you can hear

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

After the three days of the New Year's Day holiday passed, Ke Jiao began to feel restless every day.

There is no other reason, and it is naturally because the YY song meeting on January 1 that Djay and her had discussed before and hosted by her is getting closer and closer.

However, it is said that she hosted the YY Song Club, but it seems that she has never done anything so far...

Time, Djay determined.

Guest, invited by Djay.

The planning was also done by Djay who let the staff of Xueye Fishing Boat Team lead her administrators who were so excited to jump up and down every day.

She seems to... all day long, she only needs to be in charge of soy sauce in the group, and she is disgusted by people who even open her mouth. She vaguely remembers asking the planner for a task that day, and the planner waved her big hand and said to her: Just wait for me , just prepare your opening remarks and Q&A session, and you don’t have to worry about anything else.

Moreover, it was one of her tasks to help Xie Xiuyi cook every day, but after eating cheese rice cake hot pot together that day, he suddenly became elusive. Every time she went to his house, she couldn't see him. He finished all the dishes she cooked, so she could only come and go home silently every day.

She thought, even if he was reluctant, he should be making intensive preparations for his official debut now.

Although, she is a little bit lonely and not used to it.

However, this was all expected. She stepped into his life by mistake at the beginning. When he really became a big star, the cross paths between her and him should become parallel lines.

So, when Zeng Qian called, she still showed a bit of melancholy.

"Your giant baby is really busy these two days," Zeng Qian told her on the phone, "I just found out that before he signed with our company, he was invited by a very famous producer After singing the theme song, I think he would pick it up because he really appreciates the movie, and now the movie is about to be released, and the box office is expected to be very high, so these two days are busy with the final check of the theme song."

"Oh...that's it."

"Spinach," Zeng Qian coughed, and suddenly lowered her voice, "I said, have you developed a real relationship with the giant baby during this period of time?"

Ke Jiao was taken aback for a moment.

"To be honest, I really think he listens to you, and when he faces you, he suddenly becomes human. I always thought that no one in this world could cure him until you appeared in front of him."

"...Okay, do you think you recite poetry affectionately on the Spring Festival Gala?" She stroked her forehead, "My feeling now is actually a bit like a bear child who was fostered in my own home for a period of time and was suddenly taken back... ..."

Zeng Qian laughed heartily.

"Okay, don't laugh," Ke Jiao sighed, "And my Two-dimensional male god hasn't appeared again recently, and I always feel that I have not been energetic in doing anything these two days..."

"A girl who was hit by a double loss of love on the Internet and in reality," Zeng Qian listened, and hung up the phone gloatingly, "Let's not talk about it, I'm going on a date with my boyfriend, bye~"

Ke Jiao angrily threw the phone on the bed, and nestled back in front of the computer again.

Click on QQ, Djay's profile picture is always dark, since he had a private conversation with her on YY last time, he has not appeared again, whether it is Weibo or the chicory chat group, she has never seen him again figure.

Thinking about it, he was an extremely mysterious and low-key person. She couldn't have too many extravagant expectations and fantasies just because of the accidental intersection between them.

In the final analysis, he is still a person who is far, far away from her.


Ke Jiao simply closed the computer and went to sleep listlessly.

So depressed for a whole week, until one night the chief planner of the planning team suddenly poked her on QQ.

Shi Xiaoshi: Spinach, you're done, the host of the concert has been confirmed.

Spinach: (⊙o⊙) Who is it?

Hours: Shao Han.

Spinach: Oh, I know him, he is the YY host who studied in Japan, right?Many large concerts are hosted by him.

Shi Xiaojian: Yes, yes, yes, it can be more funny than lyrical, it can be convulsive but serious, the young master is handsome (*^__^*) In the beginning, he didn’t agree because he was too busy, and Dai Hua stepped forward to move him here.

Spinach: Master Dai Hua is really kind TAT
Shi Xiaojian: Actually, I want to tell you that we just finished the final plan, and at 9 o'clock we will check with Mr. Han on the channel and rehearse, do you have time to listen?

Spinach: Sure~
After talking with the chief planner, Ke Jiao seized the time to take a shower and make another cup of coffee before returning to the desk and logging in to YY.

