Chapter 630 Visiting the Master
Due to the relatively low terrain of Ninghai Province, many reservoirs and flood control forests have been built here.Because the government was worried that when a flood broke out, all the soil here would be swept away.Although this situation has not occurred in Ninghai Province in the past 20 years, it can be prevented before it happens.

Along the way, in addition to seeing countless flood control forests, there are many large and small reservoirs.These reservoirs are built on a very large scale, some of which are very large and built along the mountains, and the entire mountain stream is built into a reservoir.

After driving for less than half an hour, Wang Xiao saw more than a dozen reservoirs, large and small.This is the first time Wang Xiao has seen such a dense reservoir.Fortunately, there are more mountains here, so it provides convenience for the construction of reservoirs.

It is really difficult to cultivate reservoirs in places where there are no mountains and flat rivers, such as in areas such as Henan in the motherland.Since there are flat rivers everywhere, it is difficult to build reservoirs, and it is not conducive to water storage.

After the car drove to a bamboo forest area, Li Yuanhong stopped the car. "Master Wang, let's get out of the car and walk, there is no way."

"Okay." Wang Xiao nodded indifferently, and followed Li Yuanhong to get out of the car.There are dense bamboo forests all around here, including moso bamboo, mosaic bamboo, water bamboo, and many bamboos that Wang Xiao can't name.


When a gust of wind blows, there are rustling sounds in the bamboo forest.

When the breeze is blowing, it is like drinking nectar like a bright moon in the sky, which makes people feel refreshed.Living in the city for a long time, suddenly coming to this kind of place, it really feels like a fairyland.Looking at the endless green bamboo forests, Wang Xiao was in a good mood.

In fact, because there are a lot of bamboos here, and it is at the foot of the mountain, Wang Xiao and others can't see far away. It seems that there are endless bamboos everywhere.

No matter how you go, you can't get out of this bamboo forest.

"Good place." Wang Xiao couldn't help but praise.

Tranquility and elegance, Wang Xiao can only use these words to describe the beauty of this place, even Tao Yuanming's Xanadu is probably nothing more than that.If possible, Wang Xiao also hopes to find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in seclusion just like this master.

But his obsession is too deep, and there are many things that he can't let go of, so Wang Xiao can't really choose this kind of place to live in seclusion for the rest of his life like this expert.Because Wang Xiao is doomed to struggle all his life, he has too many worries.

"Of course, why don't you see where people live here?" Li Yuanhong said.

Sun Dafu said cursingly: "What a woolen yarn, what's so good? There are bamboos everywhere in our hometown. In this kind of place, we can have as much as we want. And living in such a poor and remote place, even if you have money, you can buy it." There is no place to spend, and you have to travel a long way to find a beautiful woman."

Wang Xiao took a displeased look at Sun Dafu, this guy thinks about women every day, besides women, what else Sun Dafu can think about, it's a big spoiler.

Seeing Wang Xiao's displeased eyes, Sun Dafu had no choice but to lower his head, thinking to himself, the gang leader really knows how hungry a hungry man is when he is full.There are so many beauties around him, of course he doesn't know the difficulties of bachelors like himself.

"Haha." Li Yuanhong smiled slightly and said, "Brother Sun Dafu is indeed a man of temperament. I like it, and it suits my taste."

After hearing Li Yuanhong's praise for him, Sun Dafu seemed a little excited, as if he was happy that he had finally found the news, everyone was really like-minded.

The three walked quickly in the bamboo forest, stepping on the ground made of layers of bamboo leaves, only feeling that the ground was soft.The tree-lined path here is surrounded by bamboos. Because there are a lot of bamboos here, and the bamboo leaves have fallen for a long time, countless bamboo leaves are laid on the ground, paving a thick layer of path.

Countless bamboo leaves were trampled under their feet, making a clicking sound.In the forest, countless bamboo leaves will fall from time to time, and smelling the fragrant bamboo smell makes people feel enlightened.No matter how much sorrow there is, as long as you come to this kind of place, it seems that you can wash away the troubles in your heart.

Looking at the tree-lined paths among the bamboo forests and the roads paved with stone ladders, it really feels like a fairyland.Even on the Qingfeng of the Huaxing Gang, there is no such a beautiful environment.It's hard for Wang Xiao to imagine that such a good place can be found in Ninghai Province.

After walking for less than a few minutes, Tiantian's winding path appeared in front of him, and the path was full of layers of stone stairs.It's just because the years have been a little long, so there are countless green moss growing on the stone stairs, and the smell of moss can still be smelled.

Li Yuanhong said: "Master Wang, go straight along this stone ladder. In about an hour, we will be able to reach the place where the old man lives." In fact, Li Yuanhong also inquired about the route temporarily. Because he had nothing to do with the other party, Li Yuanhong didn't know the specific route.

