Chapter 125 Just Hurt Each Other
After dinner, Xia Qianchu went back to the room and turned on the computer, and sent her resume to the mailbox according to the procedure on paper.

After doing all of this, she let out a sigh of relief, finally entering Fengyue was safe and sound.

Taking out the swapped USB flash drive from the bag, this incident was like a big stone weighing on her heart for a whole day.

Although she looked different from before that day, when she was alone, her face was gloomy.

What happened at the night banquet was facilitated by Ruan Xiaoyu, so why did this video appear here today?

Xia Qianchu directly inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and she had no memory of what happened that night.

Seeing myself being locked in an iron cage like a beast in the video, the audience knows what it looks like without having to look at the following.

Xia Qianchu's whole body was trembling, her fists were clenched tightly, Ruan Xiaoyu, she thought it would be a write-off between the two of them.

Now let's see if that person doesn't intend to let me go, okay, let's continue to hurt each other!
"8000 million..." The video stopped abruptly at these three words, and there was no part where Su Yeting photographed her.

And if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear clearly at all. Only Xia Qianchu who stayed beside Su Yeting could hear it very clearly.

This is Su Yeting's voice, she is sure, as expected, he spent 8000 million to take pictures of herself.

For myself, this video is like a ticking time bomb.

Ruan Xiaoyu can use this video to threaten her today, and she can use the same trick again in the future.

Xia Qianchu sighed, but her former good friend now regards her as an enemy, the sadness is self-evident.

She lowered her head and went to the bathroom. Su Yeting in the room next to her was not idle either.

Xia Qianchu's computer has been remotely controlled by him, and he can clearly see what Xia Qianchu is doing.

I saw her send an email to Feng Yue's mailbox, but she played a video next.

This video is obviously what happened that night, Xia Qianchu had long been unconscious at that time.

She wouldn't be so bored to adjust the video by herself, would she?A smart person like Su Yeting quickly noticed the clue.

How could it be possible for Xia Qianchu to transfer to the video from Ye Yan's hands?

He made another call, "Eric."

"Sir." The opposite party has long been used to obeying his orders at any time.

"I want you to find out one thing for me..." Su Yeting's cold voice came.

Of course he knew what that video meant to a woman, let alone Xia Qianchu who wanted to be a star.

It's fine if it's someone else, after he and Xia Qianchu got together, he knew very well what Xia Qianchu was like.

At that time, she was also sold, otherwise she would not have appeared in that place. He can ignore the previous things, but now Xia Qianchu is his.

Whoever dares to touch his people will have to pay a worse price than Xia Qianchu!

Eric heard Su Yeting's meaning clearly, and also knew that this matter was not a trivial matter.

Judging from my husband's attitude towards Xia Qianchu, anything related to her will not be a trivial matter.

"Okay sir, I'll check it out for you right away." Eric hung up the phone while speaking.

In less than 10 minutes, Eric had an answer, "Sir, I have already checked this matter."

"Oh?" Su Yeting leaned lazily on the back of the chair, holding a fashion magazine in his hand.

"It's Ruan Xiaoyu who messed up."

"Ruan Xiaoyu?" Su Yeting didn't have the slightest impression.

(End of this chapter)

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