As soon as she entered her own channel, she found that the event site was already extremely lively. At a glance, the field controllers were already hanging there in an orderly manner wearing yellow horses.

On the public screen, Shao Han, who came to the channel with Ke Jiao, greeted politely first: Hello everyone^^, hello Spinach.

The rest of the people: Hello, Young Master Han!

Spinach: Hello, young master.

Young Master Han: Can I talk on the mic now?

Spinach: Yes, Shi Xiaoxiao will hug Young Master Han to Mai.

After typing, Ke Jiao put on the headphones, and soon, Shao Han's gentle voice came from the headset, "I have about 20 minutes, can I finish? Spinach, is it you who said it or your plan?" explain?"

Ke Jiao quickly typed: It should be no problem, Xiaoshi will be responsible for the quick explanation during my planning.

Before Shi Xiaoshi became her administrator, she also had experience in planning YY song conferences several times. This time, she will be on the mic very skillfully. First, let all the field controllers introduce their respective division of labor.

"Well, the division of labor is very clear." After listening to the introduction, Young Master Han said, "Where's the vest?"

"About the vest, I have consulted Spinach. All guests will be given yellow horses, all guests' subtitle groups will be given pink horses, guest fans will be given green horses, and ordinary tourists will be given blue horses." Shi Xiaoshi added, "Young Master Han, you are also yellow horses. Horses, orange horses with spinach."

Ke Jiao thought about it for a while: Xiaojian, is there anyone else who wears orange horses?

Unexpectedly, just after she finished sending these words, Shi Xiaojian coughed, and even the tone of her voice changed, "There is also an orange horse that belongs to Spinach, your lord."

Ke Jiao was startled, and then she heard Young Master Han's low laughter coming from the earpiece, "To be honest, I was really busy on the 17th, but when I heard Dai Hua say that Djay would come, I thought I should take care of it anyway." My own business was pushed to host the concert, Spinach, you are really capable, I think the Gufeng circle should give you a medal."

Ke Jiao in front of the computer was so embarrassed by the teasing that she could only change the topic desperately: ... When Xiaoxiao, hurry up and continue.

There is obviously a smile in Shi Xiaoshi's voice,

"Hey, the song will officially start at 8 o'clock that night. At 7:45 Han Shaohui will enter the channel to warm up for 15 minutes. Dai Hua will be the opening guest, and then Baiyin and Kaikai. In the special session, the three CV masters, Qihuang, Frost and Xiyuan, will dub the three male protagonists in Spinach's three works live, and after dubbing for 5 minutes, they will sing a song respectively."

"Huh?" Ke Jiao was dumbfounded when he heard it, "Qihuang and the others are also coming to the singing party?"

She remembered that Qihuang and the others seemed not to be on the list that Djay had agreed with her at that time.

"That's right!" Shi Xiaojian snickered, "It was Lord Djay who called them later. It is said that it was specially to set off your other works. We wanted to give you a surprise, so we refrained from telling you."

"Hmm..." Young Master Han said slowly again at this time, "Spinach, I think the online distribution circle should give you a medal."

Ke Jiao was so embarrassed that her heart was beating wildly because of the name mentioned in Shi Xiaoshi's words, but at the same time she felt that these words were too untrue T^T...

Djay, my lord, when did you do this quietly again?
"After the dubbing session, there was Mushroom Sauce, and the two big stars TMK and Margie who turned the circle sang separately, and then there was Qi Mu, and Qi Mu said that he was doing a commercial performance in another place that day, so he could only use YY on his mobile phone, maybe The sound effect will be poor." When Shi Xiaojian said this, he sighed softly, "But even if it is on the mobile phone, the fans will probably go crazy. You must know that Mumu hasn't participated in the commercial show for almost half a year. It's singing."

"After Qi Mu sang, there will be a lottery session. The guest of the lottery draw is He Quyou. After the lottery, there will be a singing session for the award winners. Then there will be a question-and-answer session for Spinach's readers. After the end, Yuntuda's recording will be played."

"Just a little bit of an interruption," Young Master Han seemed to have taken a sip of water when he heard this, "I have to say, with such a lineup, it is conservatively estimated that there will be nearly [-] fans that day, and the field controllers will have to work hard."

