Primordial Chaos Heavenly Venerate

Chapter 62, Chang'e flies to the moon to transform into Changxi! !

Chapter 62, Chang'e flies to the moon to transform into Changxi! !
Just when Hou Yi was hugging Chang'e excitedly, suddenly Chang'e's body, which had been quiet, became violent again.

The instant explosive force actually pushed Hou Yi away, who was in the body of the ancestor witch, and Chang'e's body exuded a haughty and cold aura.

"Hou Yi, save me!"
Chang'e felt the change in herself, and then only felt that her body was getting lighter and lighter, and she floated irresistibly towards the sky.

Seeing this shock, Hou Yi quickly flew to catch up with him, thinking of grabbing him.But who knew that a huge energy exploded in Chang'e's body and bounced him away.

Seeing such a strange scene, the rest of Di Jiang and the others gradually turned solemn, because they couldn't see the reason for it for the time being, so they didn't make a move and waited patiently for the result.

Seeing this, Houtu sighed, how sad Houyi would be if he knew that Chang'e was the moon god of the demon queen's sister.

"Sister, do you know the cause and effect of this?"Xuanming heard Houtu's sigh and guessed that she might know something.But when she asked, Di Jiang and the others also attracted their attention.

"Sister Houtu, Chang'e took the elixir of the Queen Mother of the West, and now she is in Penglai Xiandao. Does this matter have something to do with Tianzun?"Di Jiang obviously suspected that Bailixuan was plotting against their witch clan.

Houtu looked at Houyi who was still chasing Chang'e in the sky, shook his head and said to Dijiang and the others: "Yes, this is Baili's plan, but this time he is helping my Wu clan, brother, we also Let’s take a look in the sky together, everything will be clear when the time comes.”

After speaking, he took Caixuan and the others to take the lead, and also chased Houyi Chang'e away.

Di Jiang and the others looked at each other, ignoring that the sky was the territory of the demon clan, and led all the great witches up to see the cause and effect that Houtu said.

At this moment, Chang'e and Houyi, one is flying in front, and the other is following closely behind.Sometimes when they meet, there will be a huge force to bounce the two of them away.

"Yi, save me, I don't want to be separated from you... I don't want to...!"

Seeing Houyi bouncing away again and again, and she was getting farther and farther away from the earth, Chang'e, whose heart was filled with infinite panic, had already been pear blossoms and raining.

"Chang'e, don't be afraid, if you go up to the poor and fall to the underworld, no one will try to separate us."

A drop of Chang'e's tears fell on Hou Yi's face. Hou Yi touched it and felt her dependence and love for him.There was a sudden burst of power that had never been seen before.

"Chang'e"! ! !
Hou Yi used all the power of the ancestral witch to hug Chang'e violently.However, the power of love is so great that he hugged Chang'e.

"Yi, I, Chang'e, will always be your woman, and no one can make me change my heart."Chang'e looked at Hou Yi, who was holding her tightly and gritted her teeth against the boundless pressure, and said while stroking his dark face with jade hands.

"Chang'e, I won't let you leave, ah!!" Hou Yi yelled out to declare his determination, and also exerted his greatest strength to resist the repulsive force from Chang'e.

"No, I have to help Houyi."Xuan Ming is a temperamental person, seeing such a situation, he doesn't care about anything, and flies forward to help.

"Houyi, I'll help you."

Xuan Ming pushed his hands to Hou Yi's back, transmitting a steady stream of power to him, which immediately made Hou Yi much more relaxed.

"Thank you..."! !

Before Hou Yi finished speaking, there was a "bang", and he and Xuan Ming bounced away several miles away.Never expected that with Xuanming's joining, Chang'e's repelling power would be even stronger.

"No"! !

Without Houyi's obstruction, Chang'e flew faster, and the direction was exactly the round and bright lunar star without a trace of incompleteness.

Seeing this, Hou Yi and Xuan Ming immediately rushed forward again, but at this time, a simple big bell with mountains, rivers, birds and beasts blocked them.

"Donghuang, get out!"Hou Yi let out a roar!

It turned out that the Yaozu realized the failure of the plan, and the power of the Wuzu invaded the Yaozu territory, so Emperor Jun Donghuang and others showed up together.

For the sake of Chang'e, Hou Yi, who was furious, didn't care about your demon emperor or Donghuang.Hitting the Donghuang Bell directly with the iron fist of the body, but the result can be imagined, the power of the innate treasure is extraordinary.

"Di Jun, this is a private matter of my Wu clan, so please don't interfere!"Di Jiang, Ju Mang and others stepped forward together, first helping Hou Yi beat back the Donghuang Bell, and then confronting Di Jun and the others coldly.

Dijun glanced at Dijiang and the others indifferently, then looked at Houyi and Xuanming who were chasing after Chang'e again, feeling annoyed in his heart not knowing which party was going to ruin our demon clan's plan.

Now that the plan had failed, Di Jun had nothing to hide, and said, "Chang'e is the reincarnation of my sister-in-law, the Moon God Fairy. Do you want to do my business?"

"Okay, so it turns out that your monster clan plotted against my ancestor witch of the witch clan, and even used love to seek things out. You really are not a son of man."After hearing this, Ju Mang immediately understood the conspiracy, and scolded Di Jun.

