Chapter 202, The Six-Character Mantra of Buddhism!

It is said that after the abdication ceremony was over, Bailixuan returned to Penglai Xiandao, his buttocks hadn't warmed up yet, and he only heard the report from the golden boy, saying that it was the West who had brought the sage here!
Hearing that Bailixuan's mouth curled up into a smile, he ordered the golden boy to lead him to the Penglai Enlightenment Pavilion, and he would be there later!
It seems that he was a little flustered when he transmitted the sound to him last time. He was here to test his tone, so he ordered the jade girl to send Yi Jianxian again!

In the Enlightenment Pavilion, Jie Yin sat on one of the futons, and there was a cup of fragrant tea on the table in front of him!
Although his face was calm, there were already huge waves in his heart.He also came to Penglai Island, but only for banquets. At that time, the formation was closed and there were so many people that it was impossible to observe carefully!

But today he was at the Chaos Sect, and he was shocked by the Chaos Formation, saying that the Zhuxian Sword Formation is the number one killing formation in the heavens, and it cannot be broken unless it is the Four Saints.The island guard formation of Chaos Gate can then ride the first defense formation of the heavens!
This array does not use the five elements of yin and yang between the heaven and the earth, but is based on the chaotic ancestral energy, which coincides with the five directions of the heaven and the earth, and the five directions circulate, endlessly!

Jie Yin originally wanted to try the power of the big formation, but he was afraid that Bailixuan would misunderstand and lose himself in the big formation, so he gave up the idea!

But now that he was in the Enlightenment Pavilion, Bailixuan's generosity surprised him again, not to mention that the futon is made of pure chalcedony, even the whole pavilion is made of Anxin bamboo, and the tea in the cup is not bad Ordinary things!

well!Jieyin sighed in his heart, he was so angry that people could compare with others, the thing that he regarded as the most precious thing in the west was used by others to make futons and pavilions, it is really incomparable!
Just when he felt ashamed, Bailixuan came belatedly, and said while walking: "Haha, I'll just wait to receive the saint. I have some trivial matters to deal with, so I'm neglecting you"!
Hearing the sound, he stood up, clasped his hands together and said, "Heavenly Venerable is very polite, there is nothing to be negligent. I just have a little time to see this Penglai fairyland, but it really makes the poor feel inferior!"
Bailixuan laughed out loud when he heard the words, and then quickly appeased him and took his seat. He also sat across from him, and didn't answer his words!

"I don't know what it means to welcome a sage to come here!"Bailixuan took a sip of tea, and said straight to the point!

Hearing this, Jieyin's expression became serious, and he said: "At the beginning of the creation of the world, the two of us received the favor of the heavenly lord. It stands to reason that we should always remember the great kindness, but under the heaven, there are many people who cannot help themselves, and the poor will first Please God forgive me!"
"Easy to say, easy to say"!Bailixuan made a perfunctory sound, and this seduction actually played the emotional card, intending to draw out his purpose little by little!

Then, as Bailixuan thought, Jieyin continued to talk, but he never mentioned the business, he was planning to let himself speak!

It just so happened that the jade girl came to report at this time, saying that Immortal Yijian was asking to see her!
Bailixuan told him to come over after hearing the words, then turned his head to meet and guide and said: "No surprise to meet and guide the sage, wait for me to order some tasks, we are reminiscing about the old days"!
Hearing the words, his eyes were fixed, reminiscing about the old days? !Who came to catch up with you, it seems that he is reminding himself to get down to business!

Just as he was thinking about Bailixuan's deep meaning, Immortal Yijian, who was carrying the Qilin Immortal Sword on his back, had already arrived outside the Enlightenment Pavilion!

"Immortal Yijian has met the ancestor, and received the saint!"

Seeing this, Bailixuan said: "Excuse me, this time I want you to go to the Qilin clan. Although Xuanlin's current strength can frighten Xiao Xiao, but I am the first to make a promise from the Chaos lineage, so someone still needs to show up "!"
Yi Jianxian heard the words and said yes, and then slowly retreated!
Bailixuan stopped him, then took out a pornographic paper and handed it to him!

"This deity almost forgot, I think the Goddess Tingxu is also hidden in the Qilin clan, you just give Huang Juan to her"!
How could Bailixuan forget, he said it on purpose for the reception to listen to!
"Receive the decree"!
Immortal Yijian bowed and saw that Bailixuan had nothing else to do, so he left the island with the yellow scroll!

After he left, Bai Lixuan picked up the tea and said to him: "Ahem, my Penglai lineage is the first to pay attention to reputation, so please don't blame me for dealing with these trivial matters! Please drink tea"!
It doesn't matter if you see this and pick up the teacup!
After drinking a cup, Jieyin hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "Everything in the heavens cannot escape the eyes of the God of Heaven, but Jieying has a lot of troubles"!
Bailixuan smiled and said nothing, waiting for the next step of the introduction!
"Tianzun, I can't interfere with the affairs of the east and the west, and I should have a place in the Jiuyou Difu, and I hope Tianzun will make it clear!"
Jieyin didn't expect that Bailixuan would know such a secret thing, although last time he vaguely said that he would help them, but he needed to make sure if he was talking about the same thing!