After he finished speaking, a message was immediately displayed on the public screen: No hard work!We are almost crazy excited to be able to be the field controller of this concert!
"So, the last guest is Djay, right?"

"That's right, tomorrow night we will officially release the warm-up poster and audio on Weibo!"

Han Shao understood with a smile, "Then, I can guarantee that the number of people online will definitely exceed [-] that night."

Twenty thousand...

Ke Jiao was burning and excited in front of the computer, but when she patted her head, she suddenly felt very hopeless and vain.

At the beginning, she impulsively promised Djay that she would hold this concert well, but it is really not that easy to ensure that the whole concert will go smoothly without any mistakes.

After all, this is the first concert Djay has participated in in three years since he entered the circle. He has given her such trust. If she can't give him the most perfect stage for YY debut, she can't forgive herself.

In the channel, Shao Han and Shi Xiaojian seemed to be still discussing a few small details about the planning case. She rested her chin, and gradually became a little distracted.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a YY private message displayed in the center of the screen.


A simple word, and the person who sent the message is Djay.

Ke Jiao stared at the message for about ten seconds, then immediately jumped up from the chair and replied as quickly as possible, "Yes!"

"To subchannel, office."

Ke Jiao's heart rate started to become irregular from the first second when his news appeared, and he raised his hand to close the dialog box, and hurriedly clicked on the sub-channel in the office trembling.

And just when she moved the mouse to the word "Office", she heard Shao Han's surprised voice from the headset, "I seem to have seen Djay appear just now."

"Ah? Where is it?" Shi Xiaojian's voice also raised an octave.

In an instant, the entire public screen flashed at a speed of flowing water: Where is the son! ! ? ?
Ke Jiao was so frightened that her hands shook heavily, and she went straight into the office.

The sound from the event scene disappeared, and the next second, a voice that had appeared in her dreams countless times mixed with her heartbeat suddenly drilled into her headset.

"Are you tired?"

The low and concise words sound especially attractive in the dead of night.

Her head was still in a mess. At this time, she held the headset with both hands, swallowed quietly, and pressed F2, "...No, I'm not tired, how about you, Mr. Djay? Why are you suddenly free today? Are you done?"

After she finished speaking, she felt that she seemed to have said a lot in one breath, like a long-winded old woman TAT...

Over there, Djay was silent for two seconds, and gave a very soft "um".

Ke Jiao's heart trembled when she heard that, and she felt that there seemed to be a faint smile in the "hmm".


Under the circumstances, she was so nervous that she couldn't even speak. She wanted to talk to him, and even more wanted to listen to him, but she always felt like she couldn't speak.

"Listen to music?"

Just when she was about to throw a piece of tofu against the wall, she heard Djay say that.

"Ah? Listen? What song are you listening to? Who will sing it?" Speechless...

"I'll sing." At this moment, there was a light click of his mouse on the earphone, "I just finished recording a song called "Daily Turn", listen to it?"

During the few seconds of complete silence in the channel, Ke Jiao patted her cheek hard with the palm of her hand. One pat was not enough, so she patted twice.

... Ouch, it hurts so much.

However, she really didn't have hallucinations. In the YY interface on the computer screen in front of her, Djay in orange horse was staying alone with her in the sub-channel, exactly the same as last time.

And just now, did he say that he was going to play the Japanese song he just finished recording for her?

... Her auditory system shouldn't be broken either TAT
"This song is the Silver Spoon Season 2 ED, オトノナルホウヘ→"

In the quiet channel, after Djay finished speaking so lightly, he lightly pressed the mouse, "I haven't done the post-production yet, demo version, let's just listen to it first."

Don't make it!Wouldn't it be nice to have nothing at all!
Although Ke Jiao is so shy and nervous that he can't even say a word, but he is screaming in his heart, you are really too humble, you don't need your voice in the later stage to make people kneel every second...

In the next second, cheerful and crisp background music sounded.

"远く远れた地方にいる时も (Even if the sky is far apart)
Servant らの声がきますように (I hope you can hear our encouragement)

迷ったときはオトノナルホウヘ→(When you are confused, come in the direction of the sound)

When the first Roman sound sung by Djay sounded, Ke Jiao's heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Fluent in Japanese, clear and bright voice, like a shooting star suddenly flashing in the night sky, completely different from singing ancient songs and intonation, but not comparable to amazing.

