Chapter 148, The Situation of the Cangxiang Tribe!

At this time, Fuxi, who had just left, came back. Although he was a little surprised to see Lu Ya who came back suddenly, he still cupped his hands and showed respect!
Fuxi said: "Master, suddenly some people in the Cangxiang Tribe went crazy and rioted. So I plan to go there, so I ask Master to help me guard this place"!
Bai Xuan's eyes were fixed, Lu Ya had just brought Master's request, and the human race started to have troubles, everything was within Master's expectation!
After pondering for a while, Bai Xuan frowned and asked: "Cangxiang Tribe, is there a phantom mountain range nearby!"

"Exactly"!Fuxi said!

Bai Xuan thought for a while, and then said to Lu Ya: "Junior Brother Lu Ya, you and Junior Sister Bi Xiao go with Fuxi, I'm afraid it's not that simple this time, it seems that some people are already jealous of the development of the human race"!
Lu Ya and Bi Xiao nodded, and then followed Fuxi to check the situation of the Cangxiang tribe!


In Wa Palace,

Bailixuan and Nuwa sat opposite each other, tasting tea and discussing Taoism, while Hu Meiniang served on the side. After practicing with Nuwa for several years, she unexpectedly lost a little charm and became a little more out of the world!
Nvwa said: "Brother Dao, that phantom race dared to hurt my human race, it seems that someone is instigating behind him"!
Handing the empty cup to Meiniang, Bailixuan smiled at Nuwa, "This is just a fantasy race. I believe that with the development of the human race, even if no one instigates it, there will be more people." There is a lot of resistance, this is the only way for the human race!"
"but"!Bai Lixuan suddenly changed his voice, and said: "I don't care about these things, the only thing I worry about is Yang Mei, whom I haven't seen for a long time, what the hell is he planning?"
This is Bailixuan's scruples, dogs that bite people don't bark, Yang Mei is much more difficult to deal with than Hongjun, he has no scruples!
Nuwa said: "Brother Dao, why is this so? Soldiers come to cover up the water and cover it with soil. It is not a solution for us to think hard here, as long as we are fully prepared!"
Bailixuan raised his brows when he heard this, and said with a smile: "I'm a bit smug"!
At this time, Meiniang brought the new fairy tea again, and looked at Bailixuan affectionately in her eyes, but he pretended not to see it, which made Meiniang very disappointed!
Bailixuan took a sip of the fairy tea, and continued to say to Nuwa: "Let's talk about Fuxi, and I'll talk about the rest later, this time I'm here for the silkworm silk in your hand"!
Nüwa said: "The Celestial Silkworm Shensi was indeed distributed on the Fenbao Cliff in the past. This is a divine material for refining weapons. Could it be that the Taoist brother wants to sacrifice and train the divine weapons?"
"This is for Fuxi. Now that the phantom clan is confusing the human race, there should be a magic weapon of Fuxi, and this silkworm silk is the key!"Bailixuan shook his head and said!

Upon hearing that it was related to her elder brother, Nuwa didn't hesitate, and handed over all the silkworm silk to Bailixuan.

After accepting the silk, Bailixuan bid farewell, which made Nuwa look at him resentfully, and felt embarrassed to say something in front of Meiniang!

What kind of person, come to me when you have something to do, and leave immediately after the solution is over, can you be so scary?
"Do not send"!
Nuwa spit out two words coldly, and then disappeared into the hall!

Seeing this, Bailixuan shook his head with a wry smile. Although he could feel Nuwa's affection for him, he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart!

He respected the mother of the human race in his previous life, so he has been helping her since he met her. He didn't expect such consequences, and he didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow!
Shaking his head, he walked towards the outside of Wa Palace, and suddenly felt a resentful gaze, so he jumped directly into the void!

Seeing this, Mei Niang bit her seductive lips, clenched her fists in her sleeves, and said in her heart that I will not give up...


In the Cangxiang tribe!
This tribe is also developing rapidly under Fuxi's governance, but not long ago, someone suddenly went crazy, always talking nonsense and doing things different from ordinary people!
The leader who manages the tribe here immediately gave them some herbal medicine discovered and promoted by Fuxi, and combined with some fairy magic to heal them!
I didn't expect that with the treatment, those people's illnesses would become more and more serious, and more and more human races would go crazy. The immortals couldn't take care of it at all, and hurriedly reported to Fuxi!
In the current Cangxiang tribe, nine out of ten people are a little bit out of their minds. Fuxi led Lu Yabixiao and some human immortals here, and they were all a little horrified.So hurry up to help treat it together, and use spiritual consciousness to find out the root cause!
not sick!

This is the result of investigation by Fuxi, Lu Ya and others. There is no abnormality in their minds and bodies, which makes them a little bit at a loss!

After temporarily suppressing the clansman with mana, Fuxi led the immortals to discuss in the hall!

Fuxi said, "What do you guys think?"

Those human immortals shook their heads, expressing that they had never encountered such a situation before.But at this moment, Lu Ya suddenly thought of Bai Xuan, when they came, he said that this place is not far away, it seems to be the territory of the Phantom Clan!
So Lu Ya said: "There is no obvious abnormality in their bodies and minds. Could it be that they have been hit by the illusion of the phantom clan?"
Fu Xi was taken aback when he heard the words, that's right, after being affected by the illusion, they will live according to everything in the illusion, so his mind can't see the slightest problem.But the only one in the Three Realms that can have such illusions is the Phantom Mountain Range not far away!

