Chapter 245
While Xia Qianchu was putting on makeup, the others also came back, obviously they all got the news.

Lin Xiaoyu and Ruan Xiaoyu did not fight as soon as they met as before. Today, everyone wants to dress up and look beautiful.

It can be said that this is almost as harsh as the selection of concubines in ancient times. How to stand out among so many beauties of all kinds will indeed take some effort.

Xia Qianchu used a special foundation to cover the marks on her neck, and Chu Jing gave her an ointment last night.

Today's mark is much lighter than yesterday's, and she can't see it when she uses liquid foundation and concealer to cover up.

Lin Xiaoyu and Ruan Xiaoyu took a look at Xia Qianchu who was putting on makeup. In fact, she was the one they were really afraid of.

In terms of appearance, Xia Qianchu is really excellent, and they are simply not as good as Xia Qianchu.

I didn't know who Xia Qianchu had offended before, but Emily never gave her a chance, which made the two of them very happy.

But today's situation is different. Investors come to select candidates in person. If Xia Qianchu is selected, wouldn't their chances be smaller?
Normally, Xia Qianchu would look pretty and refined without makeup, but if she put on makeup, she would definitely be gorgeous.

The two want to stop her, but it seems that there is no better way to stop her now, they can't just tear her face off.

Xia Qianchu was wearing the white dress she bought that time, and the high heels under her feet were given to her by Su Yeting.

When she bent over to put on her shoes, there was a hint of sweetness in her heart, sir, please bring me good luck.

She finished putting on her makeup soon, and Lin Xiaoyu and Ruan Xiaoyu were both worried, their beds were covered with all kinds of clothes.

Either pure, or coquettish, or high-cold styles, what should I wear to make others notice me at a glance?
The two of them tossed and tossed for a whole noon, Xia Qianchu came back from lunch and found that the two were still struggling with their clothes.

She looked at the time and reminded: "It's already one o'clock, we have to arrive at the company before two o'clock."

Although the dormitory is very close to the main company, it takes about 10 minutes to walk there. They must arrive early.

Hearing her reminder, the two hurriedly grabbed a dress.

Xia Qianchu was dressed so innocently, the two of them definitely wanted to avoid her, Ruan Xiaoyu found a bright red short skirt, and Lin Xiaoyu chose a bright yellow long skirt.

In short, how to dress and what to wear, Xia Qianchu was just playing with the phone boredly, when a message came in suddenly.

bear: Have you eaten yet?
She didn't forget that this was her Jiasu Yeting's number that night.

Except for the position I sent him that night, the two of them never talked again, and Xia Qianchu was still a little unaccustomed to receiving his news suddenly.

She quickly replied two words: eat.

The phone shows that the other party is typing, and her heartbeat speeds up inexplicably. Is he chasing herself?
bear: What do you eat?
Xia Qianchu thought about it carefully before replying to him: "Mixed sauce noodles, it's so spicy to me."She also specially added a hot emoticon pack.

bear: Next time I will take you to eat authentic mixed sauce noodles, good boy.

Has this "good" become his mantra now?

She also quickly replied: The investor will come to the company to choose a role in a new play later, sir, I will go there first.

bear: good.

Looking at that word, Xia Qianchu felt warm in her heart. It was already 01:30, and she walked towards the company ahead of schedule.

Little did they know that the corners of Su Yeting's lips curled up slightly as he was sitting in a luxury car at the moment.

"Sir, if there is no traffic jam, you can reach Fengyue in half an hour." Eric's voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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