Chapter 120 The Mysterious Shopkeeper

There were not many people in the coffee shop, and Xia Qianchu was not as busy as she said.

Feng Siyi did not leave, but changed to a seat by the window, where he could clearly see Xia Qianchu's every move.

When Xia Qianchu walked in front of him again, he was looking at Xia Qianchu with a bright smile.

"I want to order dinner."

He obviously hated him to death, but at this moment he was still his own god.

"Excuse me, what do you need?"

"A cup of latte, add sugar." Feng Siyi said with a smile, as if he hadn't said those words before.

It was only then that Xia Qianchu realized that Lin Xiaoyu's latte was for him. The latte was already sweet, so he wanted to add sugar?

It can be seen that this man likes sweets very much, at least in Xia Qianchu's knowledge, there are not many men who like sweets.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Feng Siyi didn't know whether his good mood was because of what she said before, whether she was not taken care of, or because of other things.

He leaned his cheeks and looked at the woman in the glass room with a ponytail who was making coffee for him.

There was soothing music playing in the coffee shop, Feng Siyi felt that this was life.

Xia Qianchu seemed to have forgotten the previous unhappiness, and hummed softly. She didn't know how attractive she was.

Even Feng Siyi's cell phone rang several times and he was unwilling to answer it. He didn't answer until the coffee was finished.

"President Feng, there is something here that needs you to come back and deal with it."

"It's not easy to handle such a small matter." His brows were a little unhappy, and he hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time.

He picked up his mobile phone and wrote down the store manager's number, and suddenly he had an urge to buy the store.

Because of this woman, seeing the smile on the corner of her mouth, he felt that the whole world was full of sunshine.

"I'll be waiting for you at Fengyue." He left with a wicked smile, ignoring the expression on Xia Qianchu's face.

Xia Qianchu watched the plague god finally leave, and was relieved in her heart.

Feng Siyi got into a Maybach parked outside and made a direct call.

"Hello." It was obviously an uncle's voice on the opposite side.

"I bought your coffee shop, let's make a price." Without hesitation, go straight to the point. Rich people are good at this.

The uncle on the opposite side was a little helpless, "I said that I have sold that store for more than half a year, and the owner is not me. Why do people always want to buy my store recently?"

A look of surprise flashed across Feng Siyi's eyes. Since it was sold out, why hasn't the manager's phone number been changed?

Moreover, the location of this shop is not good, and the decoration can only be said to be average. In terms of commercial value, it does not make much money.

I wanted to buy this store because of Xia Qianchu, so what was the reason for the others?
"Give me the phone number of the new owner."

"Sir, I don't have the contact information of the shop owner. The contract was signed by someone else. Don't ask me anymore. I don't know anything!"

The uncle's voice was a little impatient, that is to say, after this shop owner, there were also people who went to him like him.

Feng Siyi hung up the phone directly, which is interesting, buying a store by himself but not running it.

Because of feelings?Or burn more money?Feng Siyi became more and more interested.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said lazily, "Go and find out who the owner of this store is for me in a while?"

"Yes, Mr. Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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