Chapter 403, Heavenly Soldiers Canopy!
The three Yang Jiao brothers and sisters in the bullfighting palace had been rescued, but no one in the huge heavenly court noticed, and all the heavenly soldiers and generals on duty did not see any abnormalities.

Unfeeling, who was in the invisible state, looked at these puppet-like heavenly soldiers with disdain, turned around and flew in one direction.

That's not the direction of Nantianmen, but where the dike is!
This trip to Tiangong, Jueqing is not only here to save the three of them, but also to fulfill his promise.

In the land of Tianzha, after Ruo Shui collapsed once, there seemed to be several times more sailors here than before. It can be said that the defense is airtight!

"Tianpeng, Tianpeng, I never thought you would have today, tsk tsk, and now I am your immediate boss, how dare you look at me with such eyes..."

Before Jueqing reached the gate, a strange voice came.

Looking carefully, the canopy has taken off the marshal's uniform, only wearing the armor of ordinary heavenly soldiers.

In front of him, a weird man with a goatee and a hooked nose was scolding him with a proud face.

Rueqing landed directly next to the two of them. With his current mana, two big Luo Jinxians would not be able to find him.

He simply leaned against the sky gate, just quietly watching everything in front of him.

The canopy was scolded by the hooked nose, and the hand holding the rake in the right hand had burst into veins from exertion, but still didn't say a word.

He knew that if he resisted, then the Jade Emperor would have a reason to knock him into the dust, so he had to bear it.

Now he regrets it, he shouldn't have sought longevity in the first place, he became his lackey in the heavenly court, and he has been loyal for many years, but it has come to such an end, it is really sad.

And the eagle-nosed Tianjun opposite him is the new Marshal of the Navy and a member of the Antarctic Emperor.

After scolding the canopy for a long time, seeing that he still didn't move at all, a trace of disappointment inevitably flashed in his eyes.

Forget it, this matter can't be done once or twice, anyway, he will work under him in the future, and he will have plenty of opportunities to punish him.

So he said with a sinister smile: "Hey, brothers, let's go have a drink, let Marshal Canopy stay here by himself."

After finishing speaking, he gave Tianpeng a self-seeking look, and then left here together with the soldiers who were booing around him.

Until they left, several heavenly soldiers beside the canopy took a bite in the direction they left.

One of the soldiers came to the side of the canopy and said: "Marshal, what do you think they are, they have the nerve to take over the navy"!
"That's right"!Another soldier said: "The marshal has been here for so many years, no credit but hard work, this time the flood control is even more exhausting, but the Jade Emperor actually killed the marshal, really dissatisfied..."!
"Hiss, speak carefully!"Canopy quickly interrupted their words, these are already disrespectful.

However, this brotherhood may be the last trace of warmth he felt in Heaven.

"Listen well, you can't say these words anymore, now you have to obey the order of His Majesty the Jade Emperor, you can't hear it"!
Canopy said with a rare stern expression, he was afraid that these soldiers would be rejected by Goshawk Tianjun if they continued like this, that is, the hooked nose just now!

Seeing that these generals were still full of displeasure, Canopy patted the shoulder of a nearby person and said, "Go, I'll just watch over here, nothing will happen."

The heavenly soldiers shook their heads when they heard the words, sighed softly, and then stepped away from here.

Now only Canopy was left alone. He glanced left and right and didn't see anyone else, so he couldn't help sighing, and fell cross-legged on the ground.

He may be convinced in his heart, but there is no way!

Behind him, Jueqing sees everything in his eyes. This canopy is still a material that can be made. Maybe he can help him with cholera.

After taking a deep look at him, Jueqing turned around and sank into the sky gate. His chaotic treasure body is not afraid of weak water erosion.

At the moment when he disappeared, Tianpeng suddenly turned his head, and just now he seemed to have found someone peeping at him.

Looking at the empty space, he couldn't help shaking his head. It seemed that his nerves were a little too tense, and he was hallucinating.

Shaking his head and giving a wry smile, he turned his head and continued to practice.

Rueqing still underestimated the softness of weak water. Although the body of Chaos is not corroded, it is still quite strenuous to push water inside.

Now he even regrets why he didn't realize how powerful this weak water is. With his original cultivation base, if he can make it into a magic weapon, it must be quite powerful!
"Zilan, come and give me a hand!"
In desperation, Jueqing transmitted her voice through the liquid and quietly called for Ruoshui.


Not long after his words fell, a charming smile sounded in his ears, and Zilan in purple clothes appeared in front of him.

"Brother, you forgot to be in weak water, but I am everywhere"!
Jueqing was a little speechless after hearing the words, feeling that this girl made me look bad on purpose.

And Zilan couldn't stop laughing when she saw his pretentiously gloomy face, but she still stepped forward and pulled him to the middle of Ruoshui!
Looking desperately at the empty river bottom, there is only endless darkness and loneliness, and immediately asked: "This is the place where you have lived for countless years"?
Zilan nodded aggrievedly, and then said: "Not all, I can chat with the sailors at the Tianzha, and the boy in the canopy is not bad, he often tells me stories."

Speaking of this, the little girl actually showed some satisfied smiles on her face, which was already excellent in her own opinion.

Unfeelingly stroked her long hair and said: "Since you call me brother, then I won't let you suffer like this"!
Ever since this girl realized that she was not afraid of weakness and could get in close contact with her, there was something more like a family relationship between her and him.

The title has also changed from Demon Lord to Brother, so if this is the case, I don't care anyway, and having an extra sister is not a bad thing, and besides, the chaos in Tianhe is also part of my plan.

So if this is the case, it's too late, Rueqing stretched out his hands, and a cloud of gray-black liquid appeared in his hands.

"This is the refinement of the general's body. I also took out the Devouring Shenmu from it. You don't have to worry about becoming a blood-sucking monster like him. Then it's up to you. Whether you can get out of the weak water is up to you. It's gone."

Zilan took the object excitedly. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry like ordinary people.

He just stared at Rueqing with unblinking eyes to express his emotions.

Seeing this scene, Jueqing smiled, then rubbed her hair and said, "You practice hard here, and when you succeed, I will personally pick you up. I have other important matters, so I'm leaving..."

(End of this chapter)

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