Chapter 278, Propose marriage, move the capital to compete!

After hearing Ziyuan's words, the cat demon instantly changed his expression, thinking that her blue-eyed cat clan can also be regarded as a spiritual clan, so why can't she become a divine beast.

She thought that when she found out about this by accident, she kept lurking here, hoping that she would have a chance too.

However, I don't want to wait for Xuanyuan to come back, but it is the happy ending of the position of the beast.

At the beginning, she only heard that the emperor was looking for the beast, but she didn't know that there was a limit on the number of people. What a mistake.

But this cat demon won't just give up like this, I saw that she put away that deliberately feigned charm and became serious.

"Everyone, it's fine if you give me the position of a beast, otherwise I think the Wu Clan should be very willing to know the news."


After finishing speaking, the blue-eyed cat demon continued to sneer, this was her trump card.

Not many people in the heavens know about this matter, but she is one of them.

If they tell the Wu Clan their news, then the Wu Clan will definitely take action.

"Is this a threat?"
Hearing that Ziyuan's eyes became smaller, Bai Xue, who was familiar with him, knew that he was angry.

But the cat demon was not afraid at all, because she was sure to escape in front of these golden fairies.

When the atmosphere in the cave was tense, Ziyuan suddenly shrugged his shoulders and said to her helplessly, "Okay, you win, I'll take you to meet the Emperor."

The blue-eyed cat demon's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, as if she had already guessed the result.

"Brother Dao, please."

The cat demon returned to her charming look at the beginning, and winked at Ziyuan.

Seeing this, Ziyuan took a few steps forward, as if he was fascinated by beauty, but deep in his eyes, there was a murderous look hidden.

"Go, go."

Coming to the cat demon's side, after Ziyuan's last word fell, his right hand instantly turned into a sharp claw, and he dug into her dantian.

And the cat demon hadn't woken up from the complacency just now, and was completely defenseless in the face of this lore.

"Hmph, if you dare to oppose Xuanyuan Renhuang and threaten us, this is your fate!"
The strength in Ziyuan's hands added another three points, and he could feel the magic power of this demon was passing away quickly!
He didn't kill fiercely, but it was related to the lifeline of the human race, so he had to kill him painfully.

And the cat demon felt the heart-piercing pain and the rapidly passing mana, and looked at Ziyuan with resentment in his eyes.

"Ah, Ziyuan, I will definitely destroy your rat clan."

As soon as these words came out, Ziyuan's eyes showed a trace of determination, now you won't be able to keep you, and he will kill you with one blow.

But at this moment, a burst of powerful force suddenly erupted from the cat demon's dantian, directly forcing Zi Yuan back a few meters.

Seeing this, the other beasts were shocked and wanted to help, but the cat demon was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, in the dense forest north of Yunling Mountain, a black cat with blue eyes and blood all over suddenly appeared, lying motionless under a tree.

Just now she blew up her dantian in order to escape. Although she escaped with her life, she has since broken her cultivation foundation.

At this time, she only had one obsession in her heart, that is to seek revenge from Ziyuan and wipe out the rat race in the world...

At this time, above the clouds in Yunling Mountain, Bailixuan, Ao Guang, the dragon god of the East Sea, and a young man with two horns first saw the scene just now.

"Tianzun, do you think it's necessary to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots?"

Ao Guang cupped his hands to Bailixuan and said, that cat still has a chance of life.

Bailixuan heard the words and said softly: "Let her go, let's go down."

Unexpectedly, I slightly changed the time when the twelve zodiac signs appeared, so that they appeared a little earlier, but Tiandao still arranged such a scene.

You said why do you have to make cat and mouse grudges.

Bailixuan couldn't figure it out, so fortunately he didn't think about it, and the next thing was to get down to business.

In the cave at this time, after the episode just now, the silence has been restored. Although the cat demon has escaped, he can't live long after all.

However, just when they were going to rest, they didn't expect there was movement outside the cave again.

They thought that the cat demon had helpers, so they walked out of the cave vigilantly.

"Why, a kitten scares you like this"?
Before they reached the entrance of the cave, they heard a clear voice, and then saw the three of Bailixuan stepping into the cave.

"Tian Tian Tian Zun..."

After seeing the leader, Zi Yuan and Bai Xue were stunned.

However, Zi Yuan, who had reacted, was at a loss and even pointed at Bailixuan, unable to speak fluently.


Seeing this, Bai Xue was startled, and directly slapped his thieves hand, and then pulled him to kneel on the ground first, saying that the god is blessed!
The rest of Zhu Han and the others gulped their saliva, and also hurriedly fell to their knees.

These are well-known figures in the Three Realms. I never thought that they would be destined to meet each other.

When Bailixuan saw this scene, he turned his head and said to Ao Guang who was on the side, "Let's talk about it."

Hearing the words, Ao Guang bowed his hands and said yes, and then took out an imperial decree surrounding the emperor's spirit in his arms.