In order for her to read the lyrics simultaneously, Djay quickly typed the lyrics marked with three lines of Chinese/Japanese/Roman accents on the public screen.

Listening and listening, for some reason, she felt her nose sour.

Obviously it is a very bright and burning song with a strong rhythm, which makes people feel hot and full of strength, but why does she have the urge to cry?

She thought, she must be real, in love with Djay, and the power in his voice that cuts through everything.

Only him.

At 3:38, the last note disappears into the air.

Ke Jiao took out a tissue to cover her nose, and took a deep breath.

"Have a cold?" Djay said suddenly in the quiet channel again.

"...No, no," she quickly denied, crumpling up the tissue and throwing it aside.

If she said that she cried when she heard him sing this Yuan Qi Ri, she would surely die of laughter from him.

"My lord, you sing so beautifully!" After listening to the song, it was as if she had been injected with blood and courage.

Locked in a small room with Benming, listening to the song that Benming just finished recording, she truly feels that she is the happiest person in the world now, if she is too nervous to speak to Benming at this time, she will definitely put I scratched myself to death.

After about ten seconds of silence, the Djay on the other end spoke quietly, "So, your daily life is still He Quyou?"

... Ke Jiao couldn't believe her ears.

Why, there seems to be a trace of resentment in this tone?Is that guy who just spoke, really Djay?Is it really that supercilious, cold-hearted Djay?Why is that arrogance... so similar to Xie Xiuyi?
Thinking of Xie Xiuyi, she suddenly trembled.

She found that since just now, Djay has been talking to her with a voice that is strange and inexplicably familiar to her. This voice seems to be... his original voice?
And this voice, really, was too similar to someone.

No, I can't think about it anymore, is it possible that she is really thinking about the giant baby with facial paralysis who has been missing for many days? TAT Now she is talking to her own life!And benming!
Shaking her head, she covered her face with her hands and answered him softly, "...No, from today onwards, my lord, you are my life in all domains."

"Oh?" Djay coughed, and there was a hint of teasing in his voice, "I wanted to sing the English translation again, but now it seems that I don't need it anymore?"

"...No, I don't need it! I absolutely don't need it!" Another song, she might as well just lie in the hospital and listen to it while receiving blood transfusions...

Ke Jiao was fascinated by the cold and lazy voice, and she burst into tears.

Djay turned off the music player at this point, and the mouse clicks and keyboard clicks disappeared, as if he was waiting for her to speak.

"My lord, my lord?" Ke Jiao held the headset, subconsciously and boldly asked him, "Aren't you busy with the three-dimensional business today?"

"Now I have a break for a while." He paused, "What about you?"

My lord, my lord is actually interacting and chatting with her! TAT
"I'm fine." She poked the table lightly with her fingers to relieve the tension in her heart, "I haven't written a book for the past two days, but I'm just preparing for a song meeting, no, no, in fact, I didn't help much at all. "

"By the way, I forgot to mention, thank you, my lord, you specially invited Qi Huang Da and others to come to the concert to dub my book. I am really touched. In fact, I am very afraid that I will not be able to manage this concert. I am sorry for you and you So many people have been invited..."

The more I talk, the more incoherent I am, the more responsibility and pressure I feel in my heart.

"Don't be nervous." Djay was on the other end, as if tapping the table with his fingers, "So what if it can't be done?"

"If it can't be done well, it has nothing to do with you. I will deal with Dai Hua and the others."

Ke Jiao was dumbfounded.

"The responsibility of the concert lies with the singers. As singers, we will use songs to highlight the protagonist of this concert." It was rare for him to say so much, "and the protagonist of this concert is you."

"So just let go and do it, just be happy."

The person she admired in the past three years had such a true temperament, casual, yet overwhelmingly tough and capable. Just a few words could calm her down.

Perhaps, his purpose of going to YY today was not only to let her listen to the music, but also to cheer her up.

Everyone said that he was indifferent and unreasonable, but she had unexpectedly discovered his hidden delicacy and tenderness.

