Chapter 191, Shen Nong's Herbal Classic!

The main vein of Chaos Sect, Penglai Xiandao!

In the resplendent Chaos Palace, Baili Xuangao sits on the first place, and there is a Shangyang horse waiting beside him.

In the main hall, Ao Guang and Shennong stood facing each other, while Duobao and others stood aside, waiting for Tianzun to speak.

"Shen Nong, this is my innate spiritual root Huang Zhongli from Penglai Xiandao, take it now, it can get rid of your remaining poison"!
Bailixuan didn't go straight to the point, but first asked Shang Yang to hand over a piece of Huang Zhongli to Shen Nong.

Looking at the Huang Zhongli in his hand, Shennong didn't accept it, but said sadly: "Tianzun, Shennong just wants to find justice for my girl, and put other things aside for now"!
In words, Shennong disrespected Tianzun a little, but it was a pity that he lost his beloved daughter, but no one pursued it.

So Bailixuan said at this time: "I already know about the girl, and what Ao Guang said is right. Although there is a shadow of the dragon clan in it, the black hands behind the scenes really have nothing to do with his dragon clan, and Ao Guang and the others know nothing about it." "!"
After hearing Bailixuan's words, Ao Guang's eyes were filled with tears of excitement, but fortunately Tianzun came forward to prove it, otherwise he would be blamed for the blame.

"Thank you Tianzun for proving it for us,"

Ao Guang first bowed to Bailixuan, and then said to Shennong who was on the side: "Human Sovereign, now there is proof from Tianzun, we really don't know about your daughter"!
At this time Shennong snorted coldly, looked at Ao Guang coldly and said: "You can hear what Tianzun said just now, although you don't know, but there is the shadow of your dragon clan, what are you going to say?!"

"this…"!Ao Guang stopped talking at this time, he couldn't help thinking to himself that he was too anxious just now, why didn't he listen to Tianzun's words.

Duobao and the others didn't speak at this time, since Tianzun brought them here, he would definitely let them understand their cause and effect.

Sure enough, Bailixuan snorted softly as he sat in the first seat, and the hall became silent. Sometimes the majesty of a saint is still necessary.

"Shen Nong, what if this deity told you that there is still a chance for you to meet a girl in the future!"
Bailixuan's words sounded like a bolt from the blue to Shennong, and he still had a chance to meet the girl?She was out of her wits!

"Tianzun, I, I can really see the girl"?
Shen Nong was so excited that he knelt down in front of Bailixuan and said.

At this time, Bailixuan stood up on the honored seat, shook the whisk in his hand and said: "The cycle of heaven and karma, the girl should have become a pawn under the heaven, even if she escaped this catastrophe, maybe the next There is a greater catastrophe."

"However, Pindao has broken the order. You don't need to know the details. You just need to know that the perpetrator has been punished and the victim has a home again. You don't have to worry about it!"
"Okay, that's all for the deity. Duobao Kongxuan, why don't you take them with you?"
Now that he had finished speaking, and he had already made his words transparent enough, Bailixuan directly issued the order to evict the guests, and disappeared into the hall first.

Shen Nong, who was kneeling on the ground, also stood up. Although he is very impulsive now, he still has some wisdom.Tianzun's words told him that the girl had been saved by him, and the murderer was punished!

But when he turned his head and saw Ao Guang, he still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, there was already a little gap in his heart, and it would take some time to digest it.

Perhaps sensing Shennong's gaze, Ao Guang walked over at this moment and raised his hands to salute: "Human Emperor, now a big mistake has been made. Although I don't know it, it is my Dragon Clan's fault."

"Now Xiaolong has made a promise that in the future, the dragon clan will serve the human race as its goal, and strive to ensure that the human race will be in good weather and the world will be peaceful"!
Hearing Ao Guang's apology, Shen Nong just shook his head and sighed.What's the use of all this now, I can only hope that what Tianzun said is true, and that my daughter will come back one day.

"Master, let's go!"
After finishing speaking, Shen Nong staggered out of the Chaos Palace, then rode on Xuan Lin and walked out of the island!



Human race, Chen Du!
After Shennong came back, he buried the girl's body not far from the Human Emperor's Hall, so that he could visit her often.

At this time, the remaining poison on his body was also cured. Duobao took back the Huangzhong plum bestowed by Tianzun, shared it with Shennong and Tingxu and ate it, and finally healed their physical injuries.

But the trauma in their hearts can only be relied on by themselves, and now the husband and wife are in the house where the girl was alive.

Although the internal injuries have recovered, Ting Xi's face is still so haggard, and the black hair that reaches his waist in the past is also mixed with a few hairs. This is the expression of heartbreak!

Shen Nong held Ting Xi in his arms, watching her tears and her current state, how could she still have a trace of her original charm!

"Listen, Tianzun said that our daughter will come back, she just left us temporarily, we must stay strong and wait for our daughter's return"!
Shennong has told Tingyu several times this passage, but the grief of losing his daughter cannot be recovered so quickly, it will always take some time.

Shennong was still holding the listener, talking about something, about their past, and some interesting stories about girls...

