Chapter 460, Conspiracy!
In the evening, in the depths of the Human Emperor's Palace!

Jueqing sat opposite Wuding. At this time, Wuding already knew that he had only ten days to live, but he didn't care about it at all, and he was still as calm as before.

Seeing this, Jueqing couldn't help but have a higher opinion of him, and was very satisfied with that candidate.

"Hehe, Shangxian, these are some spiritual teas from my Shang Dynasty, don't blame the sin of negligence."

Although Wu Ding's voice was old, it was very clear, and there was even an echo in the secret room.

But Jueqing lowered his head and sniffed the tea, then shook his head slightly and said: "Your emperor is polite, this kind of spiritual tea is also the best in some fairy mountains and blessed places, don't be so humble."

The human race at this time is different from the future, and now many forces are preserved and multiplied by the luck of the human race. Therefore, at this time, the fairy mountain and blessed land will offer congratulatory gifts to the emperor from time to time, so Wu Ding still has some good things here.

Regarding the heartless words, Wu Ding just smiled slightly, a flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and then he asked: "I don't know where the Taoist priest is, and which is sacred."

After taking a sip of tea, he replied unfeelingly: "Fangcun Mountain, Sanxing Cave, Patriarch Bodhi"!

As soon as these words were uttered, the teacup in Wu Ding's hand fell on the table, and he was a little shocked to see the heartless eyes?
Patriarch Bodhi?That's not the old demon king's unfeeling, but also the killing god who killed the sub-sage, the quasi-sage, and slaughtered Da Luo.

He knew that Rueqing had a lot of origins, but he didn't expect that it was Patriarch Bodhi who came here. All he knew about this person was a bad name, and he didn't seem to have a good reputation.

Then he came to the imperial capital for no reason this time, and even rescued himself, extending his life by ten days, so what is his plan!
Thinking of this, Wu Ding's eyes showed a look of guard.

But Jueqing was still drinking tea, and acted calmly, as if he didn't notice the change of Wu Ding's expression at all.

When he was young, it was Wu Ding who broke the tranquility. He stood up in his place, and said to Rueqing, "Wu Ding didn't know it was the patriarch who came here, so I was far behind. Please forgive me."

This time the ceremony was very formal, and he was putting Ruanqing in a nobler position than himself.

Unfeeling accepted this very calmly, and said to him with a little elegance: "Don't worry, I came here after a heart-breaking calamity, and I won't do anything to you and your human race."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Ding only felt a sigh of relief in his heart, as long as he didn't attack the human race.It is really frightening to hear that this man is not afraid of anything, even a saint dares to challenge him.

Jueqing saw his expression in his eyes, and the cup in his hand had already been placed on the table, so he continued: "But when I saw the people all over the street, and you, I seemed to have a new idea." .

Wu Ding frowned, looked at him suspiciously, and looked forward to his next words.

Jueqing smiled slightly at this, and continued: "I want to create a perfect world. In that world, there will be no war, no theft, no high and low, no..., live and work in peace and contentment, trustworthiness and harmony... Anyway, it will be a world of great harmony!"

Wu Ding was shocked by his words. Does such a world really exist? Everyone has selfishness, and it is not easy to achieve this step.

But he didn't want to pour cold water on him first, but asked cautiously: "What is the relationship with Wu Ding at this time? Could it be that you want the big merchants to send people into your world"!
"I want you to be the lord of that world!"Rueqing's eyes shone brightly and said: "Also, my world only accepts people who are destined, not just anyone can enter!"

This is an idea that came to him not long ago, and it was also inspired by the Shinto belief, and there is also a faint shadow of the Buddhist kingdom in the palm of the West.

In the chaotic world, the road is incomplete, and the vitality is gloomy. If a country is used to feed back the world, it may be able to accelerate its growth rate, and it will also be of unimaginable use to himself.

But these are easy to say, but a little difficult to sit up. He only has a rough outline in his heart, and he has to deduce the details.

But he wants to keep talents like Wu Ding, that's why he has the idea of ​​having a secret talk with him, otherwise how could Juqing talk to him.

Besides, after listening to his words, King Wu Ding fell into deep thought. His unfeeling words were too great, and it could even be said that his ambition was too great.

For a cultivator, it is not too early to be unprofitable. If he wants to build such a world country, he must have his own ideas.

However, the Great Harmony world he described made Wu Ding faintly moved. He is a wise king of Zhongxing. If he can really manage such a country, it would be a great achievement in his opinion.

So a trace of eagerness flashed in his eyes, as if he was a little moved.

Jueqing has been observing him all the time, and he has caught that trace of eagerness, and he can't help chuckling in his heart, it seems that there is something to this matter.

So he added another fire and said: "Of course, it's not easy for you to handle this matter yourself. Maybe I can find a way to bring Fuhao in. After all, I am very familiar with Empress Houtu."

As soon as this sentence came out, Wu Ding suddenly became restless. Speaking of his wife and wife, this is the pain of his life.

His dearest woman fought north and south for his career, and finally died early. Even their son died because of his mistaken belief in slander, which made him feel deeply guilty for many years.

At this time, he slowly came to the front of Rueqing, cupped his hands and said: "Okay, thanks to the favor of the Patriarch, I am willing to help you complete your great cause, but I still have a small condition."

"You say", said heartlessly and indifferently.

At this time, Wu Ding's eyes flashed a trace of guilt, and he said: "It's not just my wife, I also ask you to bring my eldest son, I have betrayed him!"
Jueqing thought it was a trivial matter, but when he heard about it, he snapped his fingers and said, "It's simple, no problem, I can meet your conditions, but you also have to complete mine"!
Wu Ding felt the awe-inspiring tone in his tone, and immediately nodded solemnly...


They talked for a long time that night, and the big things had been settled, but there were still some small things.

No one knew what they said, and those curious immortals didn't dare to show their consciousness.Because just now there was a Taiyi Golden Immortal whose consciousness hadn't arrived at the Human Emperor's Palace, and his body was already completely cold.

Now all the immortals in the entire capital are in danger, and they don't dare to activate their consciousness at will, they just hide in their secret rooms, waiting for the evil god to leave!

Early the next morning, Jueqing disappeared into the palace, and he was going to do some small things for Wu Ding.

At the same time, Emperor Wu Ding issued an imperial edict in front of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, and after his death, his second son Zu Geng would succeed him as Emperor...

(End of this chapter)

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