Chapter 276 Your Son Is Promising
The sun fell on the two people holding hands tightly on the bed, Xia Qianchu was extremely exhausted.

Su Yeting allowed Su Yeting to carry her into the bathroom. The bathtub was so big that it could accommodate two people.

With her sweaty body soaked in hot water, she moaned comfortably, "Qianqian, don't call that, or I..."

Xia Qianchu turned her head to look at Su Yeting, and found that this man was in high spirits, where was the haggard look he saw before?

"No, I'm tired." She just wanted to lean in his arms quietly, do nothing, think about nothing.

"The last time, okay? This time Qianqian doesn't need to do anything, I will do it myself." Su Yeting looked at her with starry eyes.

Some things are like a dam blocking water. If the water does not overflow, everything will be fine. Once the dam bursts one day, it will be out of control.

Su Yeting is also like a monk who has never eaten meat. He has always eaten porridge and side dishes. Suddenly one day he tasted meat, so how could he let go.

Xia Qianchu was tortured to no avail by him, "This time, don't let it take too long, I want to hang out for a while longer."

"Yeah." When someone agreed, his head looked like a chicken pecking rice, but who knew...

Half an hour later, Xia Qianchu hung limply on his body. "Sir, you are lying."

"Qianqian, I can't control it either, you don't even know how beautiful you are!" Su Yeting lovingly kissed her forehead.

This time he behaved well and didn't leave any traces on her body, otherwise she might have some troubles in filming in the future.

"Sweet mouth." Xia Qianchu pinched his nose and fell asleep like that.

Su Yeting had someone come in to change the bedding while she was sleeping soundly in the bathtub, and the housekeeper suddenly felt like a child had grown up.

"Ahem, sir, you still need to pay attention to your body." Aunt Li reminded.

When Su Yeting came back with Xia Qianchu in his arms, the two of them were disheveled and dripping with sweat.

She knew what happened without even thinking about it, so she reminded Su Yeting.

"Yeah." Su Yeting blushed coldly, and checked the time, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Then sir, rest well. I'll send someone to prepare dinner." The housekeeper left respectfully, and dialed a number after turning around.

"Madam, you can rest assured!" The housekeeper looked excited, but he was not as calm as usual.

"What happened?" The voice on the other side of the phone also became a little excited.

"Madam, the young master has a girl he likes, so you don't have to worry about the young master's abstinence anymore!"

The maid next to her was a little speechless. Butler, do you know that your young master is such a gossip?

"Oh my god! Xiao Tingting is not gay, I'm scared to death, so I'm going to have a grandson soon!" The female voice on the other side was about to break the phone.

"Uh, it's not that early to have a grandson." The housekeeper raised his forehead, the wife's character is still so "lively"!
"Then I'll fly back to see my daughter-in-law. I don't know if the baby in her belly is a boy or a girl. Oh, it might be twins!"

The housekeeper felt that he would never be able to keep up with the madam's brain circuit, "Madam, don't get excited, the young master and Miss Xia just had a conflict before, and they just reconciled. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to come at this time."

"Why is this cold wood not pleasing to girls at all, I have to teach him well tomorrow, well then, I'll come back in a few days.

Honey~ Your son is finally promising, and he has caught up with a girl~" A woman's light voice came from the other end of the phone, and the corner of the housekeeper's mouth twitched.

She is probably the only one in this world who dares to say that Su Yeting is worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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