At this time, Bi Xiao said: "Let's go to the Phantom Mountain Range to see if it's their fault!"

Fuxi shook his head and said, "I'm afraid they are no longer in Huanling Mountain, or Huanling Mountain has already laid a net. They know that there are masters and uncles guarding behind the human race, so they must have thought about it before doing this." There is no way out!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh appeared in the sky of the Cangxiang Tribe, and a figure came through the sky, it was the Huan Cheng, the patriarch of the Huan Clan!

Fu Xi and the others hurried out of the hall upon hearing the words, and looked at Huan Cheng in front of them with solemn expressions. A quasi-sage was enough to injure them!

I just heard that Huan Cheng said: "As expected of Fuxi, he is really thoughtful and extremely intelligent. I am the leader of the Huan Clan, Huan Cheng, and I want to ask your human race for advice"!
Fuxi heard the words and said: "Patriarch Huancheng, my human race has no grievances or enmities with you, why are you like this"!
"No injustice, no enmity! Your human race is developing rapidly, and the luck of heaven and earth is gradually approaching. You have caused our hard-working race to fall into decline. How can you say that there is no injustice and no enmity!"!Huan Cheng said sharply!

Lu Ya stood up at this moment and said: "The great prosperity of the human race is originally determined by the way of heaven. If you have the ability, you should go to the theory of the way of heaven and calculate some mortals. You are also worthy of being a quasi-sage!"

"Hahaha" Huan Cheng burst into laughter, and said: "I dare not look for the way of heaven, I just want to bully these mortals, what can you do to me. I know you are all guarded by saints, I will not shoot you, if you have the ability Let's undo the illusion of my phantom clan first!"
After all, Huan Cheng left a burst of arrogant laughter and disappeared above the clouds!

"Back to the hall"!
After watching the magic process disappear, Fuxi said a word, and then returned to the main hall first, and the rest followed suit one after another!
"You two uncles, do you know where there is a way to break the magic formation?"After returning to the main hall, Fu Xi hurriedly asked Lu Ya and Bi Xiao!

Lu Ya thought for a while, and said: "Your master is fine. When you reach their level, nothing is a problem. You should quickly cast a spell and ask your master to come to help and let him contact Penglai Xiandao"!
It should not be too late, upon hearing the words, Fu Xi immediately pinched his hands and recited the unique incantation of Penglai Island, inviting Bai Xuan to come!

In the main hall of the Dongyi Hao Clan, Bai Xuan, who was crossing his knees with his eyes closed, suddenly frowned, and then his figure slowly faded away and disappeared!
Just as Bai Xuan was shuttling through the void, suddenly a force with boundless power smashed down, forcing him out of the void!

"Where are you going, Fellow Daoist Baixuan? The two of you, the poor Daoist, have gained something from coming in, and you want to learn from fellow Daoist!"
After Guang Chengzi's voice fell, he and the Taoist figure appeared in front of Bai Xuan!
A cold look flashed in Bai Xuan's eyes, saying that he was talking about a discussion was just to stop himself.But I didn't know what was going on with Fuxi, so I didn't talk nonsense to them, and the Tiansha sword flashed in my hand, and I slashed at it!

Guang Chengzi saw this, and the precious light came out again just now, and hit Baixuan's Tianling Gai, and said in his mouth: "Brother Dao, let's see how the impoverished Dao's Fan Tianyin is!"
Sensing Fan Tianyin's incomparably strong suppressing force, Bai Xuan was surprised when Guang Chengzi acquired such a treasure, the treasure light flashed above his head, and the Lingbao Qiankun Pagoda stepped forward to bump it head-on!

Although the Qiankun Pagoda is an innate spiritual treasure, this Tianyin is not inferior at all, and the fight is evenly matched!

Guang Chengzi smiled triumphantly, and said: "This is refined by the master with countless divine materials that were broken in the past. It is an acquired treasure. It will attack Wushuang. Today, I will try his power with a fellow Taoist!"
As he said that, Fan Tianyin kept throwing at Bai Xuan, and the Shendao people just looked at everything with cold eyes, and didn't make a move.Just hold off Baixuan in the name of sparring, give Huancheng some time, and confuse other tribes!

Bai Xuan yelled angrily, put away the Tiansha Sword, leaving only the Qiankun Pagoda hanging above his head!
Shentong sensed Bai Xuan's movements, knew that he was going to use his natural supernatural powers, and planned to force the two of them back, and then quickly went to help Fuxi!

But the supernatural powers are not afraid of Bai Xuan who is about to use his natural supernatural powers, and looking carefully, there are black lights flashing in his eyes!
"The Divine Light of Silence"!
The destructive white light in Bai Xuan's eyes appeared again, but this time it was blocked by someone!

The divine channel person draws in the void, and a dark force forms a shield to absorb the divine light, and it is transferred to no one knows where!
"Hey, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint brother Dao, but the space shield in Pindao's hand is okay!"
The Shentong person said with a smile, this is a unique skill that Yang Mei gave him in the past, it contains the power of time and space, it can divert Bai Xuan's attack to other places!

But this is also thanks to the fact that the supernatural power is almost the same as his mana, otherwise he would have no idea if he wanted to transfer the light of Nirvana!

(End of this chapter)

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