Chapter 824
The city lord of Chongshan appeared in person, and Li Wei naturally gave face, and it was impossible to continue to embarrass these city guards who only had the cultivation of Jinxian and Tianxian.

"I've seen the City Lord." Li Wei saluted the City Lord of Chongshan.

"Li Daoyou is being polite, Li Daoyou is coming back from a long way, why don't you come and sit with me at the City Lord's Mansion?" the city lord of Chongshan invited Li Wei.

"The city lord personally invited me, so I will go." Li Wei nodded.

At the personal invitation of the city lord of Chongshan, Li Wei was naturally very face-saving, and followed the city lord of Chongshan to the city lord's mansion.

Li Wei is not worried that the Lord of Chongshan will attack him, even if he really intends to do something to him, Li Wei can quickly leave this world.

When they came to the city lord's mansion, the city lord Chongshan sent everyone away and started a discussion with Li Wei in the secret room. A day later, Li Wei and the city lord Chongshan came out chatting and laughing.

The city lord of Chongshan did not give Li Wei any promotion, such as the position of deputy city lord, nor did he give Li Wei any resources, but Li Wei agreed to the city lord of Chongshan to guard Chongshan City.

This situation surprised the immortals in Chongshan City who were paying attention to the situation, but they didn't say much.

Li Wei returned to his shop, and Li Wei shook his head when he said that the city lord of Chongshan didn't give him anything, and took out a talisman given to him by the city lord of Chongshan.

This talisman is a treasure given to him by the city lord of Chongshan. It is a talisman at the level of an immortal. Once activated, it can release a shield for protection.

Such a defensive talisman, the owner of Chongshan City is naturally a treasure, but it is useless to Chongshan City. This talisman can only protect individuals, and it cannot protect the entire city against the attack of mechanical troops.

And Li Wei was able to get this talisman because Li Wei promised to personally arrange the formation for Chongshan City.

What Li Wei opened in Chongshan City was a store on formations, and in terms of formation skills, Li Wei was much better than the formation masters in Chongshan City.

After Li Wei showed the formation designed by the Red Empress for Chongshan City to the Lord of Chongshan City, the Lord of Chongshan City was moved. Once such a formation is arranged, it will be much easier to face the mechanical troops.

The large formation protecting the city not only needs defense, but also has a super powerful attack. Although this will greatly consume the immortal stone or the immortal energy of the immortal, the large formation set up by Li Wei uses the power of nature.

The mechanical troops of the artificial intelligences can fight against the immortals. Naturally, it is impossible to use the immortal energy, but the natural power conversion device.

Ordinary scientific and technological energy is limited to a certain extent, but after the development of a natural energy conversion device, it is natural to quickly absorb the surrounding natural forces to replenish it so that it can quickly gain power.

What Li Wei discovered was that Ultron's spacecraft used this method to convert the immortal energy in the fairy world as an energy supply.

And with the double combination of technology and formation, the large formation in Chongshan City not only has the two abilities of attack and defense, but also does not need to consume too much energy.

And this is why the city lord of Chongshan was willing to give this defensive talisman to himself. If not, how could the city lord of Chongshan be willing to give such a thing to himself?

With this defensive talisman, at least when encountering danger, Li Wei can avoid being hurt to a large extent, so it is really enough to change to a large formation.

After some preparations, Li Wei led the formation masters in Chongshan City and began to set up a large formation to protect the city.

A few days have passed since the mechanical troops attacked Chongshan City. According to the attack rules of the mechanical troops, they estimate that they will be able to establish the space channel again in a few days, and then attack again.

Li Wei didn't dare to delay. Originally, this was the work of the formation masters of Chongshan City. Since he took over it, he had to do this job well.

Li Wei began to be busy arranging the formations, and the formation masters in Chongshan City cooperated with their work. When the walls of Chongshan City were restored again, Li Wei's preparations were also completed.

The day before the mechanical army came again, Li Wei took a large number of formation masters to complete the formation. When the formation was completed, everyone could feel that the formation contained a very powerful force, and at the same time Very strong.

As for the strength of the defensive formation, the formation is affirmed, so the attack is still not clear, but when you see the black hole muzzles erected one by one, it is a bit like the attack method of mechanical troops, but it is combined Knowing the situation of the mechanical army and the immortal method, the city owner of Chongshan was a little curious about its attack strength.

"When the mechanical troops attack again tomorrow, the city lord, you will know its power." Li Wei said to the city lord of Chongshan.

"Haha, I want to see its power now, but since Li Daoyou said so, I will naturally have to wait until that day." The Lord of Chongshan laughed and said.

And after the moat formation was set up, they were naturally ready to defend the city for the next day. After several battles, the immortals in Chongshan City had gotten used to the arrival of mechanical troops.

In the early morning of the next day, all the immortals were ready to prepare for the first time to destroy the opponent's space channel. Only by destroying the space channel opened by the opponent can the victory be won.

And the mechanical life forms obviously have a full understanding of this situation. At least they know that the immortals put the primary goal on the space channel, so after suffering a loss, they naturally have a response.

A space channel opened silently, and when the space channel opened, a large number of Decepticons had already rushed out, and the leader was naturally Wei Batian.

At this moment, Wei Batian is not as flamboyant as when he first came out. Facing the immortal who can defeat them several times, Wei Batian naturally has no intention of underestimating him.

As soon as the Decepticon came out, it immediately launched an attack on those immortals who rushed up. Even though these immortals were prepared, they were all blocked by force.

The Decepticons appeared continuously, and at the same time, the biological and chemical troops also appeared. With the rapid appearance of these two troops, the number immediately increased at a rapid rate, making it impossible for the immortals to suppress it for a while.

And in less than a while, a large space battleship appeared, and the appearance of the space battleship heralded the appearance of the main force of the mechanical army.

The Decepticons and biochemical troops are just fast and large in number. If we really want to talk about the main force, this kind of large-scale space battleship is the strongest.

After the first space battleship appeared, space battleships followed one after another, and before the space battleship launched an attack, a beam of light struck from the direction of Chongshan City.

(End of this chapter)

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