you can hear

Chapter 18 Upstairs Song

Chapter 18 Upstairs Song

The stakes are on the table, and the arrow is on the string.

At this moment, Ke Jiao looked at those beautiful eyes that were slightly blurred by the smell of alcohol, forgot to even blush, and unconsciously held her breath.

I have to say that Xie Xiuyi is the most powerful man she has ever seen in her life.

No matter in Two-dimensional or now, he can always use a simple sentence and one action to make everyone, even her, unconditionally compromise and surrender.

He is neither a political figure nor a business tycoon, such a pure and simple person has an overwhelming kingly aura than anyone else.

This man... is really scary.

"Huh?" Seeing that she didn't answer, he asked in a slightly nasal voice impatiently.

"...Okay." She closed her eyes.Let's just spend the night... Let's spend the night, anyway, the hope is not very high, it's not that she doesn't have confidence in him, but the chance of becoming a king in every round of the game is really slim.

As a teetotalling sheep, Ke Jiao drank Yakult and watched these Two-dimensional legends eager to try because of the stimulation of alcohol, which made her more and more frightened.

At this time, Gu Nai finished the cards as quickly as possible, shuffled the cards and put them on the coffee table, "Seven people, one King, and the others are all numbers. Come on, let's see who is tonight's card." first slave owner."

Everyone was gearing up, and then each drew a card as quickly as possible.

Ke Jiao looked down at the cards and found that her own card had the number 5 on it.

"Damn it! It's not the King! Hey, who is the King!" Gu Nai, who didn't draw the ace, slapped the table angrily, and pointed at Xiyuan casually, "Xiyuan! Is it you!"

"It's not me." Xi Yuan spread his hands, "I think it's Dai Hua?"

"...It's a pity." Dai Hua smiled gently, "It's not me."

Bai Yin smiled, "It's not me either."

Ke Jiao shook his head directly.

"So..." Gu Nai swallowed, and looked in horror at Rui You and Xie Xiuyi who hadn't spoken yet, "No way, it's actually one of you two?!"

Everyone shrank back on the back of the sofa in horror.

I really would rather let someone be king than let these two people be king!
Rui You has a fiery temper and acts fiercely, so he is not allowed to adopt any extreme game punishment methods, and as for Xie Xiuyi, he is really full of bad water!Although he has facial paralysis, it doesn't affect him in the slightest to torture people with his super high IQ, okay?

... Help, help! !

Ke Jiao touched her heart, and turned her face stiffly to look at Xie Xiuyi.

His face was expressionless, as usual.

So, now there is a 50% probability, Rui You or Xie Xiuyi.

At this moment, Rui You cursed in a low voice, and then fell heavily on the sofa, "It's not me either! If it were me, I would definitely let Meng Yiyun do the pole dance for me!"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and when Gu Nai jumped up from the sofa to scold Rui You angrily, everyone trembled and covered their heads.

Ke Jiao's face was pale, and he watched with a stunned look as someone gently threw the card with the word "King" on the coffee table.


Xie Xiuyi rubbed his chin, rested his arms behind his head, and parted his thin lips lightly, "Number 3, do a pole dance."

Xiyuan stood up tremblingly, "Djay, you are not human."

"Thanks." Xie Xiuyi took a sip of his wine, "If you have nothing to do, take a chair."

Although everyone looked at Xi Yuan's iron-like face at this time, they couldn't help laughing in their hearts, but they still didn't dare to laugh out loud to make Xi Yuan burst into tears.

"Come on, I'll beat you." Rui You whistled to Xi Yuan.

"You are not human! Add insult to injury! When I become King, let's see how I can play with you!" Xi Yuan grabbed the chair with one hand and twisted heroically.

In the second round, Xie Xiuyi was the King.

"Well, I can only count you as a lucky brat." Everyone cursed.

Xie Xiuyi glanced at everyone, "No. 2 is lying on the ground, and No. 4 is doing 5 push-ups on top of him."

After a while, Bai Yin and Dai Hua stood up with red faces.

In the third round, the King was still Xie Xiuyi.

The fourth round, the fifth round...

Everyone was tortured to the point where Xi Yuan jumped over a steel pipe and took off his clothes; Dai Hua and Rui You had a cup of wine; Gu Nai was forced to call his classmate to say "I love you"; Do 20 standing squats...

