Chapter 176 Su Yeting, You Are Sick
Su Yeting pulled out the aggrieved Chu Jing, and Chu Jing touched his scratched face.

"This woman is a cat, ouch, it hurts me to death. Ye, you shouldn't have pulled me just now, or I will beat her to death."

"I still believe other people, if you hit women, the sun doesn't come out from the west?"

Su Yeting obviously knew Chu Jing very well, and this man only spoke fiercely, and he was always sympathetic.

"Damn it, I really hate my attribute at this time, otherwise I will definitely kill that wicked woman!"

"Come on, I can't finish the food, let's eat at another place." Su Yeting was also unhappy.

The woman just now was obviously also teaching Du Jinyu to chase girls, which reminded him of his confession that night.

Su Yeting frowned. Although Xia Qianchu had rejected him last time, what about next time?

From his father's mouth, Su Yeting also knew that he should be a positive person, and he would definitely not be a person with a flamboyant heart.

Xia Qianchu should like his type, if he keeps chasing after him like this, it's hard to guarantee that the little woman won't be tempted.

The more Su Yeting thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he called the last number again.

The person opposite was obviously flattered again, "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Apart from Xia Qianchu, who else has your company recruited this time?"

"Besides Miss Xia, there are also Miss Feng, Miss Bai, Young Master Du..."

The people he reported were all people with backgrounds, no matter how good their acting skills were, their status already determined everything.

"Which son of the Du family?" Su Yeting's voice was extremely gloomy.

"It's Du Jinyu, sir, do you know him?" The people over there also noticed something wrong with Su Yeting's voice.

"I don't know you. I called to tell you to drive Xia Qianchu out of Fengyue in the shortest possible time."

The person opposite hurriedly nodded and bowed, "Yes, yes, I will definitely find a way."

When Chu Jing heard him finish the call, he looked at him suspiciously.

"Are you insane? While hurting her to death, you want to drive her out at the same time."

"It's because I love her that I don't want her to stay in Fengyue." Su Yeting said helplessly.

"If you don't want to tell you, just tell me. As you, who would not agree?" Chu Jing also asked with a restrained smile.

"You won't understand. It's not that simple between me and her." He knew the stubborn little woman's temper too well.

Chu Jing patted his head, "I don't have a fever, I thought you were talking nonsense. Ye, I think you must be working long-term.

As a result, you are under too much pressure now, and I think you are a bit like a precursor to schizophrenia.I know a good psychiatrist, how about..."

"Get out!" Su Yeting felt that he couldn't hear him finish a sentence, and every time he talked to him, he was so angry that he died.

He is crazy, he knows what he is doing.It was not easy for him to make the little woman depend on him.

If you break all this now, everything you did before will be in vain, and Xia Qianchu will only get further and further away from him.

"Ye, don't go so fast. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. As a man, it's normal to be under a lot of pressure. The doctor is very confidential, and the fees are also..."

Chu Jing hurriedly chased after Su Yeting. In his opinion, chasing women is not an easy task. Why is it so troublesome?

Well, there must be something wrong with Su Yeting.

(End of this chapter)

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