Chapter 389, The True Ancestor of the Top Four!

Send the generals on the road!
This sentence was said very easily by Lu Ya. They have been lying here for a long time, and they must use the treasure to destroy this official!

After hearing his words, the general narrowed his eyes involuntarily, and said with a gloomy expression: "One of you is a middle-stage quasi-sage, one is an early-stage quasi-sage, and there are two mere Daluo Jinxians, and you just want to kill me. How naive."

Lu Ya chuckled lightly when he heard the words, gently stroked the gourd in his hand, and said with a little meaning: "It may be impossible in ordinary times, but when you are seriously injured and you have the Sifang map of Lingbao, do you think it will be impossible?" You still have a chance."

In order to avenge Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan, they personally went to Tongtian Saint to ask for the Sifang Tu, in order to prevent him from escaping.

And at this time, after listening to his words, the general's face, which had been pretending to be calm, finally changed!

There was only one thought in his mind, which was planned long ago, which was Ruanqing and their conspiracy.

"It turned out that all of this was beyond your best efforts, no wonder you would ambush me here. But there is one thing I don't understand. How did you know that I was fleeing westward!"
This is what the general doesn't understand. He may go anywhere, so how can he determine his own direction?

"That's because Fuxi's calculation skills are unparalleled in the world"!Kong Xuan who held the sword suddenly said something.

This time, for revenge, he visited several seniors and vowed to avenge his shame.

At this time, Lin Xuan also opened his mouth and said: "This is only one reason, and my senior brother Guangxuan came to believe that there have been dark forces in the western world in recent years, and under investigation, each zombie clan is inextricably linked .So we are more sure that you will go west after the serious injury."

After hearing what they said, the general's face became serious, and they had already known everything.

The most important thing is that they are fully prepared this time, and I am afraid that they really have to explain here.

Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to attack, and perhaps find a flaw in the interception of the Sifang Diagram.

His eyes scanned the four of them viciously, and finally he locked his eyes on Shui Su, who had the weakest mana, and then grabbed it.

Seeing this scene, Shui Su was not surprised at all, as if she had expected it long ago, a palace lantern slowly floated above her head!
The power of yin and yang spiraled up, and there was also a unique spiritual attack attached to it, which made the generals who came suddenly dizzy.

"Innate Lingbao, Emerald Light Liangyi Lamp"!
The general recognized the origin of this treasure, and couldn't help crying out in his heart, what he fears most is fire, he dare not approach this yin and yang divine fire.

Therefore, he braked suddenly and stopped not far from Shui Su, planning to switch to another attack.

However, the people from the other three directions did not give him a chance. Lin Xuan's Wanling Whip had already been pulled over with the general's movement, and it was already tied around his waist at this moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Ya sacrificed the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife and Gourd, and shot out a three-inch white brilliance at high speed.

"Please baby turn around"!
Following his bowing, the three-inch face turned back fiercely, drawing sparks on the general's neck.

"As expected of the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, it's really powerful."The general touched his neck, and felt a slight depression there.

Lu Ya was not surprised by such a result. After all, this is the body of the Beast Ancestor. If the Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife could be easily broken through, then Lu Ya would have been famous in ancient times.

However, there is a white mark left, which means that there is still some effect. Maybe a few more times towards that place, maybe there may be unexpected gains.

"Please baby turn around..."

With Lu Ya's unrelenting momentum, Kong Xuan here also made a move, and when he made a move, he was extremely magical and five-colored!
I saw his hands held flat, and the five-colored divine feathers behind him were dazzling, but they were much duller than those in ancient times, which also showed that he had not fully recovered.

But even so, the power of the five-color divine light is also very invincible, and it directly fell on the general across the void.

Immortal-slaying flying knife, five-color supernatural powers, magic whip, and emerald light lamps instantly exert their power!
The four of them were in a four-way situation, and they all exerted their respective powerful strengths on the generals.

As the protagonist and general who was attacked, he could only cry out in pain at this moment, and the power of blood resentment pervaded his whole body, turning into a barrier to protect him.

It is not so easy to want his life!

For a moment, a four-on-one contest began in the Lingbao Quartet...


In a radius of a hundred miles, there is a lot of weak water.

As Tianhe, which is older than Tianting, of course, she is not only this size, this is a deliberate compression.

On the bank of Ruo Shui, Jueqing and Cihang stood on a boulder, facing a woman in purple clothes floating on the water.

"The devil is heartless, you said you came to see me often, but you don't mean anything!"
When Ruoshui saw the unfeeling, his originally silent eyes lit up suddenly, and then said dissatisfied with his small mouth.

As soon as these words came out, Master Cihang was obviously taken aback, and said to Ruoshui in some astonishment: "You guys know each other"?
She really couldn't imagine how these two people who had little relationship could know each other.

Ruoshui still pouted at this time and said: "Yes, he came to see me not long after I went down to the realm, and told me a lot of interesting things, and said he often came to see me, but he didn't come until today."

Although she is not young, she is not deeply involved in the world, just like a young girl's mind.

Jueqing took a step forward at this time, and under the astonished eyes of Cihang and Ruoshui, he actually stepped on the most soft Ruoshui.

This is weak water that can't be fluffy. Even quasi-sages don't dare to stand on the water at will.

But judging by his appearance, a mass of gray chaotic air under his feet was supporting him, as if he was not affected at all.

"You, you can actually come to the weak water."

Ziyi Ruoshui yelled happily, because of her special situation, hardly anyone could get so close to her.

Maybe he was so happy in his heart, Ruoshui unexpectedly came to Rueqing's side one step at a time, and hugged his arm.

"Great, finally someone can not be afraid of the soft power of weak water, it's really great."

This kind of mood is not understandable to ordinary people, as if they finally found the same kind.

Jueqing didn't expect her to be so enthusiastic, and the softness and coolness from his arms made his mind agitated.

"cough cough"

Immortal Cihang couldn't stand it anymore, coughed twice quickly, intending to let Ruoshui take a rest.

However, she has a young girl's heart and doesn't know much about the world, so she didn't withdraw her arm...

(End of this chapter)

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