Chapter 196 Torment
In just one week, even if others came to her with a magnifying glass, they couldn't find her mistakes.

Emily, we have scolded everything that should be scolded, punished everything that should be punished, this Xia Qianchu is really stubborn.

Leng didn't refute us, now she is perfect, we can't pick any faults. "

Several teachers specifically complained, and Emily did not expect that Xia Qianchu would have such a strong mental capacity.

"I see, you don't need to worry about other things, I will find a way again."

She also didn't expect Xia Qianchu to be so strong. These days are not only suffering for her physically but also psychologically.

Many times the teachers couldn't bear it, after all, she was a little girl who didn't make any mistakes.

Why do you have to be treated like this as soon as you come in?But this is the entertainment industry, and everyone in this industry has their own rules of survival.

Emily looked at the backs of several people leaving, and it seemed that the first plan failed and there was only the second plan.

During this week, people around me have been going to some small commercials or endorsement auditions one after another.

Even Ruan Xiaoyu and Lin Xiaoyu were found several times by Emily.

"Xia Xia was punished again, seeing how hard you are sweating profusely?
I'm different from you, Emily just signed me to a skincare endorsement.

Tsk tsk, I thought Emily was going to praise you, but now it seems that I was thinking too much. Ruan Xiaoyu walked past her with her head held high.

At this moment, Xia Qianchu felt cold all over her body. It's not that she didn't know that people around her had some small opportunities.

As for Bai Xiaosheng, who was away for the past two days, I heard that she was also going to audition. Even Lin Xiaoyu and Ruan Xiaoyu also successfully received endorsements.

Then what is she? Emily never looked for her once.

In the beginning, Xia Qianchu told herself to be patient, since the day she entered Fengyue, she had been bullied.

After finally getting through it until now she doesn't even have a chance, isn't that sweat wasted?

In the dim light, only her shadow was stretched very long by the street lamps.

She suddenly felt very tired, so she just squatted under the street lamp, she is not a fool, since Emily has no arrangement, so what if she ran to find Emily?

Xia Qianchu hugged her legs, what should she do now?Even though he had worked so hard, it ended up like this.

"Qianchu." Du Jinyu had been secretly looking at Xia Qianchu, knowing that she was being punished and excluded.

He knew very well who Xia Qianchu had offended, that's why someone was going to punish her. This is Feng Yue, even if he wanted to help Xia Qianchu, he couldn't help it.

I just went to see Emily, and Emily only told him not to interfere in this matter.

Xia Qianchu slowly raised her head and looked at Du Jinyu. She quickly put away the negative energy all over her body and smiled.

"Student Du." She didn't want to show weakness in front of anyone.

But the more she was like this, the more distressed people were. Du Jinyu knew that she was strong, so he didn't mention it.

"Have you eaten yet?" He approached with a smile.

"I was going to eat, but who knew that the shoelaces were untied." Xia Qianchu stood up indifferently, but just as she was about to walk forward, her feet numb and she fell down.

Du Jinyu caught Xia Qianchu, "Qianchu, are you okay? Why do I think your face is pale? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I'm... fine." Xia Qianchu shook her head again and again, she was just a little weak, even a man could hardly sustain a week of high-intensity training.

(End of this chapter)

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