Seeing this, the young man with two horns came to Ziyuan's side and knelt down with them.

At this time they understood that this was the last divine beast, and today the twelve divine beasts finally arrived.

"Today, under the divine decree of Haotian God, you are bestowed with the twelve heavenly branches of divine beasts, namely Zirao, Ugly Ox, ... Haipig! Since then, one person will guard each year, and 12 years is a cycle. Er Qizai !"

Ao Guang's voice resounded through the cave, and after the last word fell, he threw out the imperial decree.

It instantly turned into golden light and floated into the eyebrows of the twelve divine beasts!

Suddenly, the twelve divine beasts changed into their original forms, bursting out with incomparable golden light.

Seeing this wave of the whisk in his hand, Bailixuan sealed them here instantly, preventing the divine light from erupting.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "You guys can practice here with peace of mind, it is not the time for you to be born, and when the opportunity comes, you will definitely be famous in the three worlds!"

After he finished speaking, he took Ao Guang out of the cave, and Yunling Mountain suddenly disappeared after they left, as if it had never existed before.

This is for this matter, in order to deceive the people of the Wu clan, only he can do it himself.


At this time, in the palace of the human race.

"The emperor is going to marry a wife, this is a happy event, haha"

"Yes, I think my human race has been suffering for several years, and finally there is a big happy event..."

There was laughter in the hall, and Cangjie and the others were overjoyed when they heard Xuanyuan said they were going to get married.

If the Queen's position has been vacant for many years, they have long wanted to speak to Xuanyuan, but they have been put on hold all these years because of the war.

Now the Emperor of Humanity is finally getting married, and the Empress of Human Race has finally returned to her throne. It is really a great joy.

Even Yinxuan on one side is happy for his apprentice.

He and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit have been guarding here for decades. He never expected that Xuanyuan not only successfully completed the task, but also brought them such a big surprise.

So he asked Xuanyuan: "I don't know which girl you are going to marry, so I can propose marriage for you as a teacher and Duke Cangjie."

Although Yinxuan is a peak powerhouse and can calculate the way of heaven, but the things about the emperor are top secret, he is not qualified to know.

Cang Jie and the others came over after hearing the reputation, and they also wanted to know who is the beauty behind this person.

After feeling the eyes of everyone, Xuanyuan stood up and said: "It's the Xiling tribe, the daughter of the Xiling patriarch Leizu"!
Cangjie and the others nodded when they heard the words, but quickly realized that they all looked at each other.

Then Minister Xuanshou stepped forward and asked: "Dare to ask the Emperor, is it Leizu who spread the method of raising silkworms and reeling silk for decades?"

Xuanyuan nodded!

"Okay, a match made in heaven!"After being confirmed, Cangjie said excitedly: "The great Duke Lei Zu is selfless and virtuous, and everyone in the human race praises him, and he deserves the title of empress."

After finishing speaking, Cangjie immediately walked up to Xuanyuan, folded his hands and continued, "I suggest that I go to propose marriage with the Emperor tomorrow, so that the succession of the human race will be complete, and the luck of the human race will be more stable by then."

The other ministers also meant the same thing. It turned out that the matter had been delayed because of the war, but now that the Emperor himself had brought it up, the sooner the better.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan helped Cang Jie up, and joked with a smile: "You, you are really more anxious than me, but I promise you, tomorrow you and I will go to the Xiling tribe together with Master"!
After all, he looked outside the hall, as if he had crossed the void and saw that beautiful face.

Venerable Shangyang said that she had completed her merits and virtues and was waiting for him in the Xiling tribe.


At this moment, an urgent voice came from outside, and then a golden fairy monk ran in.

"Report, report to the Emperor, Yunling Mountain suddenly disappeared, and all the gods and beasts disappeared!"
As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Xuanyuan even walked out directly, and was about to go to Yunling Mountain to investigate the situation!
"There's no need to go, it's the master who has taken action to protect the beast. It will naturally show up during the war between humans and witches. There will be earth-shaking changes from then to now."

At this time, Yinxuan's voice came slowly, Bailixuan had already sent him a message.

After hearing these words, Xuanyuan suddenly realized that it was the ancestor who made the move, so there is no need to worry.

So he slowly walked back to his seat, and then said: "Speaking of the matter with the Wu Clan, I have one more thing to discuss with you."

At this moment, Duke Xuanshou, who had just spoken, stood up and said, "Let this old man guess whether the Human Emperor intends to move the capital"!
Xuanyuan laughed loudly when he heard the words, then pointed at him and said: "The one who knows me is also Xuanshougong"!
He has planned this matter for many years. The base camp of the Wu clan is now in the competition zone, so the journey is far away.

So he planned to move the capital to Zhulu before the start of the war, and directly confront the Wu Clan face to face.

"Well, the emperor said that we have discussed it before, and this method is feasible!"said another minister.

Xuanyuan nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "How about this, tomorrow you will issue the Renhuang decree, and after a few days, move the capital to Zhuolu...


(End of this chapter)

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