Chapter 588, Another conspiracy?
"In the future?"

Empress Shi Ji said displeased: "Senior Sister, the present matter should be resolved now, what about the future."

Bi Xiao's complexion darkened when he heard the words, and said: "It seems that Junior Sister really doesn't intend to give Senior Sister this face, so why don't you see the real chapter under your hands, where is the decision?"

She is a person with a fiery temper, and she directly summoned the final stage after a disagreement. This is to plan to fight her.

Shi Ji's face was serious, she never thought that Bi Xiao would be so decisive, and felt embarrassed for a moment.

San Xiao has a high prestige in the Jiejiao, all of them have supernatural powers and treasures for self-defense. Although Bi Xiao is the weakest one, she has the highest equipment, and she is far from being an opponent.

When Shi Ji thought of this, her eyes couldn't help turning, she could only say in a shrill voice: "Senior Sister, is she trying to bully the small with the big? If this is the case, the Junior Sister is even more dissatisfied, so I will go to the Biyou Immortal Palace and ask the Master to make the decision."

"it's up to you".Bi Xiao waved his hands indifferently, but he also knew that this time the fight would be impossible.

"Let's wait and see!"After saying this, Shi Ji fled to the depths of the Eastern Sea on a cloud.

After she left, Nezha came out behind Bi Xiao cautiously, bowing his head as if admitting his mistake.

Seeing this, Bi Xiao couldn't bear to reprimand him anymore, so she just patted his head and said, "You brat, you will cause trouble, but don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Master, I will take you to Sanxian Island Let's hide from the uncle."

It's not that Bi Xiao is afraid of Shi Ji, but that this person has a bad reputation in the Three Realms, because he is afraid that he will not be able to take care of Nezha and will be tricked by her.

After a stream of light flashed by, the place finally recovered from the tense situation, leaving only the sound of the waves.

But what was surprising was that the sea water in a radius of tens of miles was suddenly dyed red, and a huge dragon body slowly floated up.


Penglai, Donglong Island.

Zhen Yuanzi and Bai Lixuan sat facing each other, with a chessboard in front of them, the black and white chess pieces on it were so dark that the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, just like the current chaotic Three Realms.

Bailixuan dropped a white piece in his hand, and said in his mouth: "You, why do you always use some small tricks, it's better to open and close."

One piece fell, chilling all directions, the chaotic chess game remained, he just sped up the speed.

Seeing this, Zhenyuan smiled wryly and said: "It's too cruel to kill to stop killing."

Bailixuan glanced at him and said: "No wonder there is no one like you among the prehistoric saints, you are really not suitable for becoming a saint, you have a knife mouth and a bean curd heart."

Facing Bailixuan's accusation, Zhen Yuanzi just laughed and didn't say much.His character is so, maybe it has something to do with his origin. The earth originally contained all things, so he was born with compassion.

"They started working"?
After taking a few steps, Zhen Yuanzi asked a question.

Bailixuan nodded, and said: "They have long since departed from the righteous way, and their means are extremely despicable, but it is really ridiculous for Chang Chang to claim to be of the highest moral character."

Now the saints can't figure out the situation, but some small things are still very clear, such as the things over the East China Sea.

After hearing the words, Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said: "They have always been this kind of virtue, but this time Ao Bing has also repaid the past karma, and he should be famous on the list of gods."

Right after he said those words, he saw Taoist Mingyue approaching from a distance.

"Reporting to the two masters, Qingfeng has already descended to the mortal world, and I was ordered by the master to rescue Ji Fa."

Bailixuan said with a smile after hearing the words: "Okay, everything is ready, let the East China Sea matter be the fuse, and it's time to start the contest."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded when he heard the words, everyone has been dragging on for so long, it's time to loosen their muscles and bones.

"The disciple resigned."After the report is over, Taoist Mingyue will leave.

Bailixuan, who was playing chess, suddenly realized something, and couldn't help saying: "Mingyue, you are practicing the Chunyang Dao"?
Mingyue, who was about to leave, froze when she heard the words. Hearing Tianzun's question about her cultivation, she knew it was to point her out, so she couldn't help but said happily: "Yes, but this disciple has been trapped in Daluojin Fairyland for thousands of years, but there is no one. Progress on that."

While speaking, a wry smile curled up on the corner of his mouth. Speaking of the teacher who worshiped with Qingfeng, but he had already stepped into the realm of great power, so he was often ridiculed by that brute.

Zhen Yuanzi said to Baili Xuan at this time: "Compared with Qingfeng, this son is a little less free and easy, a little more cautious, and his mood is not as good. But the most important thing is that the solitary yang does not grow and the solitary yin does not grow." live."

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by him, Bailixuan has long seen Mingyue's disadvantages.Originally, he wanted to go to that place by himself, but now it seems that Mingyue is more suitable.

"Mingyue," Bailixuan said kindly, "You should understand the truth that the solitary sun doesn't grow long, and this deity doesn't say much. I think you have never met a destiny. How about it, you go to Chishui, where there is There is a stunning beauty, it depends on whether you have the ability to subdue her."

While speaking, he pushed a piece of jade slip between his eyebrows.

Mingyue frowned slightly, she didn't know who Tianzun was talking about, but she still bowed her hands respectfully, and turned into a streamer and left.

After watching him leave, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but wondered: "North of Chishui is where the Jurchen ancestor of the Yellow Emperor is located. It is also the power of pure yang. I'm afraid it will not be so easy for the two of them to get together."

Bailixuan smiled slightly after hearing the words, and said: "I don't know about this, don't worry, there is not only one true ancestor, but people related to zombies are there. The battle is about to start, since they have reborn the demon god, then Let's use a few True Ancestors to deal with them!"
"Haha", Zhen Yuanzi pointed at Bailixuan and said with a smile, "I really have you."

The two looked at each other, and Donglong Island was full of their laughter.


In the Crystal Palace of the East China Sea, Ao Guangduan, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, sat on the dragon chair, his gloomy face was like the bottom of a pot, and there was a broken teacup in front of him.

"Too much deception, too much deception"!Ao Guang was so angry that he suddenly stood up and said indignantly.

His favorite third prince died, was beaten to death alive, and was also convulsed, it was simply horrible.

"Dragon King, calm down, calm down." Prime Minister Gui hurried over and said, "The most urgent thing is to find out who did it, so as to avenge the third prince."

After saying this, a dragon standing next to him stood up and said: "What else is there to investigate? It is the son of Li Jing in Chentangguan. The evidence is convincing. Even Empress Shi Ji came out to testify in person. What else is there to investigate?" .

"Yes, Brother Wu is right!"
"That's right, Jujiao Bixiao really doesn't take my Dragon Clan seriously, it's simply too hateful!"
"Yeah, annoying people also..."

Hearing the angry words of all the strong men of the Dragon Clan, Prime Minister Gui couldn't get in a word, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, he always felt that this matter was not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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