Chapter 284, Drought

"Pass down my human emperor's decree to let the strong locals stand firm, but not to fight, and then announce that the strong human races from all over the world will come here."

As soon as Xuanyuan said this, Xuanshou immediately took the order and left.

But Cang Jie was hesitant to speak, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

But Xuanyuan didn't notice his strangeness, instead he asked: "Cangjie, where is Leizu?"

As he spoke, he looked at the sun outside the hall and continued, "And why is it so hot today?"

Seeing that Xuanyuan finally realized that something was wrong, Cangjie sighed and said to him, "Please take care of the Emperor, Nuba, something happened to Nuba!"

"What"!Hearing this, Xuanyuan exclaimed in surprise, and ran out of the hall with an anxious face, regardless of the people present.

At this time, he also understood what was causing his uneasiness just now, but she never thought that it would be her daughter who had an accident!

"Eldest brother, this..."?
Yinxuan didn't know what happened, so he asked Baixuan on the side.

And Bai Xuan waved his hand at this time, sighed and said: "Master has expected, everything is God's will, and it is also the emperor's own calamity."

After finishing speaking, he took Yinxuan and the others to follow.

In a room on the left side of the Human Emperor's Hall, a woman dressed in red is sitting cross-legged here, and above her head is a magic pen emitting golden light.

Look closely at the red light around the woman, there is a faint wave of heat coming, and the burning void seems to be trembling.

Everything in the house was burnt, and the silk quilt had been ashes.Even the few pots of flowers on one side are withered to the extreme at this moment...

However, all of this is still under the suppression of Cangjie Zhibao. One can imagine what will happen here if the seal is removed.

However, not far from this woman, Leizu looked at her with a dazed gaze, and didn't even care that his skin was burnt yellow.

Suddenly, the door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and this little space trembled, causing all the extremely withered flowers and plants in the room, as well as the bedding, to be reduced to dust.

"Lei Zu"!
As soon as Xuanyuan entered the door, he first saw the haggard Leizu, and yelled out in distress.

When Lei Zu heard the familiar voice, his dull eyes finally became colored, and then he turned his head abruptly.


Listening to Lei Zu's hoarse voice and seeing her cracked skin, Xuanyuan couldn't help feeling pain in his heart.

In just three days, what happened!
Walking a few quick steps and hugging Leizu in his arms, Xuanyuan actually shed a tear, but it was evaporated in an instant.

Lei Zu was also sobbing in a low voice, but the moisture in her body had been evaporated, and there was not a tear shed at all.

Immediately afterwards, she pointed to the sealed woman in red, and said with grief in her eyes: "Our daughter, I don't know why she became like this."

After she finished speaking, she started crying again!

And Xuanyuan looked at the past along his fingers at this time, and saw his daughter who was very different from the past.

His own daughter is only seven or eight years old, how could she look like an adult, and with such cultivation and supernatural powers, how could she be his daughter.

At this time Yinxuan and the others also came to this room, and when they felt the aura in Nuba's body, they couldn't help frowning.

What kind of aura is this, it doesn't seem to belong to all the races under the heaven, and what's more frightening is that she doesn't have the aura of the six realms of reincarnation, which means she is not in the six realms!
You have to know that Nuba is only seven or eight years old, how could she have such an achievement, she jumped out of reincarnation and is immortal.

Just as Yinxuan and the others were thinking about it, Xuanyuan had already let go of Lei Zu, and slowly came to the face of the girl who had changed greatly.

However, under the naked eye of everyone, Xuanyuan's beard and hair gradually turned yellow, and even the surface of his skin began to burst.

These are enough to show that the heat in Nuba's current body has such a great influence on even the undefended quasi-sage.

Faced with all this, Xuanyuan remained unmoved and wanted to stroke his daughter's beautiful hair with his hands, but Bai Xuan hurriedly stopped him.

Taking a few steps back and dragging Xuanyuan back, Bai Xuan said to him: "Now the female demon has become the body of a drought demon, even you can't touch it easily."

Hearing that Bai Xuan told about Nuba's current situation, Xuanyuan grabbed his sleeve robe and was about to kneel down, saying: "Uncle Master, you know what happened to Nuba, right? You can save her right"!
Seeing this, Bai Xuan supported Xuanyuan, even though he was his uncle, he might not be able to bear the respect of the Emperor.

Leizu on the side also came over at this time, looking at him with hope in his eyes.

Seeing this, Bai Xuan looked at Xuanyuan and Lei Zu and said, "You all calm down first, and I'll ask you, do you believe it or not!"

Hearing his words, Xuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded firmly.

"In this case, let's go to the main hall and explain everything, and the girl will be fine."

Bai Xuan said something, and then walked out first, followed by others.

Xuanyuan and Leizu looked at each other, then looked at Nuba reluctantly, and then followed.

In the palace of the emperor.

"Everything is the way of heaven. You waited to destroy the ancestor of the beast, but you didn't expect that one of the three marriages of the ancestor of the beast would enter the body of the female demon under the cycle of karma, turning her into this!"

Bailixuan told the crowd the reason for the change of the nun, of course it was what Bailixuan said before he left.

At the beginning, he just said that everything was just a five or five number, if the girl did not have an accident, it would be fine, if there was an accident, just tell Xuanyuan everything.

But she didn't want everything to return to the right track, and the female demon could not escape her own bad luck.

"Uncle, is there no way to save her?"
Lei Zu took the elixir at this time, and finally recovered a bit, after hearing Bai Xuan's words, he couldn't help but blurt out a question.

