Chapter 419 If you die first, I will miss you!

Rueqing held Yingmei in her arms, and the Blood Refining Sword was slowly pulled out behind her by a piece of money with wings.

Blue-eyed Yang Jian guarded his surroundings with a sword in case there was any accident.

Everyone stopped, the scene where Yingmei blocked the sword for love happened in front of them.

The Shendao people originally wanted to continue to kill Rueqing, but the Blood Refining Sword couldn't be taken back because of the treasure and money.

The most important thing is that in front of him appeared a young monk dressed in a silver-white luminous robe and with a halo of merit on his head.

Emperor Guangxuan!

"Xunjiao, you are as shameless as ever. It's good that Fairy Yingmei is fine. If something happens, I, Guangxuan, swear that I will never die with you as a divine disciple!"

He was angry. He was supposed to block the Blood Refining Sword without fail, but he didn't know why he failed.

He felt a little guilty about the unfeeling, so he put all the responsibility on himself.

As for Shentong, when he heard that Guangxuan had made an oath, his face couldn't help but change. At their level, as long as they said it, they must do it.

Being targeted by a sub-sage powerhouse and the master of a world, I'm afraid I will have a hard time in the future.

Guangxuan snorted coldly at him, and then looked at Jueqing, in fact, he also knew in his heart that Yingmei had no chance of surviving.

Jueqing's face was covered with blood, even the teeth in his mouth were bright red, he stared blankly at the still smiling beauty in his arms.

"why why"?
His tone was a little trembling, just like Epiphyllum fell in his arms in the past.

Yingmei wanted to raise her hand to touch his face, but she moved slightly, but she didn't have the strength to lift it up.

Jueqing sensed his intention, and raised her slightly cold hand with his right hand, and put it on his face to caress it little by little.

The left hand worked secretly, continuously injecting vitality and mana into Yingmei's body, preventing the destruction of the sub-sage's power.

Yingmei is still smiling, but there is more pain in the depth of the smile.

"I, I won't watch you die, because, because you die before me, I will miss you. I, Yingmei, am a selfish person, I will only, only make you miss me."

In just a few words, she spoke weakly, but the love for Ruanqing in her words moved everyone present.

Rueqing wanted to say something, but he saw that the star-like eyes had dimmed, and the smile had also froze.

His Yingmei is dead, and unlike Epiphyllum, she is the only woman who has ever had skin-to-skin contact in Jueqing's life.

If you die first, I will miss you.

This sentence was the only thing left in Jueqing's mind, he hugged Yingmei forcefully in his arms, without screaming in pain.

In fact, the silent pain was the most heart-wrenching. There were no tears in the corners of his eyes, only two spots of blood red.

The black hair bound by the purple gold crown was instantly like blood at this moment.

In such a situation, all the people present looked sideways, Lian Xin Luo Ling'er and others had already wet their scarves with tears!
"Nuwa, help me."

Jueqing suddenly looked up at the sky, her tone was so pitiful.

However, the content of his speech caused an uproar among all the people. He even directly called the saint by his name.

Even if a beloved woman falls, it is disrespectful to a saint.

However, what happened next was even more unimaginable. The map of Shanhe Sheji suddenly appeared, and the divine light shone on the fallen Yingmei.

"Alas, if the spiritual light is lost, the saint is powerless to return to heaven."

Empress Nuwa's voice came, clearly expressing Yingmei's situation.

Yingmei was hit by Yasheng with all her strength, the difference in realm between the two of them was too great, it smashed her primordial spirit in an instant, and the spiritual light of the sea of ​​consciousness was also wiped out.

"Then protect her body well, there will always be a chance in the future."

The unfeeling voice was very flat, as if telling a very ordinary thing.

Hearing that the picture of Shanhe Sheji trembled, the charm in his arms also disappeared.

"You, take care of yourself, with your intelligence, you won't know what they are for"!
Nuwa's voice came from the picture of Shanhe Sheji, as if she was comforting the heartless, and disappeared suddenly after she finished speaking.

The beauty in his arms was gone, but there was still a familiar fragrance left, but I'm afraid I won't be able to smell it in the future.

His unfeeling eyes were like lightning, the blood on his body had already merged with the red robe, and he could only see the color depth.

His handsome face was covered by frozen blood, but there were two traces of blood and tears in the corners of his eyes, coupled with his white hair that was as white as snow in an instant, it looked terrifying.

"Today, you all will be buried with her."

His tone was still flat, flat and scary.

His gaze first turned to the Grand Master Xuandu who was closer to him, and a murderous intent enveloped him in an instant.

And Xuandu only felt a chill behind him, and a little fear in his heart, but thinking that he was already seriously injured, this fear gradually calmed down.

"Where is the Potian Tower?"

With a loud cry, Potian Pagoda felt the hatred in the master's heart, and suddenly turned into a height of tens of meters, and suppressed it with the force of thunder.

Master Xuandu waved his hand to summon the Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams Furnace, and the Yin-Yang energy turned into a Tai Chi pattern, and he went up to the Potian Pagoda!

The air waves were overwhelming, but the result of the collision was unexpected. The furnace cover of the Bagua furnace was knocked away, and even the furnace body was deflated by a large piece.


Xuandu let out a muffled snort, with a trace of blood left at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with disbelief as he looked at the mighty Potian Tower.

But Jueqing didn't give him too much time, and the pagoda slammed over again with a mighty force, knocking the Eight Diagrams Stove back at once.

Seeing this, Xuan Du's complexion changed drastically, and the gossip furnace grew bigger and bigger in his eyes, and he only felt his body was a little hot.

That's because the Eight Diagrams Furnace had already touched his body, and knocked him tens of meters away, blood spurting wildly!

Two moves, two heartless moves will seriously injure a top power!
Regardless of whether he used some forbidden secret technique or not, this record alone is enough to be recorded in the annals of history and admired by future generations.

His unfeeling gaze was still piercing, and he didn't know when he held the Blood-devouring Sword in his hand, planning to find the next target.

"Senior brother, let's go, this heartless man is crazy"!
The Shentong person was in a bad mood, so he quickly shouted at Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi who were stunned there, these two idiots are still watching!

Jueqing heard the sound and looked over, and then said to Guangxuan: "The Great Emperor, please stop the supernatural power, don't let him go, I want Tu Yasheng today"!
The calm tone, like a bolt from the blue, made people think of the supernatural words just now, and Ruanqing seemed to be really crazy.

However, he didn't take everyone's gazes seriously, instead he turned his head to look at Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi who were planning to escape!

"Do you want to leave? Have you asked about my Blood-devouring Sword?"

Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi were enveloped by killing intent, they felt bad immediately, and their figures escaped directly into the void...

(End of this chapter)

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