Chapter 435, Yang Jian Anyun!
Ignoring the beautiful vision of the old Dragon King, in the back garden of the Dragon Palace, An Jun in a green pleated skirt was admiring the exotic flowers and plants in the water.

But the shyness that passed by from time to time at that time showed that her mind was not here.

Yang Jian is coming to propose marriage. Although the two haven't seen each other for a long time, they have their own contact information.

After all these years of running around, he finally had a good result, so it was their turn to deal with it.


Just as she was imagining the future, a deliberate shout sounded in her ear, making her stagger in fright.

"Little Bailong, you are courting death!"
After seeing the culprit clearly, An Jun's face darkened, and he grabbed his ear with his right hand.

"Alas, it hurts, sister let go..."!
Perhaps Anjun often used this trick, so it seemed a little proficient, and he pinched the ears of the next person all of a sudden, making him lower his body which was taller than Anjun.

I saw that the person who came was dressed in a white robe embroidered with dragons, his figure was considered tall, and his appearance was also the best choice among the people. His dragon clan was similar to that of the fox clan, and most of them were handsome and pretty.

But compared to An Yun, his face was obviously a little immature.

"Hmph, you're getting bolder and bolder, even daring to scare me. It seems that I can't do this magic trick of ear-catching for you a few times."

Anjun ignored his younger brother Xiaobailong's begging for mercy, and Yu's subordinates became more aggressive.

"Oh", Xiao Bailong was in so much pain that he was about to cry: "Sister, I was wrong, I saw you were in a daze here, I wanted to tease you, why did you hit such a heavy hand?"

Hearing her younger brother's cry of pain, An Jun's heart softened, and she let go of her jade hand, but in the end she squeezed hard.

Xiao Bailong looked over with somewhat resentful eyes, this is his own sister, where did he come from being so ruthless.

An Jun looked to see if you dare to provoke me, and then stepped forward to rub him a few times with her jade hands.

In the huge dragon palace, there is loneliness, and there are many struggles between the sons and daughters of the dragons for the cultivation resources.

However, Anjun and Xiaobailong have always been in love with each other, and their relationship has been very good for many years, which is considered rare in this Dragon Palace.

"Sister, change your bad temper, otherwise, if you marry someone in the future, who will suffer..."

When Xiao Bailong saw her hand stretching out, he was startled at first, and then he felt that it was for him to rub, so he was relieved.

Just after getting a little better, his mouth began to chatter again, but when he felt the murderous gaze, he smiled bitterly and dared not speak.

An Jun was very satisfied with his attitude, and then pouted her lips and said, "My sister still wants to take care of you, you should worry about yourself, you are about to become an adult, I don't know which girl will be unlucky in the future."

Even though she said that, there was a hint of doting on Xiao Bailong in her eyes, and she could see that she cared about her brother very much.

But Xiao Bailong spread his hands indifferently, and then said to An Jun: "I'm not in a hurry, but sister, you have to be in a hurry. I heard that Donghai is going to propose marriage to you for the third prince, and my father seems to agree to it." In this matter, you said that you still have this temper..."

He was talking to himself, but he didn't notice An Jun who was already stunned.

"..., sister, what's wrong with you".Xiao Bailong finally came to his senses, it was the first time he saw such a sister.

"What did you say, say it again!" An Yun ignored him, but asked him in a harsh tone.

Little Bailong was dumbfounded by this sudden change, and said tremblingly: "Father is waiting for the envoy from the East China Sea, saying that he is getting married for you..."

An Jun heard the words like a bolt from the blue, immediately turned her head and left, and ran towards the Dragon Palace.

Xiao Bailong knew that he had caused a catastrophe, so he hurriedly followed, thinking while running: I haven't seen that Yang Jian for many years, it doesn't look like it...


"Father, are you going to marry me to the Third Prince of Donghai?"!
In the main hall of the West Sea Dragon Palace, An Jun frowned and asked Ao Run.

But Ao Run Laolong was stunned for a moment, and then he scolded the person who leaked the news several times in his heart, but said with a smile on his mouth: "Daughter, you know, hehe".

"I think that the third prince of the East China Sea is a good-looking talent, and his mana has reached the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. He is just a match for you, Yun'er. It is really a good match."

The old Dragon King smiled as he spoke, but his embarrassment was hidden in the depths of his eyes. After all, what he did was really disgraceful.

After getting his confirmation, An Yun's pretty face turned cold, and endless grievances filled her heart.

"Why don't you ask your daughter's opinion, don't you just let you marry a child without a mother?"

Tears welled up in the corners of An Yun's eyes. The mother in her words had been gone for many years and was once one of the most beloved concubines of the Dragon King.

After Ao Run heard her words, especially when he heard about the motherless child, guilt flashed in his eyes.

However, this trace of guilt was quickly covered up, and the most urgent thing was to marry Na Donghai to restore his own strength.

So he came over with a shy smile and said, "Daughter, how could daddy harm you? The Third Prince of Donghai has also seen it as a father, and he is called a hero."

Unexpectedly, when An Yun heard this, she immediately stared at her eyes and said: "I want to marry my father and marry myself, I won't marry anyway"!
Ao Run was also furious when he heard the words, and no dragon son and dragon girl dared to talk to him like this before, so his tone became a little cold and said: "You have to marry if you marry, or you have to marry if you don't marry, there is no discussion"!
After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and turned his head away from An Jun.

And An Jun was not in a hurry at this time, but said calmly: "Yang Jian has already started a marriage proposal, and Venerable Lin Xuan brought him here in person. That's all, Father, you can figure it out yourself."

After finishing speaking, An Jun turned her head and ran away from the hall!
Ao Run turned around in shock and anger at this moment, it was just seeing a figure from the back, but these are not important anymore, the important thing is what she said.

Venerable Lin Xuan and Yang Jian are here!

This matter is not good, Lin Xuan is a disciple of Chaos, and the Dragon Clan belongs to the leader of Chaos Sect. It would be really difficult for him to propose marriage in person.

Subconsciously, he didn't want An Jun to follow Yang Jian, because it only gave Xi Hai a false name that he was one step closer to Penglai, but it didn't make any real progress.

As the dragon king of one party, he must first think about his own Dragon Palace, which is something that any leader of one party must consider.

It's just that there is a change in this life. What he hopes most is that the envoys from the East China Sea will arrive first, and he will directly sign a marriage contract with them, and the marriage contract will be fulfilled.

In this way, even if Lin Xuan arrives, he still has reason to prevaricate, and the dignified lord can't snatch the marriage.

Thinking of this, he looked out anxiously~
 I went to see it today, and took some medicines. Anyway, I will stick to it for a while, Jingfukang Granules, Oryzanol, Compound Rexerpine, etc., so I wasted time.

  What's more, this book is about to reach the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods. Everything should be different. If you have any good ideas, you can speak up enthusiastically. After all, I have limited manpower.

  Of course, there are those who want to take on roles, and they can also say that there are still a few roles missing.

  Interested friends can also join the group discussion, group number, 731132904!

(End of this chapter)

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