Bai Xuan shook his head and said: "Originally, Master knew that there would be such a calamity. It seems that the daughter of the Human Emperor will go through the calamity, even Junior Sister Shui Su."

"However, at the beginning, Master wanted to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and deliberately made your husband and wife get married a few years later, but he didn't think that everything would be in vain!"
Although Bai Xuan said so in his mouth, when he talked to Master that day, he clearly felt that Master could stop it.

However, he didn't, as if he was scruples about something, which made him a little puzzled until now, but his master had never done this before.

When Xuanyuan and Leizu heard that Tianzun had planned a long time ago, but still made useless efforts, they couldn't help feeling a little despair in their hearts.

Tianzun can't do anything, so what can they do.

At this time, Bai Xuan saw the deep meaning in their eyes, so he said again: "You don't have to be like this, remember what I asked you just now, we have to believe him, right?"
Xuanyuan closed his eyes when he heard the words, and when he opened them, it seemed that he was refreshed, as if he was a different person.

"Yes, I believe that Tianzun, Leizu, our daughter will be fine, isn't it!"
Leizu looked at him in a daze, but when she felt the conviction, she finally regained some of her spirit.

They also knew about the girl in the past, but now they are still standing here, isn't it all the work of Tianzun.

Then there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as my daughter returns to normal, what's the point of waiting for hundreds of years like Goddess Zhitian!

The aura of the two of them slowly changed, and everyone who noticed this was very relieved.

Just now they were a little scared, afraid that Xuanyuan would lose his mind because of this, and thus be given a chance by the witch clan.

At this time, Yinxuan also said: "Master said that misfortune is where blessings depend, and blessings are where misfortune lies. Who knows that this must be a bad thing for Nuba!"
"That's right." Caixuan took the words and said, "We will go to cast a spell in a while to temporarily seal the tyrannical power in her body, so that she can temporarily wake up for a while"!
Hearing that Xuanyuan and Leizu bowed their hands to everyone, they didn't say much, all their thanks went without words.


Jiuyou Difu!

Empress Pingxin was listening to the report from her subordinates when Ying Gou, the immortal guarding the Styx river in the underworld, suddenly went berserk, wounding dozens of underworld soldiers, sucking hundreds of souls and fleeing.

"Please also ask your mother to use her magic skills to help me catch this thief!"
Ping Xin frowned, and then secretly searched for the creatures of the Three Realms with the book from the earth, and the result of the search was surprising.

There is no Ying Gou in the book of life and death. You must know that the book of the earth records all the creatures in the three realms, including flowers, grass, fish and shrimps, so why can't Ying Gou be found.

Could it be that the soul is gone, only this result is the best explanation!

So she said lightly: "You are now searching all the prefectures to see if he has escaped from the underworld."

These ghost gods heard the words and said yes, and then the entire Jiuyou Underworld began a large-scale search operation!

"How did that happen"?
"That's because Ying Gou has jumped out of the Six Realms, and he doesn't belong to the Three Realms!"
The sudden sound startled Pingxin, but when he saw Bailixuan on the chair behind him, he sighed speechlessly.

You said that you are a majestic Tianzun, why are you still so virtuous, without any majesty.

Fortunately, she was used to it, so she felt nothing, after all, it was also a symbol of familiarity.

"Tianzun, you must know that only you saints are considered to have jumped out of the Three Realms and are not invisible, not even me. How can Ying Gou, who is no more than the little god guarding the Styx River, have such magical powers?"

In Pingxin's opinion, what Bailixuan said was not true, such a statement was a bit shocking.

However, Bailixuan laughed and said: "The soul of the ancestor of the beast is three-pointed, and even the body after death has disappeared for no reason. Now not only you are the god of the underworld, but even the daughter of the Human Emperor has been implicated!"

"A new race is about to appear in the world. They use resentment as their power, feed on blood, live forever, and are abandoned by the Dao of Heaven outside the Three Realms and Six Paths"!
As Bailixuan's words fell, Pingxin's eyes were a little astonished. With the birth of such a race, wouldn't there be another catastrophe in the world.

I just heard her say: "In this way, wouldn't the human race have to bear the brunt again!"
Bailixuan smiled and said: "That's right, this is the causal operation of the law of heaven. The Human Sovereign gathered the entire human race to destroy the beast ancestors, but he didn't expect that the two sides would continue to entangle in the end..."

 #4.23 Writers have something to say#
  Hello everyone, I am the author of "The Primordial Chaos God", Qiu Feng Naihe, today is reading day, I don't know if you have read it.

  Speaking of which, it was a coincidence that I was able to write a book, and the same is true for the appearance of the role of Bai Lixuan.

  In the beginning, many people asked me if I liked Glory of the King, because there was a guy named Baili Xuance in it.However, I have never really played King of Kings. I can only say that this similar name may be fate.

  At the beginning, I substituted myself as the protagonist, and made the protagonist's life as I like, in order to satisfy myself.

  But with the passage of time, Bailixuan has gradually changed, and it seems that it is not the same as it was at the beginning. Perhaps this has a lot to do with the change of my writing mentality.

  But anyway, I made him the protagonist of my book, and he is my favorite character.Because he fully expressed my own character and attitude towards life!

  Of course, when this book was slowly taking shape, I received great support from all book friends.

  Their praise at the beginning was their support for me, and some of their suggestions were also their encouragement. I will always work hard to move forward.

  Finally, I want to say that you must read books on reading day!
(End of this chapter)

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