Chapter 280 You and I Are Indistinguishable
As the first ray of sunlight fell in the morning, the person under the quilt slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is Su Yeting's sexy chest, and she actually slept in his arms all night?His hands were kept under her head.

"Brother Ting, your hands should be numb, right?" She asked worriedly.

"Fortunately, good morning Qianqian." The kiss fell gently, he was like a prince in a fairy tale, with a handsome and gentle face.

Xia Qianchu almost drowned in his tenderness, "Morning."

He looked at his watch, it was already 07:30, he usually eats breakfast at this time, this person must be waiting for himself again.

"Sir, did you wake up early?"

"Call me what?"

"Brother Ting." Xia Qianchu still hadn't fully adapted to this address, and would still call back Mr. from time to time.

"That's good. My biological clock wakes up at seven o'clock every day. I just saw you sleeping soundly. If I raise my hand, I will wake you up." Su Yeting explained.

Xia Qianchu felt warm in her heart, "From now on, you can get up when you want to. After all, you still have to go to work. Being late will not affect you well."

"Actually, I'm the first to arrive at the company every day. The company has to go to work at nine o'clock. It's also suitable to get up now. Don't worry, my little housekeeper."

Only then did Su Yeting pull out her hand from under her head to move around and get up. Seeing Su Yeting go in to wash, Xia Qianchu also got up neatly.

Opening the closet, she began to prepare the clothes for him to wear today, and she wanted to laugh when she thought of the clothes she casually matched with him when the two met before.

Knowing that he likes to wear white shirts, she took out a white shirt with navy blue buttons from among the neatly pressed clothes.

Below was a pair of navy blue cropped pants. When Su Yeting came out, she saw that she was picking out some small accessories.

Suddenly, I felt that this scene was very warm, especially when she was wearing a silk nightdress with suspenders, she was gentle and sexy.

He just hugged her from behind, "Qianqian, let's get married." Only this woman gave him the idea of ​​getting married.

Xia Qianchu was so frightened that the bow tie in her hand fell to the ground, "Brother Ting, I think it's too early to get married, we just established a relationship."

"Haven't you heard a saying that falling in love without getting married is a hooligan, and you have to get married anyway. Wouldn't it be better to be early?" Su Yeting was very open-minded.

"Ahem, even though that's the case, I think getting married is a big deal. We'll talk about it later."

"Okay, whatever Qianqian says is fine." Su Yeting rested his head on her shoulder, "Anyway, you are mine for the rest of your life."

Xia Qianchu chuckled: "Yes, yes, I belong to Brother Ting, and Brother Ting belongs to me too. Alright, I'm going to wash up."

"Qianqian, I'll ask someone to bring over some of the clothes you're wearing. Don't refuse any more in the future. What's mine is yours." He knew Xia Qianchu's character, so he took the vaccination in advance.

"Brother Ting, I know you are rich, but I really am not with you for money."

"Stupid, I knew it earlier, I wanted you for money, the first night we met, instead of kicking me out of bed, I climbed into bed.

I know you have a lot of self-esteem and don't like to accept it, but from now on we will be a family, and you and I will not be separated from each other. "

Xia Qianchu nodded slightly after his patient explanation, "Okay."

"Go wash up." Su Yeting said softly, and then went to the closet next door to choose a set of clothes for her.

(End of this chapter)

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