In the early hours of the morning, everyone collapsed. Rui You got up from the sofa, walked in front of Xie Xiuyi, and wanted to pinch his neck with his hands, "When the hell did you learn magic! How dare you!" Old Qian!!"

Ke Jiao supported her forehead, her eyes were fixed on the king card that would always be turned out of Xie Xiuyi's hand in the next second, her heart was trembling.

No way... She has encountered such a small probability?Tonight... She won't really want to spend the night at his house...

After Xie Xiuyi waved Rui You's hand away calmly, Gu Nai over there said angrily, "That's it, it's the last round, I won't believe it when I go home after playing! Anyone can do it in the last round, if it's you and me Get out of the window immediately!"

Final round.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xie Xiuyi put the king card on the coffee table.

oh my god...

Ke Jiao's big eyes trembled as she looked at his handsome face with an indescribable meaning, and she slid down from the sofa in grief.

When she was so shocked beyond words, he relaxed his legs and tapped his slender fingers on her knees.

"No. 1 and No. 5, kiss."

...It turned out to be the most insane way of punishment.

After the deathly silence, under the attention of everyone, Rui stood up first, and the next second, he heard Gu Nai's roar like an explosion, "Don't even kill me!!"

Rui You was originally just annoyed by Xie Xiuyi's good luck, but seeing that it was Gu Nai who was punished with him, the expression on Jun's face suddenly changed.

Emma!Originally, he wanted to beat Xie Xiuyi severely, but now why does he think Xie Xiuyi is so cute!What a teammate with divine assists!As expected of his friend!
"Come on, Gunai."

Xie Xiuyi held his chin, "Kiss first or climb the window first?"

"Little Yiyun, you just follow me." Rui You casually walked up to Gu Nai, looking at her short hair in disbelief, "Which man do you want to be with besides me? Which man is better than me?" ah?"

Gu Nai's face was as red as a monkey's butt, he was anxious, angry and ashamed, he was about to cry, and he was still stubborn, "Go to hell, I don't want it!"

Dai Hua and the others stared intently, and they almost had another bag of popcorn in their hands.

It's so exciting, it's like a classic idol drama!Quick kiss, Rui You, quick kiss!Haven't you seen Gu Nai's shy little face who wants to refuse but still welcome?
Just when Rui You was already impatiently preparing for Ba Wang to bow, Xie Xiuyi suddenly stood up.

"Go back after kissing yourself."

He threw the beer can into the trash can, then took Ke Jiao's hand, and under the eyes of everyone, he turned around and walked towards the bedroom without looking back.

Just being stunned by everyone hanging in the living room (⊙o⊙)...

Ke Jiao was led to the bedroom by him like a puppet, and watched him close the door and lead herself to the sofa in the bedroom.

Let her sit on the sofa, he put his hands on the sofa on both sides of her head, and looked at her against her forehead.

Ke Jiao felt that she could hardly breathe.

"I won." He raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

She smelled the mixed smell of alcohol, fragrance and masculinity on his body, and felt that her body was numb.

... She is really crazy to bet with him. She wants to know with her toes. Once he says something, how can there be any possibility of failure and repentance? !
And the look in Xie Xiuyi's eyes is basically waiting for her to wash herself up and lay down on the bed for you to enjoy...

This is not the giant baby with facial paralysis that she once brought up as a bear child, it is clearly a big wild wolf!
Could it be that that very important day for girls will really happen tonight...

Observing the expression on her face, Xie Xiuyi whispered to her ear maliciously, "There are towels and toothbrushes."

After finishing speaking, he put his lips full of wine fragrance to his lips.

Under the bright light of the bedroom, she looked into his dark eyes that were close at hand.

"...Xie Xiuyi..."

Ke Jiao's voice trembled, and he felt as if his hand was slowly caressing her waist.

When Xie Xiuyi had already moved his lips to her collarbone, Ke Jiao finally couldn't help it, and gently pinched his shoulder, "...Hey, itch..."

She was really itchy, and couldn't help curling up into a ball, but Xie Xiuyi seemed to think her ticklish childlike appearance was cute, teasing her for a while, he actually leaned over her and laughed.

