Chapter 571: Buddha's son is also romantic!

That night!

Bailixuan followed Bai Ling on the deserted street, they were driven out by Ji Chang, of course this was when Bo Yikao was seriously injured.

"Taoist priest, do you think we are destined for each other?" Suddenly, Bai Ling's slightly resentful voice rang out, but he never looked at him.

Bailixuan laughed when he heard the words, and Bai Ling, who was smiling straight away, showed doubts, and couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

Bailixuan smiled and said: "What is the fate, what is the share? Most of the fate and no share are cowards who dare not fight for it. They just found a reasonable reason. Besides, others may agree with this statement, but fairy you But can't!"

"Um"?Bai Ling tilted his head and looked at him, with a look of confusion.

Bailixuan chuckled, squirmed his lips and said two words lightly, and then continued on his way.

But Bai Ling just stood there blankly, the two words just now echoing in his mind, "Chaos"!
"Etc., etc",
After Bai Ling came to his senses, he saw that the Taoist priest transformed into Bailixuan had gone far away, so he quickly chased after him.

"Senior, who are you?"Bai Ling clasped her hands in front of Bailixuan and asked, this matter could not allow her to be uneasy, she knew very little about the matter related to Chaos, and she was sure that there was no such Taoist priest.

After Bailixuan heard his words, he couldn't help showing doubts: "Who am I? I am me. You just need to know that the world and the outside world can't escape my divination, and you don't need to ask more questions." .

Bai Ling was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't ask any more questions. Some experts always have a strange temper.As for what he said just now that all worlds cannot escape his divination, could it be that he is the Emperor Fuxi.

But this is not right, the Three Emperors cannot easily get out of Huoyun Cave, this guess is not valid.

"Okay girl, don't guess, remember what I just said, since you are a disciple of Penglai, then no one can stop you from doing what you want, including Heaven!"
After all, Bailixuan looked behind, and then said: "It's just a pity for this guy, I'm afraid this time in order to save you, there will be a catastrophe coming."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ling's complexion changed abruptly, and just as he was about to say something, he found that there was another person in front of him.


Bai Ling sighed, no wonder her father said when she was leaving that she must not touch a word of love, otherwise Da Luo Jinxian would be overthrown.

After parting with Master, I ran into Vaishafu by chance, although it was only a small misunderstanding.But since the separation, he has never encountered any danger, just like his current state.

Regarding these, she felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart, but she also knew that he was a monk, so how could she ask for love.

Later, she met Bo Yi Kao, and she fell in love with her elegance and calmness, but after all, she didn't like him as much as he did.

This kind of emotion made her very uncomfortable, so she stretched out the catkin on her right, and her figure slowly flew into the air, and soon disappeared here.

"Amitabha", Visaburi suddenly appeared on the street after she left.

"Hey, if this girl is going, I'm afraid those little monsters will be beaten again. She wants to vent her depression."

Speaking of this, he paused, then changed his smile and said: "Alright, you go ahead, the poor monk may not be able to return here, and each of us will cherish it in the future."

After all, he was about to turn around and leave, but the moment he turned his head, he saw the Taoist priest who had just left standing behind him at some point, which only frightened him.

"Senior, you..." Vaisha smiled wryly, and he probably heard what he said just now.But at this time, he was sure that this person was a master.

Bailixuan smiled, his face looked very wretched, he came over and bumped him with the shoulder and said: "You can do it, Buddhist disciples are quite romantic."

Hearing this, Vaishafu smiled wryly and said: "Senior, don't joke around, that's why the disciples might be put in confinement. At this time, people from Tianjianmen might have arrived at Lingshan."

"Shut up in confinement! I can't stop watching."Bailixuan sneered and said: "The ancestor of Tianjian is extraordinary, and he has a great background. But today the Jianmen is weak, Zhengchou didn't have a chance to publicize it, and you just gave him a chance today."

Bailixuan's meaning was very clear, and Vishefu quickly understood the key point.

But he doesn't take it seriously. There are two great saints in his Buddhist sect, and a small Tianjian sect is nothing more than a master of the Tianjian ancestor, which is still the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

In comparison, it is no different from the light of the worm shaking Haoyue hard.

If I break the precepts, I will be punished and confinement. My master is a saint, so why give Jianmen so much face that day.

"You do not believe"?Bailixuan looked at Vishefu's expression, and asked a question.

Vaishafu was stunned when he heard the words, nodded casually and said, "The young monk is not only the leader of the second generation of Lingshan, but he is also a rare person. Confinement is already a heavy punishment, so why are there other things?"

Bailixuan smiled after hearing the words, and then took out a jade tablet and gave it to him, "Believe it or not, there will be results soon. When you are in a catastrophe, think about Bai Ling, if you still have the desire to live, pinch it Broken jade pendants, heaven can't do it!"
Vaisafu frowned and took the jade pendant, perhaps because of his low mana, he didn't see anything wrong with it.

When he raised his head to say thank you, he saw that Daoist was walking in the distance, and he didn't know when there was an extra jug in his hand.

"Hahaha, the Three Thousand Great Dao has emotion, it's ridiculous how many people in the world don't know it. There is no heart on Shouyang Mountain, and the precept monk in the Daxiong Hall. There is only a body of mysterious magic. The old Tao looks so ridiculous, how ridiculous, haha..."

As the sound of this poem entered his ears, a trace of shock appeared on Vishefu's face, and he stood on the street for a long time without saying a word...


"Bo Yi Kao"!
With a call from the sky, Bo Yikao suddenly opened his eyes, but found that there was no one in front of him, and this place was still an unknown space.

"Which one is calling Bo Yi Kao, which one"?After a moment of shock, he quickly regained his composure.

"You are a powerful reincarnation, why are you greedy for the beauty of the world, empty of the tenderness of the previous life, and empty of the ambition of this life."

The ethereal voice sounded again, but no one appeared.

Bo Yikao was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help but clasped his hands and asked: "I don't understand, so I ask the senior to clarify."

"Xi Bohou is about to enter the imperial capital, and he is going to die here. You need to take on the great responsibility of Xiqi, and assist Mingjun in the future to achieve great achievements. However, the immortal catastrophe is coming, and countless immortals will live in the world. At that time, there will be immortals here to help you. Remember, remember."

As the last word fell, a divine light flashed in Xiqi until Penglai!

(End of this chapter)

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