Chapter 235 Robbery
Under the atmosphere driven by Gaara, people have sped up their work efficiency one after another, and the projects are constantly being completed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, all the projects in the country of the river were completed, even taking one-third less time than Conan expected.

Looking at the first phase of the project that was finally completed in front of them, everyone became excited while relaxing.

After a short break, people continued to work on the second phase of the project.

Suddenly, Conan thought of something: "By the way, it seems that the trade city in the Land of Wind is not far from here."

"Well, that's right." Markey replied: "It's not far ahead, we passed by there when we came here before."

"Well, since we are on the way, let's take a look and see how the proposal I put forward is effective."

Soon, Conan and his party came to the Kingdom of the Wind and the corresponding city, the City of Gold.

It has to be said that the name of this city is simple and crude enough, fully expressing the merchants' yearning for wealth.

It didn't take much effort, and soon Conan got all the information he wanted.

Originally, Conan thought that since this place is like the Land of Fire, and all the business routes are controlled by a few big figures, then this place should be as withered as the city of merchants in the Land of Fire when Conan first saw it.

What Conan didn't expect was that the situation here is much better than that in the City of Commerce.

This involves the issue of the national conditions of the two countries. Unlike the country of fire, the merchants in the country of wind themselves represent the power class.

Most of the caravan leaders here are the leaders, patriarchs, nobles, and local officials of an oasis. It can be said that the power is extremely powerful, and naturally the rights and interests of all aspects are guaranteed, and the rest are basically attached to someone's name. Although there are still a certain number of retail investors in the same clan, those can't become the main body, and naturally they can't affect the overall situation.

After learning this, Conan became slightly happy. Since this is the case, there is no need for him to think of ways to deal with greedy guys like them.

But soon, Conan couldn't help frowning again.

Although this is beneficial to one's own economic plan, it also inevitably brings about a big problem.

That is, Sand Ren has a source of income again.

Just judging from the trading volume in a short period of time today, Conan can estimate that the share that Sharen should get will definitely not be less, so Gaara's role will naturally not be as great as imagined.

The reason Sharen is still so embarrassed now is entirely because the money he earned in the early days was used to pay Konoha as war indemnity.

Soon, when Sha Shinobu repays the money owed to Konoha, the financial crisis will be greatly alleviated, and Gaara will basically have no chance of becoming Kazekage by then.

Seeing that the leaders of various factions came to sign the contract about the shares, Conan had a faint plan.

Maybe take this opportunity to help me love Laura?
Soon, more than a dozen letters written by Conan himself were sent to the leaders of various caravans.

"Be sure to come to him for the dinner before tomorrow night? And you have to go in person? What do you mean?"

Looking at the letter in his hand, one leader couldn't help muttering.

It stands to reason that he didn't want to go to such an inexplicable dinner party at all, but he couldn't help shaking his hands when he saw the last sentence of not going at his own risk.

The name of Conan the God of Death has already been spread all over the world. His wanton massacre of nobles has already made those nobles terrified. At the same time, most people think he is a lunatic. How can normal people do this regardless of the consequences? It was undeniable that the chief was frightened at the moment.

It's just that although he didn't want to go anyway, he hesitated again when he thought of the power of Conan's terrifying reputation.

What if I don't do what he said and really kill me. The outside of the city is full of his people, who can control that lunatic when he goes crazy.
Counting on Sand Ninja Village and Daimyo?They've just lost a battle, I'm afraid they won't even care about it. Even if they manage it, it's beyond their reach.

In the end, the leader decided to give in temporarily, so that the guy named Conan would not kill us for no reason.

A scene similar to this happened to the leaders of various forces at the same time.

Soon, Conan's yard became lively.

Although the dishes of the dinner held by Conan were quite rich, the atmosphere was unusually deserted.

Although the people kept whispering to each other, no one moved their chopsticks, and occasionally looked at Conan cautiously.

After a long time, a representative finally couldn't help but asked in doubt: "I don't know what is the reason why you came to us, Mr. Conan?"

Compared with those stupid nobles in the country of the river, these people in front of them are obviously more respectful and know how to assess the situation, and Conan is very satisfied with this.

It’s just that Conan doesn’t think about it. In fact, these people are so cautious because of the things he did before. After all, they are madmen who slaughtered the nobles of a country. They also didn't even look at it at all.

"Well, it's actually nothing, just to enhance the relationship between our two countries."

Hearing Conan's words, the people under him all cursed inwardly, the devil would believe this, we have never had any relationship with Konoha.

Seeing the somewhat cold atmosphere, Conan chuckled: "Of course, there is another small purpose."

Glancing at everyone one by one, Conan said lightly: "The economic situation of our Konoha is not good at present, I hope you can help a lot."

"Is he crazy?" These leaders looked at each other in shock and expressed this meaning at the same time.

How could a normal person get along with such an unreliable idea to plunder money and openly blackmail nobles in other countries, didn't he want to think about the consequences of doing so?

And they, Konoha, don't plan to accept missions in the future, who would dare to place an order in such a ninja village?

Just thinking that Conan had done even crazier things, these people couldn't help but fell silent again. What's the excuse with a lunatic?

"Huh? Why don't you talk? Do you agree or disagree?"

As he said that, Conan released his murderous aura slightly, and suddenly the so-called actual controllers of the so-called Kingdom of Wind collapsed to the ground, and some timid ones even peed their pants in fright.

The leaders of these various forces are regretting at this moment, why did they come to participate in the signing of the so-called share-related contract, and God knows why they were blackmailed by the ninjas of the Fire Kingdom on the land of the Wind Kingdom.

Could it be that Konoha's so-called construction army is actually just a pretense to plunder?
Conan sighed silently as he looked at the high-ranking officials of the Land of Winds who were in a state of embarrassment.

"Is this kind of wine bag and rice bag worthy of a high position? Such a system must be reformed."

Just when these people couldn't hold on anymore and were about to agree, a figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of these people.

"Master Conan, you lost your composure."

With the sudden release of the pressure on their bodies, all the leaders immediately collapsed to the ground, looking at the stalwart figure in front of them in reverence.

(End of this chapter)

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