When he learned that Wang Xiao had something to look for that kind of expert, and Li Yuanhong knew that old man Yao had that ability, he temporarily inquired about where the other party lived, so he knew the route.

Wang Xiao nodded, and then followed Li Yuanhong up the stone ladder.

Sun Dafu muttered: "Really, choosing to live in this kind of place made us have to travel so far."

"Sun Dafu, if you don't want to go, stay and don't complain." Wang Xiao said dissatisfied.Sincerity leads to spirit, and my group came here this time because I asked each other for something.Complaining like Sun Dafu, if the old man Yao knew about it, he would definitely not help the leader Huaxing to solve those difficulties.

After Sun Dafu heard Wang Xiao's words, he immediately said in a pitiful manner: "Master, what are you talking about? Wherever you are, I, Sun Dafu, must be there. This is a must." He seemed to be alive and well, and he was no longer as lifeless as before.

The three talked occasionally along the way, and walked quickly towards the mountain.Along the way, Wang Xiao saw some people collecting dry firewood in the bamboo forest, and some people were chopping bamboo.It is said that these people took the pillars back and burned them all into bamboo charcoal, which was then exported to Huangguo.

In fact, Wang Xiao is also a little helpless, why the best things in the country are usually exported instead of being used by people in his own country.As long as it is good in China, it seems to be exported.Then those rich people buy back the things they export from other countries, and they still feel that they have a lot of face and fashion, which is really sad.

Even more irritating people, it is said that there used to be an area with two professional ginger planting bases.One field was planted with poison, and the other was planted without poison.The piece of ginger planted with poison is for the people of our own country to eat, while the piece of ginger that is not poisonous is exported to other countries.

When Wang Xiao heard the news, she felt very upset. She really was fighting in the nest, and she only knew how to harm her compatriots. My lord, those black guys will go to hell sooner or later.


I only heard the sound of running water, and there seemed to be a small stream not far away, and the stream was flowing slowly.When I walked to a single-plank bridge, I saw a stream under the single-plank bridge, and the water in the stream was very clear.

However, although the water in the creek is very clear, it is not drinkable.Because with the development of science and technology and the development of cities, there are less and less drinking water resources. In the mountains and forests in big cities, even those clear streams cannot be directly drunk.

Along the way, Wang Xiao and others saw some pavilions. These pavilions were not built with stones or bricks, but woven directly from bamboo.Whenever he sees these scenery, Wang Xiao always thinks of the scenery in those TV dramas.

"Why haven't you arrived for so long?" Sun Dafu said, sticking out his tongue.Since everyone walked very quickly and it took a long time, Sun Dafu felt very tired.Seeing Sun Dafu sticking out his tongue, Wang Xiao was sure that this guy must have been drinking too much, so he hollowed out his body.

"Sun Dafu, you have to be more careful in the future, don't let your body be hollowed out by alcohol." Wang Xiao reminded.

Regarding Wang Xiao's reminder, Sun Dafu said: "Master, in fact, I rarely do that kind of thing, sometimes only three or four times a day."

From a relatively long distance, the three of them heard the sound of a waterfall.From these sounds, Wang Xiaoneng can roughly judge that the source of these sounds is not very far away, less than a few hundred meters away.

After hearing the sound of the waterfall, Li Yuanhong was overjoyed. "Master Wang, as long as we can hear the sound of these waterfalls, we will soon be at the old man's place."

While Wang Xiao was happy, he was a little worried because he was worried that he would not be able to invite old man Yao down the mountain.If the other party is an ordinary person, Wang Xiao can still take the other party down the mountain forcibly if he has no other choice.

But the old man Yao once stayed in Yaowang Valley, so the opponent's strength must be very strong, and Wang Xiao can't use his strength.If he couldn't invite the other party down the mountain, Wang Xiao would be delayed for a long time. For his current situation, this would be a fatal blow.

"Master, it's finally here. If we can't arrive, I, Sun Dafu, will fall apart." Sun Dafu said cursingly.I saw that he was sweating profusely, as if he had walked very hard.As a mysterious master, his physique is so poor, this is the danger of excessive drinking.

The three of them came to a narrow path beside a cliff. On the left side of this path was a cliff covered with moss and weeds, while on the right side was a mountain stream.The mountain stream is not very high, only about tens of meters, and the valley below the mountain stream is full of moso bamboos.

The dense moso bamboo grows wantonly. When a gust of breeze blows, the countless bamboo forests below are undulating and swaying like waves.At first glance, the beautiful scene is like green waves on the sea, with continuous torrents.

This narrow path is big enough for two people to walk side by side, so it's not very dangerous.After walking through this path, I saw a thatched cottage in front of me. The thatched cottage was built on a cliff and went down the mountain.

And on the cliff is actually a waterfall, the waterfall with fierce water flow, like a ribbon of the Milky Way, rushing down the gap above the cliff mightily, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way.The fierce waterfall should have washed down the hut, because the hut was built under the current.

(End of this chapter)

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