Chapter 560, King Zhou Offers Incense!
Zi'er was among the crowd with Wushuang, but with their cultivation, they wouldn't be able to squeeze forward like those mortals. They only need to open up their spiritual sense to know everything.

At this time, Di Xin, enjoying the gazes cast by his subjects, suddenly felt boundless pride in his heart, this is the joy of the emperor.

Obviously, this famous tyrant is not thinking of being responsible to his people at this time, but thinking of the fun of being at the pinnacle of power.

Suddenly, just as he was immersed in it, two peerless faces appeared out of the corners of his eyes. One face was cold and elegant. Xin has great temptation.

And the other woman in purple is even more charming, her every move reveals the temptation of a young woman, which makes him even more unable to stop.

At that moment, he was attracted by women's sex in his heart, and he also forgot what kind of scene it was. He suddenly stood up in the car and was about to stop.

Fortunately, the prime ministers Shang Rong and Bigan were next to Luanjia. Although they didn't know why he was so disrespectful, they coughed quickly to signal him not to lose his dignity in front of the people.

After Di Xin heard the sound, his movements froze, and he suddenly woke up under the gaze of thousands of eyes. After weighing it over and over again, he sat back in Luanjia with some disappointment.

Such a scene all fell into the eyes of a man and a woman not far away. The two stood on the second floor of an inn, taking advantage of the position by the window to see everything in their eyes.

At this time, the woman who looked like an ordinary woman said: "It is the way of heaven, this Emperor Xin is really insane, from a young age to a big one. But you stopped me from going to Huoyun Cave, just to see these things?"

The man on the opposite side was holding some worldly wine and drinking it before his lips. After hearing the words, he smiled and said: "These are nothing to worry about. There will be more explosive ones in a while, as long as you don't get angry."

The woman frowned when she heard the words, and looked over again, she wanted to see what Di Xin could do.

In the Nuwa Palace, Di Xin stood in front of all the officials, staring blankly at the statue in front of him, with strange colors flashing in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Seeing him like this, Shang Rong from behind couldn't help reminding him that this is the statue of the Nuwa Empress, so don't be so profane.

"Oh," Di Xin woke up like a dream, took the three pillars of fragrance that Bigan handed over in his hand in a trance, bowed three times before inserting it into the incense cauldron in front of him.

After finishing everything, he really couldn't suppress the emotions in his heart. This Nuwa empress is really stunning, and the statue alone is three times more beautiful than the two women just now.

"Bring a pen,"

Di Xin held a brush in his hand, flying like a phoenix, and under the astonished gazes of his ministers, he wrote a poem on the wall of Nuwa Palace.

"Feng Luan treasure tent scene is very special, full of lacquered gold and delicate makeup. The song and song are flying green in the distant mountains, and the dancing sleeves reflect the clouds.

The pear blossoms are beautiful with the rain, and the peony cages are smoky.But he had to be enchanting and able to act to get back Changle to serve the king. "

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty", seeing the old prime minister rushing out in one step, he said, "Nuwa Empress is the Holy Mother of our human race, how dare you defile her like this, you should wash it off quickly, otherwise how will the people outside treat your Majesty."

Other ministers such as Bigan also petitioned together, and they all came to reprimand Di Xin for his move.

Looking at the man and woman in the inn at this time, the woman's complexion was gloomy, and her chest was slightly heaving with anger. If the man hadn't grabbed her hand, she would have been furious.

"Other people are doing this to your woman, and you haven't done anything." The woman said in a deep voice.

And Bai Lixuan just smiled slightly, then pointed to the incense cauldron and said: "Di Xin deserves to die, but now is not the time, you should smell the incense well."

Nuwa was suspicious, but she followed suit, but her complexion became worse because she felt the breath of Buddhism.

"How dare these bald donkeys do this!" Nuwa was furious, and she was about to go to Lingshan to ask for an explanation.

But Bailixuan took her hand and said: "Don't worry, I will ask you to trouble them later, just keep watching, maybe someone will vent your anger on you."

After all, he turned his eyes to Zi'er and Wushuang in the crowd, and the expressions of the two little girls were not very good-looking.

Nuwa took a long breath, temporarily suppressing the saint's anger, and continued to look over.

But at this time in the Nuwa Palace, Di Xin was agitated by these ministers and said very annoyed: "Enough, what obscene words! The beauty of the Nuwa Empress is just an excuse to praise her." , how could it be so nasty in your mouths."

Shang Rong and the others looked at each other after hearing the words, it was clearly his fault, in the end he was righteous, but he became the fault of himself and others.


Just as Shang Rong was about to say something, he heard a scolding sound from outside!
"What a eloquent Di Xin, who is so rude to Empress Nuwa, yet so forceful, what a lecherous and foolish king!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

The complexions of Di Xin and all the ministers changed, especially the former was furious, and he walked out of the palace like a tiger.

As for the outside of the palace at this time, after Wushuang said these words, the densely packed crowd around her immediately dispersed, so as not to involve her life.

"Hey, isn't this the Immortal Fairy from Penglai Pavilion..."

"Yeah, it's been decades, and I haven't seen them grow old."

"I heard that they are kind-hearted and kind, but it's a pity that they curse the king now, alas..."


Their identities have been recognized by many people. After all, there are not many anecdotes that are not old in the imperial capital.

But no matter how surprised they are, they shouldn't insult the king like this. The two fairy-like women are about to perish.

Many people have such a thought in their hearts, and feel sorry for these two.

"It was you who insulted Gu just now!"

Di Xin had already left the door at this moment, and the woman surrounded by the crowd was very eye-catching, so he came in front of them in a few steps.

After saying this, he quickly recognized that they were the two stunning beauties just now, and a lustful look inevitably flashed in his eyes.

To be honest, he didn't know what happened today. Although he was good at women in the past, he was not like today. These women must be too attractive.

The strange look in his eyes was caught by Wushuang and Zi'er, and the two women showed disgust on their faces, they didn't expect the majestic emperor to act so lowly, it's really not as good as one generation after another!
Immediately Zi'er stood up and said: "It's my girl who scolded you, what's the matter! The little emperor Xin dared to be so rude to Empress Nuwa, I'm really impatient, you are a disciple of Penglai Xiandao and Wahuang Palace! It's vegetarian."

After saying this, the complexions of the veterans behind Di Xin changed drastically. The woman's implication was that she was a disciple of Penglai.

The relationship between Empress Nuwa and Tianzun is well known in the Three Realms, but not much is known about the human race, except for the human emperors and ministers of the three lords, nothing else is known.

At present, Di Xin has not been on the throne for a long time, and these secrets have not been in contact with each other, but they have caused a catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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