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Nong felt Ting Zi in his arms fall into a deep sleep, and gently kissed her on the forehead, still keeping her in his arms, unable to bear to let go.

She's tired, she's so tired.All these years, she has tasted medicine in the Three Realms, and she is pulling the girl alone, and she also has to deal with the government affairs of the human race?In some respects, her contribution even surpasses that of Shennong.

But it was such a woman, her daughter was brutally killed, and now she fell asleep helplessly in Shennong's arms!
"Listen, I will stay in Chendu and stay with you in the future, and I won't let you get hurt..."

Seeing Ting Zi with tears in the corner of his eyes, Shen Nong secretly said in his heart!


This incident can be regarded as the past. Shennong tasted almost all the herbs in the world in Tianba Mountains and Yaoling Peak, and because he tasted medicine in Tianba Mountains, he left a place for the human race in the future. Admire the landscape, "Shennongjia"!
It has been several months since the death of the girl, and everything in the human race has returned to normal, even Shennong and Tingxu, they have to wait for the time that Tianzun said.

Now Shennong is writing a book in Chendu, because the human race does not have its own script, so he compiled it in innate divine script.

He has tasted all the herbs in the Three Realms, and he has already memorized the efficacy and shape of each herb. All he has to do is to compile a book so that the people will know which herbs can cure diseases and which poisons can kill people. !

This writing took several years, during which he and Tingyu worked hard together, after Fuxi, once again brought the human race to the top, and the protagonist was lucky that day!

However, there are advantages and disadvantages, the heavens and the peoples can't stay still anymore, they don't want to sit and wait for death, but now they are waiting for an opportunity, when the time comes, they will fight to the death with the human race!

On this day, above the capital city of the human race, Chendu, endless auspiciousness suddenly appeared in the sky, but within the auspiciousness, it seemed that there was still hidden thunder from the gods of heaven, as if some treasure had been born!

At this moment, a book floated slowly above Shennong's house, and the book was filled with a strong color of vitality, which faintly pushed back the auspicious heavenly god thunder with a destructive aura.

"Shen Nong's Herbal Classic"! !

Five golden inscriptions suddenly floated out from the outside of the book, which were Shen Nong's Herbal Classic!Shennong tasted medicine for several years, and he tasted all the herbs and poisons in the Three Realms.

Back then, he was only in the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and many of the poisons had effects on him, so you can imagine his suffering!

However, when this book received the baptism of heaven and benefited the human race ever since, Shennong, who was looking at the sky in the courtyard, finally showed a rare smile, and so did the listeners.

This is the first time the couple have smiled since the death of the girl, and it is also for the laughter of thousands of people in the human race!
"Shen Nong is not afraid of life and death. He tasted the medicine for several years and completed the book after several years. This Shen Nong's Herbal Sutra should last forever and benefit the human race. Based on this, Shen Nong can be called the emperor of the earth"!
A voice sounded in the Three Realms at the same time, this is the recognition of Shennong's merits by the Dao of Heaven, and from then on he is the Emperor Shennong of the human race!

As Hongjun's words fell, the auspiciousness in the sky also slowly disappeared, and the Shennong Wancaojing also slowly floated back into Shennong's hands!
"Listen to me, in the future our human race will have this book. Once the people of the tribe have ailments, the herbs recorded in this book can heal themselves. From then on, our human race will stay away from illnesses, which should be a sign of great prosperity"!
Shen Nong held the Ten Thousand Herbs Classic and happily told the listener that his long-cherished wish had finally been fulfilled, and this Shen Nong Ten Thousand Herbs Classic was his answer sheet.

He even longed for the human race to stay away from illness and live and work in peace and contentment, so that the number of human race would increase greatly and firmly occupy the position of the protagonist of the world.

Ting Zi didn't speak, just looked at Shennong with a smile, happy for him and for the human race.

This is the first time she has seen Shennong's smile in these years, and this book of ten thousand herbs has brought some compensation to their hearts!
"Human Sovereign, even though the Myriad Herbal Sutra has been completed, it will take a long time to spread to the entire human race. There are only one immortal in my human race, so this book written in divine script can only be dictated to ordinary people!"
Ting Zi quickly figured out the key point and told Shennong the problem.

Shen Nong nodded when he heard the words, and said: "I immediately copied several volumes of the Materia Medica, and then passed it to all tribes of the human race, and the immortals taught the mortals, so that our human race can get rid of the disease as soon as possible!"
The human race does not have its own script now, so it is a bit troublesome to spread it.However, Shennong's energy is limited, and he really doesn't have the energy to study writing, so he can only wait for future generations to complete it.


In this way, when Shennong was the emperor, he spread the five grains, developed medicine, opened up wasteland, opened up markets, etc., and he and his wife Tingxu worked together to weave linen and invent rulers, scales, and buckets.

After those rulers, scales, buckets and other things of the human race appeared, the way of heaven immediately sent merits and became the spiritual treasures of the human race's inherited merits and virtues!

Shennong and his wife have made great contributions to the human race, and they are admired and enshrined by the human race for generations! !

(End of this chapter)

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