The Donghuang on the side heard the words and said: "It's just seeking things out of love, what, what can you do to us."

Donghuang is very happy now, he finally doesn't have to watch the woman he likes get married to another man, and he is very grateful to the person who sabotaged it.

"Bah, Donghuang, you are still so shameless"! !After hearing this, Caixuan looked at Donghuang with disdain and said, she also cried out for the two poor people, Houyi and Chang'e, in her heart.

"Hmph, it's you stinky girl again, if it wasn't for Chaos' sake, I would have to teach you a lesson."Donghuang couldn't hold back his face, and said viciously.

At this time, Hou Tu took a step forward, and said with neither joy nor sadness on his face: "If the Eastern Emperor wants to teach you, just do it, no matter who's face."

Dijun hurriedly grabbed Donghuang who was about to speak, and said politely to Houtu: "The Great God is joking, and the Eastern Emperor speaks without restraint. Di Jun will be punished when he returns. The Great God is no wonder."

Houtu snorted softly when he heard the words, ignored them, and continued to pay attention to the ending of Chang'e and Houyi.

At this time, Chang'e had already flown to the lunar star and stopped in front of the quiet and elegant Luna Palace.

Suddenly, a bright radiance in the palace fell into Chang'e's body.I saw that her cultivation base began to grow again, and her aloof and arrogant temperament became more obvious.

"Chang'e"! !

Hou Yi and Xuan Ming, who followed to the Moon God Palace, saw such a scene and thought she was hurt, so they couldn't help shouting.

"Don't come here!"
At this time, Chang'e changed from her previous gentleness, and her voice revealed a coldness that strangers should not get close to.

"Chang'e, I am Houyi!" !Feeling Chang'e's change, Hou Yi said sadly again.

At this time, Chang'e's cultivation had reached the quasi-sage power of beheading a corpse under the fusion of Shenhua.

She turned her head slowly, and the scarlet wedding gown on her body had turned into a fairy dress as elegant as moonlight, and her appearance had also changed a lot, but she still had a bit of Chang'e's charm.

At this time, Chang'e, no, it should be said that Chang Xi, who had recovered her mana and memory, looked at Hou Yi with complicated emotions in her eyes and said, "I am Chang Xi, the moon god, and Chang'e is my reincarnation."

Hou Yi's eyes were broken at this moment, and he shouted: "No, no, you are not Chang'e, you are not Chang'e. Where is my Chang'e, tell me where is my Chang'e..."

Even the body of the ancestral witch can't withstand the pain of heartbreak at this moment. The power of love is indeed great.

"Chang'e is me, but I'm not Chang'e, sorry..."!The proud Luna actually said the three words I'm sorry.

Chang Xi was also very restless at the moment, Chang'e was her good corpse reincarnated, she did not expect that her relationship with Hou Yi was so deep that it actually affected her heart.

"No! No! You're not, you're not...".Hou Yi pointed at Chang Xi and shouted loudly.Then he directly plunged down the cloud head and flew towards the earth, but two tears fell on the laurel tree in front of the Moon God Palace.

"Houyi"!Fearing that Hou Yi would go astray, Xuan Ming gave Chang Xi a cold look, and hurried after him.

Seeing this, Di Jiang and the others couldn't care less about Di Jun and the others. After all, Hou Yi is the new ancestor witch of the Wu clan, so nothing can happen again.

"Di Jun, my Wu Clan will find this matter sooner or later, hum."Before leaving, Di Jiang said a harsh word.

"Let's go back to Penglai."Houtu spoke to Caixuan and the others, then ignored all the Yaozu people and disappeared in a flash.

"Brother, look at them..."!Donghuang was a little unhappy again.

Di Jun looked at Donghuang, sighed and said: "My dear brother, when will you change your temper? You can say something casually. And that Houtu's magical power even scared me, and he even talked about reincarnation. Luck is inextricably linked, if you did something with her just now, you would be asking for trouble."

"Let's go, let's go see Chang Xi first!" !

Donghuang was a little displeased at being scolded at first, but after hearing about Chang Xi, the cloudy weather immediately turned clear.

But when they came to Luna, there were only two laurel trees standing in front of the Luna Palace, but the gate was closed tightly.

"Chang Xi, my eldest brother and I came to see you."Donghuang shouted towards the inside.

"The Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor, please go back. Chang Xi needs to retreat for a few days to fuse with the good corpse. Please forgive me."

Chang'e's cold voice came from the palace, saying that she was in seclusion, but she didn't want to see them.

Seeing this, Di Jun said: "In that case, I'll go first, Chang Xi, if you need anything, you can go directly to Tianting to find your sister."

After Donghuang saw that Di Jun had finished speaking, he flew away.With a strong unwillingness in his heart, he took a hard look at the closed gate of the Moon God Palace, and followed
"Why does Chang'e affect me, why do I feel heartache for that Houyi...".

Chang Xi sat cross-legged in the Moon God Palace, staring blankly ahead in a daze, whispering softly.

"Because of the power of love"!Suddenly, Bailixuan's figure suddenly appeared in front of Chang Xi, and then found a chair and sat down.

"Who are you, that you are so rude."Chang Xi looked at the handsome Taoist who was wearing a purple Taoist robe, with a jade hairpin on his head and a whisk in his hand, and asked.

"Poverty, Chaos Empyrean!!"

(End of this chapter)

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