of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire.

With the power of the golden light defense, basically the golden devils in the same level would not have the possibility of breaking through the defenses. At the beginning, the golden devils were the only ones who were not injured among the five big devils, because of his high defense power.

But he didn't expect that such a defensive power was not enough in front of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire. Seeing the golden light being continuously burned, the golden demon knew that if he didn't want to do something, it would probably burn him after the golden light defense was gone.

"Break me!!!"

The Golden Demon has always been an arrogant guy, more arrogant and crazy than the other 4 demons, facing the burning of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, the Golden Demon exploded with powerful power crazily, it can be said that regardless of the crazyness of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Attacking Li Wei's formation.

The frequency of the shaking of the large array suddenly increased by a level. Facing the crazy attack of the golden demon, Li Wei could see the strength of the golden demon.

But how could the large formation that Li Wei arranged this time be so easily destroyed?After the Red Queen continued to deduce its strength, this time the big formation can be said to be much stronger than the previous ones. Under such circumstances, the madness of the Golden Demon failed to break through the big formation, while Jiutianxuan The fire was already about to burn through his golden light defense.

"Haha, I didn't expect to encounter such a big formation just after I came out of the seal. Let me see who forced me to use the ultimate move!!" The golden demon laughed wildly, a golden light flashed in his hand, and then a A very strong breath burst out.

A very powerful heavy hammer appeared, and the impact of the golden light caused the Nine Heavens Profound Fire to shake a little, which surprised Li Wei, who did not expect such a powerful magic weapon to exist in the hands of the Golden Demon.

It can be said that this magic weapon is not weaker than the previous magic soul orb. Under the control of the golden demon, it exploded and directly blasted towards the big formation.

With a loud bang, several mountain peaks where the formations were assembled were collapsed under this force, and the formations were also bombarded at this moment.

Li Wei rushed up directly, and the 7 flying swords in his hand blasted out powerfully towards the golden demon.

The golden demon rushed out of the formation just after its outbreak. At this moment, it had just escaped from the burn of the Nine Heavens Xuanhuo, and then encountered the attack of the immortal sword released by Li Wei.

For a moment, the Golden Demon showed super high fighting talent, and the golden heavy hammer swept towards the 7 fairy swords.

boom! !

There was a huge explosion, and all seven of Li Wei's flying swords were blown away. In front of the heavy hammer of the Golden Demon, it seemed that there was nothing that could resist it, not even a fairy sword.

"It's so powerful. If such a hammer hits us, it will definitely end in death." Chen Yuhuang and others were stunned by the fighting power displayed by the golden demon.

Li Wei is also somewhat shocked by the powerful fighting power of the Golden Demon, especially the brute force displayed by this golden heavy hammer is very terrifying, and it has completely achieved the situation of using force to break cleverness or even break everything.

"It seems that we can only use the Qibao Miaoshu." Li Wei shook his teeth, and directly sacrificed the Qibao Miaoshu.

The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree brushes everything, even the golden hammer of the Golden Demon is not enough to look at in front of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, but the Golden Demon has no extra thoughts.

Li Wei attacked him directly after the big formation was broken, and the golden demon naturally rushed towards Li Wei unceremoniously. Because it didn't hide it from the Golden Demon, the Golden Demon swung its hammer directly at Li Wei after blowing away the 7 fairy swords.

Swish! ! !
A colorful divine light appeared, but the golden demon didn't react, the golden heavy hammer in his hand disappeared at once, and Li Wei had once again controlled the 7 flying swords to kill again.

(End of this chapter)

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