Chapter 128 Waiting for Three Months!
Xia Qianchu looked at the empty place next to her, did Mr. Su come here just now?

She scratched her head and looked at the towel on her body to prove that he had indeed been here.

After rubbing her hair casually, she lay on the chair, where she could see the stars in the sky.

The stars were very bright tonight, Xia Qianchu looked at the stars and fell asleep unconsciously listening to the sound of the waves.

After Su Yeting finished washing, a maid's voice sounded outside the door: "Sir."

"What's wrong?" He slipped on his bathrobe.

"Miss Xia seems to be asleep. It's almost autumn, and the sea breeze at night is a bit chilly. I'm afraid Miss Xia will catch a cold."

"I see." Su Yeting fastened his belt, and then slowly walked towards the balcony.

He saw the little woman lying in the chair at a glance. He had never seen such an innocent sleeping face.

This woman has an indescribable beauty when she is quiet, and he bent down and carefully hugged her.

The maid at the side had never seen Su Yeting so gentle before, that cautious look for fear of waking up the woman in his arms.

Effortlessly holding Xia Qianchu back to her own room, the sea breeze has dried her hair.

Xia Qianchu who was put on the bed did not show her teeth and claws as usual, but looked like a crayfish curled up.

Seeing her insecure look, it was completely unconscious.

What is this little woman so afraid of that makes her feel so insecure even when she sleeps?
Stretching out his hand, he really wanted to hug her into his arms, his fingers trembled in the air, he knew very well that if he touched her, she would definitely be awakened.

She withdrew her hand helplessly, and her crisp voice sounded in her head: "Sir, you are a good person."

Damn it, he was restrained because of a good person, Su Yeting covered her with a quilt, and then quietly left.

Three months, he can only wait for three months at most, and he must peel and cramp this crayfish and eat it clean!

A brisk ringtone broke the tranquility of the morning, Xia Qianchu dazedly grabbed the phone from the side.

"Hi, hello." Her voice was still a little hoarse when she just woke up.

"Hello, is this Miss Xia?" The voice on the phone was very sweet.

"I am, are you?"

"Hi Miss Xia, I'm from the personnel department of Fengyue, I'm calling you today to inform you.

We have received your personal information, do you think you can come to our company to sign the contract at eleven o'clock today? "

Xia Qianchu's drowsiness disappeared instantly when he heard the word of signing the contract, "Yes, yes, I'll be right over."

"Hehe, Miss Xia, don't worry, as long as you arrive before eleven o'clock."

"Okay, thank you." After asking Feng Yue's address, Xia Qianchu hung up the phone.

I checked the time on my phone, and the pointer just pointed to 08:30. She has been asleep for so long?
Her mind was a little groggy, she remembered clearly falling asleep on the balcony last night, when did she come back to the room?

Thinking of Su Yeting's habit of waiting for her for breakfast, she usually gets up very early every day.

I don't know why I slept a little late today, and my mind is even more confused. It should be because I caught a cold from the sea breeze yesterday.

She hastily opened the door and walked down barefoot, and sure enough, she saw that the man at the table hadn't touched his breakfast.

He was really still waiting for him, Xia Qianchu felt very uncomfortable for a while.

Feeling relieved and embarrassed at the same time, she knew that Su Yeting always got up early.

"Sir." She walked towards him.

"Hmm." The man put down the magazine and looked at the woman in SpongeBob SquarePants walking towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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