Ke Jiao was shy and itchy at first, but when she suddenly heard his clear and sweet laughter, she was dumbfounded.

There was really a faint smile on that pretty cheek at the moment, and she found that when he smiled, there was a faint dimple on his face.

... She is really handsome and good-looking, what should I do, she is about to be dizzy QAQ...

Is this what it feels like when an iceberg melts?It's nothing more than a hundred flowers blooming overnight...

To be honest, she has never been very interested in beautiful men. When she was studying, there were good-looking boys chasing her, but she didn't feel much about it. But why did her girlish heart become so angry after meeting him? It's about to explode every minute...

"...Well, are you drunk?"

Ke Jiao blushed, looked at his smiling face, and touched her heart that was about to jump out of her chest with one hand.

Although she was very willing to see him show such an expression that made her heart beat faster in front of her, she was still a little frightened by his abnormal behavior.

Xie Xiuyi slowly put away his smile at this time, but the expression on his face was still very relaxed, "Guess."

"I think..." She pursed her lips, "I think you don't seem to be drinking very well, because you look completely different now than usual..."

Xie Xiuyi hooked the corner of his mouth, "Is it so different that I want you to stay overnight?"

Ke Jiao froze for a moment, then blushed even more, and said in a low voice, "...I keep my word."

He stared deeply at her for a long time, then suddenly withdrew from her body, and sat down cross-legged on the carpet in front of the sofa.

Then, under her surprised gaze, he stretched out his arms and pulled her off the sofa, letting her lie on his lap.

Gently letting her head rest in a very comfortable position, he gently stroked her hair like a kitten.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is the brilliant night view of T City. In the dark night, the whole world is silent and quiet.

Ke Jiao was lying on his lap, looking at his gradually calming expression and the scenery outside the window, she suddenly felt that her whole heart was quiet.

Once upon a time, she also wrote many stories with ups and downs in her book, and several of them were very intense and romantic stories, which made people feel heartbroken.

But in fact, what she likes the most has always been the love like a confidant with a white head.

By this person's side, you don't have to worry that the world will perish tomorrow, and you don't have to worry that he will disappear from your side tomorrow.

He is like your umbrella, like your teacher, like your friend, and even more like a partner who goes hand in hand with you.

By his side, you will be strong, you will work hard, you will want to become better, and you will think about how to better protect and love him.

"My parents are divorced."

In the silence, she suddenly heard him say that.

Ke Jiao was startled, and focused her eyes on his pale cheeks.

"I was born in the United States. I was about three years old. They parted ways because they found their soul mates abroad. I didn't understand anything at that time, so I grew up with my dad." He said slowly, as if Talking about other people's stories, "Actually, after I became sensible, I sneered at their divorce. I thought they were just talking about their personal desires in a high-sounding manner, so I was very indifferent to all feelings since I was a child. "

"I don't hate them, I just think they got married for what? It's best to only have one marriage in a lifetime. If it's just a matter of time, then simply don't be together from the very beginning. It's a waste of time."

She listened to his words, watched his thin lips open and close, and felt a little shaken in her heart.

There are reasons for his rationality, indifference, and rejection of others. A person's family largely determines some elements of a child, which is inevitable.

"When Rui You first met me, he told me that he felt that I had no obsession with this world at all and could disappear at any time. I thought he was stupid at the time. Who said that a person must live in the world with other people? What connection is there to live? Can’t I be alone? I have been alone since I was a child, so I can live well too?”

Ke Jiao closed her eyes when she heard this, then stretched out her arms and wrapped them around his waist silently.

Xie Xiuyi paused for a moment, then covered hers with his hand.

"After being exposed to trader in my senior year of high school, I felt that there was finally something I could do. Later, when I touched music, my thinking changed a little bit."

He patted the back of her hand, "I only feel happy when I sing, but I still have no interest in anything other than singing."

Only at this moment did she truly understand the root cause of all his actions.

That's why people like him appear in Two-dimensional. Although they are popular, they have no interest in fame and wealth, and even do the opposite. Now in the three-dimensional, they are only devoted to music and doing their own way.

But this has also become the reason why he can stand at the top-his music is pure without any impurities, just like him.

