Chapter 389 Mr. Su is Here

They have already survived the most difficult period, and now they can support their family with Xia Qianchu's ability, and they don't need to rely on others.

Xia Min saw the hostility in Xia Qianchu's eyes, but he was actually in pain too, the person he wanted to marry from the beginning to the end was Liu Liangmei.

Who would have thought that fate would cause the two to be separated for so many years, and he was very clear about Liu Liangmei's life in these years.

"Chu'er, I know that I was wrong. I didn't take good care of you mother and daughter. I have already found out the truth. It was Fu Yan who was looking for that hooligan!

It was she who separated us for so many years. I divorced her a long time ago after I found out the truth. Xiaomei, the person I am most sorry for in my life is you.

It was I who failed to protect you back then, and I have never given up looking for you these years, so don't run away from now on, okay?
Come home with me, I will take good care of you, and no one will separate us from now on, Chuer, can you forgive Dad? "Xia Min prayed sincerely.

When Xia Qianchu learned the truth about him, she didn't hate him as much as she did at the beginning, "I didn't forgive me for saying nothing, my mother..."

Before her words fell, the loud sound of helicopter propellers was already heard in her ears.

This sound hovered over the entire sky of Yunxian County, causing people in the small county to rush out to see it.

The sound was getting closer and closer, as if it was right above them. Xia Qianchu saw a helicopter flying towards the hospital without any mistakes through the window.

And the helicopter was already preparing to descend, and everyone in the hospital was stunned, where did the helicopter come from!
Xia Min also found it strange that the helicopter flying by outside the window was obviously a private jet, not a commercial one.

What big shot would have the guts to land in a hospital?Soon they knew who the man was.

Soon there was a sound of panic from outside, and in the panic, a person strode toward the ward.

He kicked the door open with a strong aura, and saw Xia Qianchu with a bandage on his head and some faint blood.

"Qianqian." His steps changed from walking to running, and Xia Qianchu ran towards him regardless of his background.


The two hugged tightly in the corridor of the hospital, staring at everyone around them dumbfounded, and even many family members in the ward ran out to watch the fun.

Xia Xingxing and Liu Liangmei were also shocked. This man is...

"Who hurt it?" Su Yeting frowned when he saw her head, his eyes were cold.

His eyes wandered around, and everyone who caught his eyes quickly looked away, for fear that he would eat him in the next second.

In the end, his eyes focused on Xia Min's face, obviously they knew each other.

"President Su." Xia Min stepped towards him, while Su Yeting stood there and looked at him coldly, obviously his status was higher than Xia Min's.

"President Xia, don't tell me that Qianqian was hurt by you." Su Yeting's voice was cold, how could he appear here as Xia Min?
That's why he wondered if Xia Qianchu's injury had something to do with him. Xia Min felt that if he said yes now, the Xia family would be ruined tomorrow.

"Brother Ting, you misunderstood. He saved me, and someone else hurt me." Xia Qianchu quickly explained.

"Is it."

"Brother Ting, since you are already here, come and meet my mother and sister." Xia Qianchu pulled Su Yeting into the ward, and closed the door to block the eyes of those people.

(End of this chapter)

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