Chapter 429, Original Heart!
Outside Peach Mountain, Yao Ji looked at Yang Jian in her arms lovingly, her belt was dancing while falling.


Before feeling down-to-earth, Yang Jiao and Yang Chan could no longer restrain the excitement in their hearts, they couldn't wait even for a second.

"Chan'er, Jiao'er,"

After so many years, Yao Ji has become much more mature and dignified. Now facing her three children, she always feels settled in her heart.

I wanted to reach out to touch my child, but worried that Yang Jian was still in my arms, so I just smiled at them foolishly.

And Yun Xuan below showed hesitation, acting more like an ordinary lover, there is always a little fear in his heart after not seeing him for many years,
Fortunately, Yao Ji and the others quickly landed in front of Yun Xuan, and they didn't know if it was intentional or not.

Yang Jiao has already picked up Yang Jian, but the mother's body mana has not recovered, so how can she keep holding her.

Yang Chan, who was wearing a green skirt, carefully supported Yao Ji's arm, and seemed to hold her tightly, as if she was afraid that her mother would disappear again.

However, Yao Ji's eyes remained on Yun Xuan, the tears in her red eyes had long since burst, the longing for so many years finally paid off today.

"Mu Mu, you are still so stupid now. Puff..."

In the end, maybe she thought of other things and couldn't help laughing, but she was so happy.

Yun Xuan's lips trembled slightly, but he really didn't seem to have anything to say, just looking at it like this seemed to sublimate his mood.

His appearance caused Lin Xuan and his wife behind him to curl their lips, and then saw Shui Su winking at Lin Xuan, and then pushed Yun Xuan's back.


Unprepared, Yun Xuan went directly in front of Yao Ji, which actually startled Yang Chan.

Yang Jiao also frowned a little. Although they said that they had a relationship before, they finally got married to his father. It might not be appropriate for Venerable Lin Xuan to do so.

But what Yao Ji said next made them dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning.

"Jiao'er, Chan'er, come and see your father!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the two of them were stunned, but Taibai on the cloud head also staggered, almost falling into the dust.

Breaking news, this is breaking news!

However, Yang Chan and the others don't pay attention to these things now, they are looking at Yun Xuan in a daze.

"Mother, how could Emperor Yunxuan be our father?"
Yang Chan's eyes were shining with watery eyes, which contained a lot of doubts.

Yang Jiao didn't speak, but his frown showed the unrest in his heart.

Yao Ji looked at the doubts in the children's eyes, and then sighed and said, "Hey, I'd better find a quiet place and talk to you about it."

Speaking of this, she looked up at the sky again: "Taibai, you can come too, and report to my brother when I go back"!
Taibai Jinxing heard the words and said yes, and then she left the place with them!

Not long after Yao Ji got out of trouble, there was movement in Rueqing at Beiju Luzhou, and the aura that had been tyrannized for half a month finally returned to calm.

Looking at the unfeeling, which was originally radiant with divine light, all the divine light has been restrained, and the long-lost sunshine finally shines on Wanyao Mountain,

The Qiankun Pagoda floated above Jueqing's head, five fire dragons circled behind him, and the blood-devouring sword in front of him was full of blood.

This sword was originally an ordinary magic weapon refined by devouring spar, it didn't have much magic power, and the power of devouring was not so powerful.

However, after so many years of unfeeling accumulation of spiritual power, Kunpeng's quasi-sage power was often absorbed, and the fusion of the blood evil god stone was more frequent.

Now, with the power of the Qiankun Pagoda, it has absorbed the blood power of a sub-sage, so now it is a holy treasure, and it should be known by everyone in the world!
Now that the three treasures are gathered together, except for the Kowloon Divine Fire Cover, which is not considered the most precious treasure, the other two are rare in the world.

At this time, they are already connected with each other, this is another refinement of the magic weapon for him to step into the sub-sage.

"Master Aunt, why don't we go, it's fine with Uncle Kong Xuan and the others here, it's too boring." Luo Ling'er said while sitting on a white cloud, holding her chin with a small hand.

She was an active person, how could she endure the silence for so many days, her little face was full of grievances.

Lian Xin frowned and looked at Luo Ling'er, who was actually a few years older than herself, and couldn't help showing an indisputable look on her face.

But facing Luo Ling'er, she just needs one word to make her give up, otherwise she won't stop, "If you want to go, go, I will wait here!"

Luo Ling'er pursed her lips when she heard the words, and muttered bitterly: "I also said that I didn't like him. I'm afraid that Master Tu will be jealous after seeing this performance."

Although her voice is very small, but the people present are all powerful people, how could they not hear her.

"Haha..." Kong Xuan and the others chuckled, and looked at Lian Xin with some deep meaning in their eyes.

Speaking of being unfeeling, it's not bad, and it's a good match with the junior sister, but I don't know what kind of relationship he has with Nuwa and the others, maybe he can accomplish a good thing if he thinks about it.

And how could Lian Xin fail to see their deep meaning, she felt a little annoyed in her heart, and stepped forward to reward Luo Ling'er with a chestnut.

She didn't say much, but the more she talked about the situation now, the darker it became!

"Hey, why are you crying heartlessly!"
However, at this moment, Bi Xiao suddenly let out a sigh, and pointed his finger in that direction,

Everyone's heart trembled when they heard the words, and they quickly looked over. After a look, it was exactly as Bi Xiao said.

Two tears fell from the corners of the heartless eyes, but under the reflection of the two bloodstains, it was more like blood.

"It seems that he has reached a critical moment, and he cannot be disturbed. This is a catastrophe for his state of mind."Kong Xuan has practiced for a long time, and although his mana has not recovered, his eyesight is still there.

The others remained silent, just paying close attention to his changes, which would help them to some extent in their future cultivation.

The sun and the moon alternated, and since those two tears fell unfeelingly, there was no more movement.

But the others didn't dare to be careless. After all, they were not Yasheng, and they didn't know how much suffering he would encounter.

"Oh, why is he laughing again!"
When the moonlight was falling, Luo Ling'er suddenly made a sound, which attracted everyone's attention again.

Rueqing was indeed smiling, and there seemed to be in this smile the indifference of looking down on the world, the weirdness of calculating the heavens, and the plainness of ordinaryness...

His unfeeling eyes opened suddenly, and a ray of light pierced through the world, but at this moment he was like the protagonist of the whole world.

"My heart has gone through thousands of reincarnations, and I still have my original intention..."

(End of this chapter)

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