Chapter 180 Chapter 189
Seeing their friend Xia Qianchu again, they feel much better. From today onwards, they will formally enter the society.

"Student Xia." Du Jinyu also just arrived, he is the only male in this enrollment.

Hearing his voice, the two turned around, with a smile on Bai Xiaosheng's face:

"Why, you only have classmate Xia in your eyes, and you don't have classmate Bai like me?"

Having said that, Du Jinyu blushed a little, and quickly added: "Student Bai."

"I've already told you, don't call me a classmate from now on, aren't you a native?" Bai Xiaosheng rolled her eyes.

What a child can't be taught!I clearly taught him to deliberately get close to Xia Qianchu.

One bite at a time, classmate Xia, isn't that pushing the distance further and further?

"Yes, can I call you Qianchu in the future?" He asked with some embarrassment.

Xia Qianchu met his shy face and nodded, "Yes."

"Qianchu." These two words had been called thousands of times in his heart, but it was the first time that they came from his lips.

It's like a trace of floral fragrance spreading between the lips and teeth, and it's as sweet as eating honey to the heart.

"Well, we will be colleagues again in the future, let's go." Xia Qianchu replied cheerfully without thinking too much.

"By the way, Du Jinyu, was the man we saw handsome that night? You saw it too. I told Xia Xia that she still didn't believe it."

Bai Xiaosheng returned to the previous topic in an instant, and Du Jinyu scratched his head, "You mean the person you beat?"

"How could it be his gangster? I'm talking about his accomplice, no, no, companion."

Originally, Chu Jing was also extremely handsome, but he and Su Yeting were completely two extremes.

"Oh, the other person you mentioned, he exudes a cold aura all over his body, but I always think he looks familiar."

Du Jinyu rested his chin, he always felt that he had seen him somewhere.

"Hmph, the male god is different from you ordinary people. I even took a picture, Xia Xia will show you."

Bai Xiaosheng took out her mobile phone, Xia Qianchu didn't take it seriously at first, and turned her head to look when she was forced to have no choice.

I just glanced at it, even though the person in the photo didn't show the whole picture, but a profile about to turn around.

She could also recognize him as Su Yeting, so it turned out that Bai Xiaosheng was talking about him.

"Xia Xia, do you think he's handsome?" Bai Xiaosheng asked excitedly.

After all, Xia Qianchu studied acting, the emotion in her eyes flashed, and she looked away calmly.

"On one side, you can't even see his face, how do you know if he's handsome?" She didn't tell the truth.

Once Bai Xiaosheng knew about her relationship with Su Yeting, what would she think of her as a good sister?
Even if she knew that she and Su Yeting were innocent, how could others believe it.

Anyway, it only takes three months to get the answer, Xia Qianchu intends to hide everything.

Only Du Jinyu knew that she was lying, and the two had always acted opposite each other before.

In addition, he already cared about Xia Qianchu in his heart, so that even her frown and smile, every anger and joy, and the small movements of her eyes could see her thoughts.

When she saw the photo just now, her pupils changed slightly, and she was a little surprised.

Du Jinyu is sure that she must know the person in the photo, but why does she pretend not to know him?
There is only one answer, what happened between her and this man, thinking of this, Du Jinyu suddenly felt a little pain in his heart.

 I was not feeling well yesterday and the day before yesterday, and today I will update the four chapters normally, please forgive me, I am always suffering from serious and minor illnesses, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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