After saying these words, Xie Xiuyi did not speak for a long time.

Ke Jiao felt that she didn't need to say anything at this time, because she felt that he didn't want her to respond by saying these words, and then express sympathy or sadness to him, he just wanted to tell her.

Because he trusted her, trusted her the most, and treated her like himself.

And she is also happy to be a silent listener.

The feeling of holding his body was really comfortable and warm, and she gradually became drowsy.

"Ke Jiao."

When her consciousness had become a little fuzzy, she suddenly felt that he gently lifted her head, and then lowered her head slightly.

"I like you not because you worship me as my life, not because you cook for me, not because you take me to the hospital to take care of you, not because you protect me in front of outsiders, but more It's not because you will teach me to tell me the truth and brainwash me to like you."

"I like you because being by your side makes me feel more obsessed with the world. The life with you is completely different from the previous twenty years. I don't resent being changed by you at all."

I have been changed by you, and I am not like the lonely me I used to be, but I like me after being changed by you.

It may not be such a wise decision to completely transform yourself because of love.

But I like you, it's that simple.

When she woke up the next morning, Ke Jiao found that she was already lying under the warm quilt.

……Why?Didn't she and Xie Xiuyi chat on the carpet in front of the sofa last night?

Just thinking of this, she felt an arm gently holding her across the quilt.

She was taken aback for a moment, then she suddenly remembered something, and slowly turned around.

In front of her eyes, he was sleeping peacefully beside her, the morning light bathed his cheeks, he was as handsome and peaceful as a god.

So, last night, nothing really happened to them?Just cuddling and sleeping purely like this? ...

She couldn't help but breathe a deep sigh of relief in her heart, and suddenly felt an... indescribable feeling.

Wait... This feeling, can't it be loss? !
Blushing and shaking her head, she was about to turn sideways when she saw him slowly open his eyes.

"...Morning." She looked at him, feeling a little nervous for no reason.

It was the first time for her to share the same bed with her boyfriend. For her, a novice who had never been in love, it was really a big milestone TAT, but to be honest, she didn't feel strange or uncomfortable, but felt that This morning is both bliss and luxury.

Xie Xiuyi looked at her, then raised his hand to touch her cheek, and said "um" in a sexy voice, as if enjoying the feeling of waking up with her.

"Well, didn't you announce today?" She looked at his cheek that was so close to her.

He glanced sideways at the clock on the wall, "It's not up yet."

"Oh," she nodded, "Then I'll get up and make you breakfast now?"

Xie Xiuyi looked at her for a few seconds, then suddenly stretched his hand into the bed, and hugged her waist directly under the bed, "Lie down with me for a while."

Ke Jiao was hugged by him with a blushing face, and smelling the good smell on his body, she felt that she was almost drunk...

"...Last night, did I say anything strange?" In the silence, he suddenly opened his mouth.

She was startled, "What do you mean strange?"

He was silent for a while, then changed the question, " much did I talk last night?"

She bit her lip, suppressed a smile, and was about to tell him the truth, "Many."

Soon, she heard him sigh in frustration, "...I'm not very good at drinking, and I will become strange after drinking."

"I see," she finally began to smile blatantly, "Xie Xiuyi, so besides being an idiot in life, you can't even drink well..."

This really broke his image of an indomitable king.

Xie Xiuyi raised his eyebrows at what she said, and squeezed her waist, "You dare to laugh at me?"

Ke Jiao was afraid of ticklish, she shrank from being pinched, and her eyes were crooked when she laughed, "Don't dare..."

When he finally stopped teasing her, she suddenly raised her hand and hugged his neck, with a big smile, and said seriously in his ear, "But I really like the way you look when you're drunk, you will be with me He said a lot of things that he would never say normally, and he regarded me as the person he trusted the most. I was very happy to hear that, Xie Xiuyi, I think I like you more than yesterday."

For some reason, at this moment, she could suddenly confess that she owed him a long time.

Xie Xiuyi, I like every aspect of you.

Every day, I always like you more than the day before.

When he heard her words, his eyes slowly became brighter and brighter. Then, while she was not paying attention, he gently bit her ear, and whispered in the most ambiguous voice,
"I will never let you go next time, so be prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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