Chapter 184 Get out as soon as possible

Looking at this strange face, Xia Qianchu felt that Emily was targeting her from the moment she came in.

But she doesn't know this woman at all, let alone offend her?

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, even if she was dissatisfied, she had to bear it, she was here to make money, and she must not offend Emily.

"I see."

Seeing that Xia Qianchu obediently admitted her mistake, Emily let her go, "Get out."

"Yes." Xia Qianchu bit her lip, knowing that what she met now was just a drop in the bucket.

In the future, she will be targeted or rejected even more. After all, if she wants to get along in this circle, she can't do without a strong heart.

After Xia Qianchu left, Emily made a call.

"Everything is done according to your order. In less than a month, I will let her leave Fengyue."

"You have to handle this matter well, otherwise, if that person gets angry, none of us will be able to eat and walk around."

The middle-aged man on the opposite side spoke in a very apprehensive tone.

"Director, who is that person you're talking about? I think this Xia Qianchu was born to be a star.

If it is packaged properly, she will definitely be able to catch fire, and her contract is different from everyone else.

But it was personally signed by the second young master, and the above also clearly stated that they wanted to promote her in various ways.

If you don't make it clear, I won't be able to follow the money, and I will have trouble with my professional ethics.How many years have I been in this circle, I am the most accurate in seeing people. "

As a senior agent, a star can not only maximize her income, but also bring huge benefits to the entire company.

And she took a fancy to Xia Qianchu at a glance, and with her character, she wanted to cultivate Xia Qianchu well.

Helplessly, someone had already greeted her in advance, not only not allowing her to cultivate, but even driving her out.

No matter for herself or for the company, she felt that it was a very wrong choice.

"You don't care who it is, anyway, none of us can afford to offend that person." The director refused to reveal it, his voice very fearful.

"If we can't afford to offend, what about the second young master? He signed this woman, and he attaches great importance to it. If you offend him..."

"Hey, Emily, you and I have worked together for many years, and I won't go around with you anymore. This time, let alone the second young master, even the whole Fengyue can't afford to offend that person!
Anyway, that's all I've said to you, you just need to drive Xia Qianchu away as soon as possible. "

"As soon as possible, she is an artist we signed. She hasn't received an endorsement yet, and she hasn't made any mistakes. Do you think I have such a great right to let her go if I say let her go?"

"Little ancestor, I know you have a way, and I won't urge you, just try your best."

"Okay, I see, that's it." Emily hung up the phone.

Playing with the pen in her hand, looking at Xia Qianchu's information, what important person did this girl offend.

It's a pity that she is planning to hide her before she debuted. She is clearly a face of fire.

Xia Qianchu just walked to the rehearsal room, and there was already a dance teacher teaching them how to dance.

Besides them, there are many former trainees of Fengyue who have not made their debut yet.

As soon as he entered, he could feel the strange eyes they cast towards him, and he could leave Emily alone on the first day.

Generally, there is only one result, she is very optimistic about this person, and plans to spend a lot of money to make her popular.

Xia Qianchu didn't know that just such a small matter had already been regarded as a thorn in the side of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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