It seems... What should I do if I fall in love with him even more.

"Going to work." He said to her in a low voice at the end, "See you on Saturday."

After he left the sub-channel, the event hall was already empty.

Click on QQ, and there is a message from the planning time: Spinach, we have finished communicating with Young Master Han, everything is going well, and we will officially announce the promotional song meeting tomorrow night, ps you and the young master have a private tryst in the small room, we will manage it as a whole Members and Young Master Han will keep it tight, please rest assured ^^
Ke Jiao raised her hand to hold her forehead.

As early as when Djay stepped into her channel for the first time and said the first words to her, she was worried that if the news spread, he would be beaten to death by his millions of fans, not to mention that he would help her make radio dramas, sing ED, and the subsequent two solo YY talks, and he was going to participate in the YY song party hosted by her.

Fortunately, all her managers are really helpful, and they have always done top-notch confidentiality work, and no news has leaked out.

Well, there are all the big Chicories, plus today's Young Master Han, and another day, I must thank them for their life-saving grace.

At this moment, she really couldn't calm down, and couldn't see anything in front of the computer, so she simply closed the computer, turned off the light and jumped onto the bed, rolling around on the bed, giggling and giggling again and again.

She dawdled like this until two o'clock in the middle of the night, and she still didn't fall asleep. The song Djay sang in the evening was repeated in her mind, and she was so excited that she could go downstairs and run twice.

It's four o'clock.

Ke Jiao really felt that this night was worth remembering, so she took out her phone and edited a post on Weibo.

"Listen to the beauty's voice in the middle of the night, and keep your eyes open all night until dawn.

Banner: The male god is too beautiful. "

Although she didn't sleep well that night because of her burst blood vessels, Ke Jiao still slept through the afternoon.

After Youzai Youzai got up and brushed her teeth, she waited for the water in the kitchen to heat up, then picked up her phone casually, wanting to check Weibo.

Unexpectedly, when he swiped open the screen, he saw 99+ message prompts displayed in the upper right corner of the Weibo client.

I rub 0.0...

Ke Jiao was taken aback, and quickly clicked on Weibo, wanting to see if it was a convulsion or something. You know, she has been a writer for three years, but she has never received so many messages all at once.

The moment she clicked on her homepage, she was stunned. She saw that the microblog she posted on a whim this morning had thousands of reposts and comments.

In the end...what the hell happened!

Tremblingly opened the comment, and saw a long line of messages.

Fan A: Damn, who the hell are you!Young Master's 20th Weibo Follower!Master Dai Hua, Master Bai Yin, why do they all pay attention to you? !

Fan B: Lao Qu actually followed you, and the squid shredded tour group kept their claws.

Fan C: The son-in-law sightseeing group expressed dissatisfaction with this girl who suddenly appeared →_→

Fan D: I'm about to lose touch with this world, how could my lord get involved with a romance writer overnight? !

Fan E: What is the relationship between you and my male god Djay!Say it! !

Ke Jiao looked terrified.

Her intuition told her that all of this might have something to do with Djay, so she slapped her thigh and clicked on the popular comments first.

Sure enough, the first of the popular comments with thousands of likes was Djay's reposted comment: The agreed-upon all-field life.

When Ke Jiao saw this sentence, her whole body seemed to be cooked. In the winter, she even sweated on her forehead.

Clicking on Djay's profile picture lightly, she clearly saw that under his profile, the relationship between him and her on Weibo had changed from her unilateral following to mutual following.

"Bang Tong", "Bang Tong", this is the sound of her heart beating in her ears.

Moving her finger up slowly, she saw that Djay, who had less than 30 microblogs in total, and Djay, who hadn't posted half a microblog all year round, actually posted three microblogs in a row overnight.

The first one was the one he retweeted her weibo in the early morning.

The second one is the link to the Japanese version of the song he played for her last night, which he officially debuted on Station K.

And the third...

The third Weibo was his second retweet on her original Weibo. She never dreamed that in this second retweet, even He Quyou was involved.


"You didn't eat the instant noodles so badly. //@贾曲优: Cross-field, grab a job, for the girl. //@Djay: The agreed-upon all-field life."

Now, she felt that she was completely finished.

(End of this chapter)

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