Chapter 136 Give You 7 Minutes

Su Yeting, who had just finished eating takeaway, looked at his watch, "I remember there should be an appointment at this time."

Eric cleaned up the trash, and Su Yeting usually didn't take a lunch break when he was busy, so he could do it with a takeaway.

The industries he is involved in are in various fields, and he often has to deal with not one company's affairs in a day, and he is very busy every day.

"Yes, Mr. Feng of Fengyue has an appointment with you. I don't know why he was 10 minutes late. This person is the most trustworthy in the industry. Maybe something has delayed him."

Su Yeting sneered: "Late is late, I never look at the reason, and continue to the next schedule."

Eric opened the itinerary, looked at it roughly and said:

"Okay sir, the next trip is to go to the International Stadium. You and Mr. Li have made an appointment to talk about real estate."

"Then let's go." Su Yeting stood up neatly.

The two were coming down from the building, and Feng Zhenghan just came up to meet them, "Mr. Su, please stay."

Su Yeting looked him up and down, "Mr. Feng, you're 13 minutes late."

"This is my fault, sir. I value this cooperation very much. Since I am 13 minutes late, can I shorten the previously agreed time by 13 minutes?"

It's not without reason that Feng Zhenghan became the top leader of the Feng family. He didn't find any excuses, but immediately came up with a way to make up for it.

It just so happened that Su Yeting didn't dislike him, he hated people who made excuses.

He looked down at the time, "Well, our original time was 10 minutes, and now you have 7 minutes."

There are countless people who want to cooperate with Su Yeting, and even the four major families have to act according to his face. This Mr. Su has a lot of background.

It is also his iron-blooded wrist that will maximize the benefits in the shortest time.

"Thank you, 7 minutes is enough." Feng Zhenghan calmed down a little. The project they were talking about today reached more than one billion.

This is not a small amount of work, 10 minutes is considered very urgent, but if you want to cooperate with Su Yeting, you have to adapt to his time.

Now there are not even 10 minutes, which is not a small challenge for Feng Zhenghan.

At this moment, Xia Qianchu in the car also woke up. She was sleeping in a strange car, and she was covered by a strange suit.

Su Yeting is wearing navy blue instead of black when going out today, where is this?

Looking at the luxurious interior of this car, you can tell that the price is expensive, and the driver has already noticed that she woke up and quickly reminded:
"Miss, you are awake, Mr. Feng told you to wait here for him."

"President Feng?" Xia Qianchu thought of Feng Siyi in his mind, and he took him into the car, what was he going to do?
Anyway, he will definitely not do anything good, Xia Qianchu replied directly: "I have something to do, so I will leave first."

"No, President Feng told you that! You can't leave!" The driver thought of what Feng Zhenghan said before leaving.

Seeing that the driver reacted so strongly, she felt that there was something wrong, so she opened the door and left without saying a word.

"Miss, you can't leave!" The driver hurriedly got out of the car.

Xia Qianchu looked at the posture and ran away, but her physical strength was not as good as before, so she was chased immediately.

"If you come here again, I'll call someone!" Anyway, this is the street, Xia Qianchu threatened.

"Miss, don't be nervous, I didn't mean anything malicious, it's just that Mr. Feng explained..."

"I said I have something to do, if you pester me again, I will call the police!" Xia Qianchu threatened viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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