Chapter 208 Abducted My Woman

Xia Qianchu had just gotten out of the car, and the car that was chasing him had already stopped, and Feng Siyi appeared in his pajamas.

"Xia Qianchu, come here." Feng Siyi stared at Xia Qianchu coldly.

Seeing Xia Qianchu's frown, Bai Luo subconsciously protected her behind her.

"Second Young Master Feng, I don't owe you any money, and I'm not your woman. What's the matter with you chasing me?"

Bai Luo's voice was indifferent, and Xia Qianchu, who was behind him at this moment, felt the aura of repelling people thousands of miles away from him.

"You abducted my woman." Feng Siyi said in surprise, endlessly.

Bai Luo looked back at her as if, "Are you his woman?"

"No, he's just my boss." Xia Qianchu refused repeatedly. At this moment, she just wanted to scold Feng Siyi to show some face, okay?

But thinking that his contract is still in his hands, what if he really hides himself in the snow?She still didn't say it.

"Did you hear that? You're just her boss."

"Then what's the relationship between Mr. Bai and her?" Feng Siyi asked tentatively. In his impression, Bai Luo would never go to a place like SEX Night.

"Sorry, I don't think we're good enough to tell you about my relationship with her." Said Bai Luo, leading Xia Qianchu towards the door.

Xia Qianchu didn't struggle either, how could she know if Feng Siyi had taken the wrong medicine, why did she chase her back.

"Xia Qianchu, is he the husband who bought you?" Feng Siyi's voice came from behind.

According to Xia Qianchu's description of that gentleman earlier, Bai Luo fits it very well.

First of all, he is the president of Bai's Group, he is rich, and he never goes to nightclubs, he has always been abstinent.

It also fits the characteristics Xia Qianchu said, and Xia Qianchu didn't object at all, which further proved his conjecture.

"Yes, I am the husband she said." Said Bai Luo took Xia Qianchu away.

"Bai Luo, don't forget that you still have a little fiancée. If you let your fiancée know that you are a treasure in the golden house, tsk..."

"Don't bother Er Shao Feng to worry about me and Qian'er."

"Xia Qianchu, you are so noble in front of me, I thought you were a clean stream. I didn't expect you to be no different from other women.

Knowing that he is already engaged, but still wanting to be his third party, I think highly of you. "

Feng Siyi didn't know whether he thought so on purpose or really, what he said was very hurtful.

Xia Qianchu clenched her fists tightly, she just slapped Feng Siyi back then, why did this person humiliate her like this?
But she didn't want to explain this situation at all, Feng Siyi was not someone to her, he could think whatever he liked.

"Qian'er's good, as long as I know." Said Bai Luo pulled Xia Qianchu into the villa.

Feng Siyi stood on the spot, his face extremely cold.

Until the door closed, Xia Qianchu stood at the entrance in a daze, "Boss Bai, thank you for helping me out."

"Since you're here, come in and sit for a while." Bai Luo treated her like a friend, and brought her a pair of women's slippers.

Xia Qianchu was full of doubts in her heart, and she put on soft slippers, which were the same size as hers.

When she arrived in the villa, she didn't feel strange at all, but felt very familiar, as if she had been here before.

"Sit down for a while, I'll go get the wine." Bai Luo didn't treat her as a guest at all, and went directly to the wine cellar.

Xia Qianchu looked at the decoration of the villa, which was simple yet elegant, which was her favorite style.

(End of this chapter)

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