After coming here, he originally wanted to make indirect remarks based on old events, but he never thought that Bailixuan had arranged the scene just now, and mentioned the words of paying attention to promises many times in his words.This is to imply that he will speak up when he has something to say, and he will do what he says, so he can rest assured to speak!
Seeing that Jie Yin said the main topic, Bai Lixuan's expression also returned to normal, and he said in a flat tone: "The West's domination of Jiuyou is also the general trend of heaven, and it is also a sign of your great prosperity in the West. It should go smoothly! But..."

Hearing Bailixuan's first few words, his face gradually showed joy, but that sound made his expression a little stagnant!
So he hurriedly said: "I respectfully ask for the help of Tianzun, I am grateful in the west!"
Seeing that the fish was about to take the bait, the corners of Bailixuan's mouth hooked up, and said: "There are three resistances, one is the underworld Pingxin empress, the other is Xuanmen, the third is my Penglai fairy island, and the fourth is Shura Minghe." !
"But I said that I will help you, so you can safely rule me out. Pingxin has me talking, so it's not a big problem."

"As for Xuanmen and Patriarch Styx, it is not a small resistance to you in the West!"
Hearing the words, he nodded his head, this is exactly where his western resistance lies.But since Bailixuan can't make a move with his famous words, and he can persuade Empress Pingxin, then the biggest resistance can basically be ruled out!
"Hey, as long as Tianzun agrees to make a move, I will agree to any conditions"!
The reception is also going all out, as long as the luck of the west and the underworld is connected, then the west will be prosperous in the future!
When Bailixuan heard the answering words, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and said with a smile: "Happy, I will help you block it when the time comes, the second sage of Xuanmen. But the poor Taoist wants you to speak the six-character mantra of Buddhism"!

He hesitated when he heard the words. These six-character mantras are the supreme secret method of Buddhism, and few people use them. How did Bailixuan know this!
"Why, could it be that the sage is reluctant to part with it?"
Seeing his hesitation, Bailixuan picked up the tea that Yunu just added, and said casually!
Hearing this, for the sake of the future of Buddhism, Jieyin gritted his teeth and put a scroll of jade slips in front of Bailixuan!

Said: "Tianzun, this is the six-character mantra of my Buddhism. The poor Taoist has only one request, don't reveal it to others, after all, it is my Buddhist secret"!
Bailixuan put away the jade slips, saying that he must be sure, and let Jieyin rest assured.

"That being the case, I will leave you poorly!"
Now that all the conditions have been negotiated, Jieyin bids his farewell.The matter of becoming the master of Jiuyou is extremely important, and he also needs to make more plans!
Bailixuan got up to see him off, and only then did he go into the chaotic world with a smile on his face until the guiding figure disappeared!

Now his cultivation has reached a bottleneck, no matter what he does, it will be difficult for him to break the shackles, so he plans to gather the mysteries of the teachings and the strengths of the saints, so as to step into the realm of heaven in one fell swoop!

Now he is cross-legged in the Chaos Palace of the Chaos Realm, and the six-character mantra jade slip is lying quietly in front of him, and after a while, his body slowly shines with the golden light of Buddhism!

After a long time, the originally dazzling golden light gradually subsided, and Bailixuan also opened his eyes!
"I underestimated these saints. If they hadn't been shackled by this way of heaven, I'm afraid their achievements would not be inferior to mine!"
Based on this secret technique alone, Bailixuan felt the mystery of the Buddhist exercises.Although another shortcut is found, it is also extraordinary!

Now that he has practiced for a while, he feels that his state of mind seems to have improved slightly, which is the mystery of Buddhist exercises.

If he obtains the secret book of Taoism in the future and takes advantage of it to further improve the Dao of Chaos, then it should be his chance to step into the realm of heaven!
However, based on his relationship with Yuan Yuan and the others, it seems a bit difficult!

"Forget it, let's comprehend this Buddhist technique first, and talk about the Taoist affairs later. Hongjun, just wait, the deity will not worry about you soon!"
Glancing upwards, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, Bailixuan once again fell into the comprehension of Buddhist exercises!
At this moment, in Zixiao Palace nine days away, Hongjun who was with the old god suddenly opened his eyes.Just now, he felt a throbbing from the heart!

"Is it you? In fact, I don't want to be a pawn, but everything is determined. How dare an ant resist! Maybe you can really stir up the heavens and worlds, so as to transcend the supreme!"
Thinking in his heart, Hongjun closed his eyes again, and slowly melted into the way of heaven!



Regardless of the saints' calculations, the current human race is thriving under the leadership of the new emperor!

The Dihong clan lived up to the entrustment of the Shennong clan, and made one merit after another for the human race!

And Emperor Hongshi first proposed to use different clothes to flaunt different status, and also invented Xuanmian clothes.In addition to the difficulty of transporting by the human race, Emperor Hong rolled a log to the ground and invented the cart shaft, so people all over the world respect him as Xuanyuan!
And at this moment in the Human Emperor's Palace, Xuanyuan laughed happily, because the characters of his race were about to be born.

Since Xuanyuan became the emperor, he took the lead in selecting capable people from all tribes of the human race!And divide the territory, divide the entire human race into Kyushu, set up court positions, set up left and right supervisors, three officials and four assistants and other official positions!

This time he was so happy, the capable minister who created the human language was Cangjie whom he personally selected and supported!
(End of this chapter)

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